Total: 33 records.
Family | Species | Date range | Number | Maturity | Sex | Location | Habitat type | Situation descr. | Collection method | Identification characteristic | leg. | det. | vid. | coll. | coll. 2 | Comments | Tags | ||
Anyphaenidae, Buzzing spiders | Anyphaena accentuata accepted | 2024-11-11 | 1 | unknown | unknown | Wald bei Merzig (TK 25 no. 6505) | G: Woodland, forest and other wooded land | Sighting/photo of habitus | unknown | Vanessa Oehmig | Vanessa Oehmig | ||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Araneus angulatus accepted | 2024-07-30 | 1 | mature | Zum Müllerberg 7, 66663 Merzig (TK 25 no. 6505) | J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villages | Sighting/photo of habitus | Habitus | Vanessa Oehmig | Vanessa Oehmig | |||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Araneus quadratus accepted | 2024-09-12 | 1 | mature | Ort bei Merzig 4 (TK 25 no. 6505) | *: unknown | Sighting/photo of habitus | Habitus | Vanessa Oehmig | Vanessa Oehmig | |||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Araneus quadratus accepted | 2024-09-05 | 1 | mature | Nackberg bei Merzig (TK 25 no. 6505) | *: unknown | Sighting/photo of habitus | unknown | Vanessa Oehmig | Vanessa Oehmig | |||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Nuctenea umbratica accepted | 2024-12-27 | 1 | unknown | unknown | Saarschleife bei Mettlach (TK 25 no. 6505) | G: Woodland, forest and other wooded land | Sighting/photo of habitus | unknown | Vanessa Oehmig | Vanessa Oehmig | ||||||||
Clubionidae, Sac spiders | Clubiona corticalis accepted | 2024-12-08 | 1 | unknown | bei Besseringen 3 (TK 25 no. 6505) | *: unknown | Sighting/photo of habitus | unknown | Vanessa Oehmig | Aloys Staudt | |||||||||
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spiders | Dysdera erythrina accepted | 2024-12-08 | 1 | mature | bei Besseringen 3 (TK 25 no. 6505) | *: unknown | Hand collection | Genitals | Vanessa Oehmig | Vanessa Oehmig | Aloys Staudt | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Labulla thoracica accepted | 2024-12-08 | 1 | mature | bei Besseringen 3 (TK 25 no. 6505) | *: unknown | Hand collection | Genitals | Vanessa Oehmig | Vanessa Oehmig | Aloys Staudt | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Lepthyphantes minutus accepted | 2024-12-08 | 1 | mature | bei Besseringen 3 (TK 25 no. 6505) | *: unknown | Hand collection | Genitals | Vanessa Oehmig | Vanessa Oehmig | Aloys Staudt | ||||||||
Nesticidae, Comb-footed cellar spiders | Nesticus cellulanus accepted | 2024-12-08 | 1 | mature | bei Besseringen 4 (TK 25 no. 6505) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Vanessa Oehmig | Vanessa Oehmig | |||||||||
Philodromidae, Running crab spiders | Philodromus margaritatus accepted | 2024-12-27 | 1 | unknown | unknown | Saarschleife bei Mettlach (TK 25 no. 6505) | G: Woodland, forest and other wooded land | Sighting/photo of habitus | unknown | Vanessa Oehmig | Vanessa Oehmig | ||||||||
Philodromidae, Running crab spiders | Philodromus margaritatus accepted | 2024-12-08 | 1 | mature | bei Besseringen 3 (TK 25 no. 6505) | *: unknown | Hand collection | Genitals | Vanessa Oehmig | Vanessa Oehmig & Aloys Staudt | Aloys Staudt | ||||||||
Philodromidae, Running crab spiders | Philodromus margaritatus accepted | 2024-12-08 | 1 | mature | bei Besseringen 3 (TK 25 no. 6505) | *: unknown | Hand collection | Genitals | Vanessa Oehmig | Vanessa Oehmig & Aloys Staudt | Aloys Staudt | ||||||||
Pholcidae, Cellar spiders | Holocnemus pluchei accepted | 2024-11-12 | 1 | unknown | unknown | Trierer Str. 54, 66663 Merzig (TK 25 no. 6505) | I2.2: Small-scale ornamental and domestic garden areas | Sighting/photo of habitus | unknown | Vanessa Oehmig | Vanessa Oehmig | ||||||||
Salticidae, Jumping spiders | Philaeus chrysops accepted | 2020-05-04 | 1 | mature | bei Wolfspark Werner Freund (TK 25 no. 6505) | *: unknown | Sighting/photo of habitus | unknown | Vanessa Oehmig | Vanessa Oehmig | Aloys Staudt | Erstnachweis Saarland | |||||||
Segestriidae, Tubeweb spiders | Segestria bavarica accepted | 2024-11-05 | 2 | unknown | unknown | Am Werthchen 1, 66663 Merzig (TK 25 no. 6505) | *: unknown | 2 Tiere am Geländer des Baches. Dort sind auch Sandsteinmauern | Sighting/photo of habitus | unknown | Vanessa Oehmig | Vanessa Oehmig | |||||||
