Total: 14 records.
Family | Species | Date range | Number | Maturity | Sex | Location | Habitat type | Situation descr. | Collection method | Identification characteristic | leg. | det. | vid. | coll. | coll. 2 | Comments | Tags | ||
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spiders | Enoplognatha bryjai accepted | 2014-05-28 | 1 | mature | Lednice, national nature reserve Lednické rybníky, Prostřední rybník pond (CZ Grid 7266) | C3.2: Water-fringing reedbeds and tall helophytes other than canes | on flooded Carex sp. growth in littoral zone | unknown | Genitals | Jan Dolanský | Východočeské muzeum Pardubice | Paratypen | |||||||
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spiders | Enoplognatha bryjai accepted | 2014-05-28 | 1 | mature | Lednice, national nature reserve Lednické rybníky, Prostřední rybník pond (CZ Grid 7266) | C3.2: Water-fringing reedbeds and tall helophytes other than canes | on flooded Carex sp. growth in littoral zone | unknown | Genitals | Jan Dolanský | Východočeské muzeum Pardubice | Paratypen | |||||||
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spiders | Enoplognatha bryjai accepted | 2014-05-28 | 2 | mature | Lednice, national nature reserve Lednické rybníky, Prostřední rybník pond (CZ Grid 7266) | C3.2: Water-fringing reedbeds and tall helophytes other than canes | on flooded Carex sp. growth in littoral zone | unknown | Genitals | Milan Řezáč, Jan Dolanský & Vítězslav Bryja | Národní muzeum Praha | Paratypen | |||||||
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spiders | Enoplognatha bryjai accepted | 2014-05-28 | 2 | mature | Lednice, national nature reserve Lednické rybníky, Prostřední rybník pond (CZ Grid 7266) | C3.2: Water-fringing reedbeds and tall helophytes other than canes | on flooded Carex sp. growth in littoral zone | unknown | Genitals | Milan Řezáč, Jan Dolanský & Vítězslav Bryja | Národní muzeum Praha | Paratypen | |||||||
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spiders | Enoplognatha bryjai accepted | 2013-08-08 | 3 | mature | Lednice, national nature reserve Lednické rybníky, Prostřední rybník pond (CZ Grid 7266) | C3.2: Water-fringing reedbeds and tall helophytes other than canes | on flooded Carex sp. growth in littoral zone | unknown | Genitals | Tomáš Krejčí | Milan Řezáč | Paratypen | |||||||
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spiders | Enoplognatha bryjai accepted | 2003-08-03 | 3 | mature | Lednice, national nature reserve Lednické rybníky, Prostřední rybník pond (CZ Grid 7266) | C3.2: Water-fringing reedbeds and tall helophytes other than canes | on flooded Carex sp. growth in littoral zone | unknown | Genitals | Pavel Kasal | Pavel Kasal | Paratypen | |||||||
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spiders | Enoplognatha bryjai accepted | 2003-08-03 | 2 | mature | Lednice, national nature reserve Lednické rybníky, Prostřední rybník pond (CZ Grid 7266) | C3.2: Water-fringing reedbeds and tall helophytes other than canes | on flooded Carex sp. growth in littoral zone | unknown | Genitals | Vítězslav Bryja | Národní muzeum Praha | Paratypen | |||||||
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spiders | Enoplognatha bryjai accepted | 2003-07-09 | 1 | mature | Hlohovec, Výtopa pond (CZ Grid 7266) | C3.2: Water-fringing reedbeds and tall helophytes other than canes | water-fringing reed beds in littoral zone | unknown | Genitals | Josef Chytil | Národní muzeum Praha | Paratypen | |||||||
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spiders | Enoplognatha bryjai accepted | 2003-06-03 | 1 | mature | Hlohovec, national nature reserve Lednické rybníky, Hlohovecký pond (CZ Grid 7266) | C3.2: Water-fringing reedbeds and tall helophytes other than canes | water-fringing reed beds in littoral zone | unknown | Genitals | Josef Chytil | Robert Bosmans | Paratypen | |||||||
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spiders | Enoplognatha bryjai accepted | 2003-06-03 | 1 | mature | Hlohovec, national nature reserve Lednické rybníky, Hlohovecký pond (CZ Grid 7266) | C3.2: Water-fringing reedbeds and tall helophytes other than canes | water-fringing reed beds in littoral zone | unknown | Genitals | Josef Chytil | Robert Bosmans | Paratypen | |||||||
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spiders | Enoplognatha bryjai accepted | 2002-05-29 | 15 | mature | Tvrdonice, nature reserve Stibůrkovská jezera (CZ Grid 7268) | C3.2: Water-fringing reedbeds and tall helophytes other than canes | on Typha sp. growth in littoral zone | unknown | Genitals | Vítězslav Bryja | NMP P6A-5949 | Paratypen | |||||||
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spiders | Enoplognatha bryjai accepted | 2002-05-29 | 3 | mature | Tvrdonice, nature reserve Stibůrkovská jezera (CZ Grid 7268) | C3.2: Water-fringing reedbeds and tall helophytes other than canes | on Typha sp. growth in littoral zone | unknown | Genitals | Vítězslav Bryja | NMP P6A-5949 | Paratypen | |||||||
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spiders | Enoplognatha bryjai accepted | 2002-05-29 | 1 | mature | Tvrdonice, nature reserve Stibůrkovská jezera (CZ Grid 7268) | C3.2: Water-fringing reedbeds and tall helophytes other than canes | on Typha sp. growth in littoral zone | unknown | Genitals | Vítězslav Bryja | NMP P6A-5949 | Holotypus | |||||||
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spiders | Enoplognatha bryjai accepted | 1996-07-17 | 2 | mature | Lednice-Nejdek (CZ Grid 7166) | C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodies | littoral zone | unknown | Genitals | Vlastimil Růžička | Vlastimil Růžička | Paratypen | |||||||
14 records, 1 species, min. 38 recorded specimens