Heinebrink (TK 25 no. 4526)

Center coordinates:N 51.4167890° / E 10.0307520°
Region:Thuringia, Germany
Elevation:328 m
Description:nähe Rohrberg, Heinebrink, (Halbtrockenrasen über Muschelkalk)
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Records from this location

Total: 3 records.

Araneae, True Spiders

Family Species Date rangeNumberMaturitySexSourceHabitat typeSituation descr.Collection methodIdentification characteristicleg. det. vid. coll. coll. 2 CommentsTags
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersAlopecosa farinosa accepted2017-03-301matureFundmeldungen von Arne WillenbergE1.2: Perennial calcareous grassland and basic steppesSighting/photo of habitusHabitusWillenbergWillenberg
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersAlopecosa farinosa accepted2017-03-301matureFundmeldungen von Arne WillenbergE1.2: Perennial calcareous grassland and basic steppesSighting/photo of habitusHabitusWillenbergWillenberg
Salticidae, Jumping spidersPellenes tripunctatus accepted2017-041unknownunknownFundmeldungen von Arne WillenbergE1.2: Perennial calcareous grassland and basic steppesSighting/photo of habitusHabitusWillenbergWillenberg

3 records, 2 species, min. 3 recorded specimens