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For this present recording scheme we basically used two kinds of data sources:

  1. publicly available publications and unpublished survey reports and academic papers, and
  2. private collections and private faunistic databases.

The review of faunistic publications is nearly complete only for Nord Rhine-Westphalia (reviewed by Dr. Martin Kreuels) und Rhineland-Palatinate (reviewed by Annette Lehna and Horst Krummenauer). In 2003 the review of material for Baden-Württemberg was completed (reviewed by D. Nährig, K.-H. Harms, J. Kiechle und J. Spelda).

For the rest of Germany the percentage of reviewed literature is probably below 50%.

We like to take this opportunity to thank all persons who provided data from their collections and databases!

Legend: is currently revised, low detail level, medium detail level, high detail level

4 sources:

Schmidt Gerd (1992, unpublished): Artenlisten der NSGs Häuselloh und Hahnenfilz.Bericht an die Reg. Oberfranken, Bayreuth 
Schmidt Gerd (1987, unpublished): Faunistisch-ökologische Untersuchungen von Carabiden- und Araneengesellschaften auf Sandstandorten (insbesondere Silbergrasfluren) unterschiedlicher Vegetationsdeckung.Diplomarbeit Inst. Zool. I, Erlangen: 158 S. 
Schmidt Gerd (1991, unpublished): Bodenspinnen; in: Anwander H & Schmidt G: Laufkäfer und Bodenspinnen auf Almen im Landkreis Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Beiträge zum Arten- und Biotop-Schutzprogramm Landkreis Garmisch-Partenkrichen. Bericht an das Bayerische LfU: 20 S. 
Schmidt Gerd (1994): Caracladus avicula und Erigone tirolensis neu für Deutschland (Araneae: Linyphiidae).Arachnologische Mitteilungen 8: 65–66; DOI: 10.5431/aramit0810