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For this present recording scheme we basically used two kinds of data sources:

  1. publicly available publications and unpublished survey reports and academic papers, and
  2. private collections and private faunistic databases.

The review of faunistic publications is nearly complete only for Nord Rhine-Westphalia (reviewed by Dr. Martin Kreuels) und Rhineland-Palatinate (reviewed by Annette Lehna and Horst Krummenauer). In 2003 the review of material for Baden-Württemberg was completed (reviewed by D. Nährig, K.-H. Harms, J. Kiechle und J. Spelda).

For the rest of Germany the percentage of reviewed literature is probably below 50%.

We like to take this opportunity to thank all persons who provided data from their collections and databases!

Legend: is currently revised, low detail level, medium detail level, high detail level

6 sources:

Blick T, Entling MH, Fritze M-A, Muster C, Schneider M & Weber D (2014): Arachnida – Spinnentiere: Araneae, Opiliones, Pseudoscorpiones. S. 43-45; in: Eine Momentaufnahme aus der Flora und Fauna im grenzüberschreitenden Biosphärenreservat Pfälzerwald-Nordvogesen. Ergebnisse des 14. GEO-Tags der Artenvielfalt am 16. Juni 2012 – Annales Scientifiques de la Réserve de Biosphère transfrontalière Vosges du Nord-Pfälzerwald 17: 29–69 
Bucher R, Andres C, Wedel M, Entling MH & Nickel H (2016): Biodiversity in low-intensity pastures, straw meadows, and fallows of a fen area - a multitrophic comparison.Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 234: 58–64; DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2016.10.015 
Mestre L, Schirmel J, Hetz J, Kolb S, Pfister SC, Amato M, Sutter L, Jeanneret P, Albrecht M & Entling MH (2018): Both woody and herbaceous semi-natural habitats are essential for spider overwintering in European farmland.Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 267: 141–146; DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2018.08.018 
Reiff JM, Hofmann C & Entling MH (2024): Effect of fungicide sprays on spiders in vineyards.European Journal of Entomology 121: 19–28; DOI: 10.14411/eje.2024.003 
Schirmel J, Alt M, Rudolph I & Entling MH (2014): Effects of traditional flood irrigation on invertebrates in lowland meadows.PLOS ONE 9: e110854; DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0110854 
Wersebeckmann V, Kolb S, Entling MH & Leyer I (2021): Maintaining steep slope viticulture for spider diversity.Global Ecology and Conservation 29: e01727; DOI: 10.1016/j.gecco.2021.e01727