Fundmeldungen von Dagmar Reichardt, Erbach (Odenwald). 

All records from this source

Total: 1 record.

Legend: before 1900 1900–1949 1950–1959 1960–1969 1970–1979 1980–1989 1990–1999 2000–2009 2010–2019 2020–2029
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Opiliones, Harvestmen

Family Species Date rangeNumberMaturitySexLocationHabitat typeSituation descr.Collection methodIdentification characteristicleg. det. vid. coll. coll. 2 CommentsTags
SclerosomatidaeLeiobunum sp. A accepted2023-08-0510unknownunknownErbach im Odenwald, am Waldrand (TK 25 no. 6320)J1.2: Residential buildings of villages and urban peripheriesaußen an Hauswand, Haus ist nahe WaldrandSighting/photo of habitusHabitusReichardtReichardtMartens

1 record, 1 species, min. 10 recorded specimens