Segestriidae, Tubeweb spiders | Segestria senoculata accepted | 2025-01-18 | 1 | unknown | unknown | Wald bei B51 bei Merzig (TK 25 no. 6505) | G: Woodland, forest and other wooded land | An einer Kiefer | Sighting/photo of habitus | unknown | Vanessa Oehmig | Vanessa Oehmig | |||||||
Segestriidae, Tubeweb spiders | Segestria senoculata accepted | 2024-12-08 | 1 | mature | bei Besseringen 3 (TK 25 no. 6505) | G: Woodland, forest and other wooded land | unter Borke einer Kiefer | Sighting/photo of habitus | unknown | Vanessa Oehmig | Vanessa Oehmig | ||||||||
Sparassidae, Huntsman spiders | Micrommata virescens accepted | 2024-10-05 | 2 | immature | bei Besseringen (TK 25 no. 6505) | *: unknown | Hand collection | Habitus | Vanessa Oehmig | Vanessa Oehmig | |||||||||
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spiders | Meta menardi accepted | 2024-12-08 | 1 | mature | bei Besseringen 4 (TK 25 no. 6505) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Vanessa Oehmig | Vanessa Oehmig | |||||||||
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spiders | Meta menardi accepted | 2023-03-12 | 1 | unknown | Merzig, auf der Haardt (TK 25 no. 6505) | H1.7: Disused underground mines and tunnels | Sighting/photo of habitus | unknown | Vanessa Oehmig | Vanessa Oehmig | Population in mehreren Bunkern im Gebiet | ||||||||
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spiders | Steatoda bipunctata accepted | 2025-01-18 | 1 | unknown | unknown | bei B51 bei Merzig (TK 25 no. 6505) | *: unknown | Sighting/photo of habitus | unknown | Vanessa Oehmig | Vanessa Oehmig | ||||||||
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spiders | Steatoda triangulosa accepted | 2025-01-18 | 1 | unknown | unknown | bei B51 bei Merzig (TK 25 no. 6505) | *: unknown | Sighting/photo of habitus | unknown | Vanessa Oehmig | Vanessa Oehmig | ||||||||
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spiders | Steatoda triangulosa accepted | 2025-01-18 | 1 | unknown | unknown | Gartenbau b. Ballern (TK 25 no. 6505) | I1: Arable land and market gardens | Sighting/photo of habitus | unknown | Vanessa Oehmig | Vanessa Oehmig | ||||||||
Thomisidae, Crab spiders | Coriarachne depressa accepted | 2025-01-19 | 2 | unknown | unknown | Wald bei Losheim am See (TK 25 no. 6406) | G: Woodland, forest and other wooded land | unter der Borke einer großen Kiefer | Sighting/photo of habitus | unknown | Vanessa Oehmig | Vanessa Oehmig | |||||||
Thomisidae, Crab spiders | Coriarachne depressa accepted | 2024-12-08 | 1 | mature | bei Besseringen 3 (TK 25 no. 6505) | *: unknown | Hand collection | Genitals | Vanessa Oehmig | Vanessa Oehmig | Aloys Staudt | ||||||||
Thomisidae, Crab spiders | Diaea dorsata accepted | 2024-12-08 | 1 | mature | bei Besseringen 5 (TK 25 no. 6505) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Vanessa Oehmig | Vanessa Oehmig | |||||||||
Thomisidae, Crab spiders | Diaea dorsata accepted | 2024-11-11 | 1 | unknown | unknown | Wald bei Merzig (TK 25 no. 6505) | G: Woodland, forest and other wooded land | Sighting/photo of habitus | unknown | Vanessa Oehmig | Vanessa Oehmig | ||||||||
Thomisidae, Crab spiders | Diaea dorsata accepted | 2024-10-23 | 1 | immature | bei Besseringen 2 (TK 25 no. 6505) | *: unknown | Sighting/photo of habitus | unknown | Vanessa Oehmig | Vanessa Oehmig | |||||||||
Thomisidae, Crab spiders | Misumena vatia accepted | 2024-10-11 | 1 | immature | unknown | Weg beim NSG Nackberg bei Merzig (TK 25 no. 6505) | *: unknown | Sighting/photo of habitus | Habitus | Vanessa Oehmig | Vanessa Oehmig | ||||||||
Thomisidae, Crab spiders | Pistius truncatus accepted | 2024-10-26 | 1 | immature | Unterführung unter B 51 bei Besseringen 2 (TK 25 no. 6505) | G: Woodland, forest and other wooded land | Sighting/photo of habitus | unknown | Vanessa Oehmig | Vanessa Oehmig | |||||||||
Uloboridae, Cribellate orbweb spiders | Hyptiotes paradoxus accepted | 2024-09-12 | 1 | unknown | unknown | Gartenbau b. Ballern (TK 25 no. 6505) | I1: Arable land and market gardens | im offenen Folientunnel | Sighting/photo of habitus | Habitus | Vanessa Oehmig | Vanessa Oehmig | |||||||
32 records, 23 species, min. 35 recorded specimens
Family | Species | Date range | Number | Maturity | Sex | Location | Habitat type | Situation descr. | Collection method | Identification characteristic | leg. | det. | vid. | coll. | coll. 2 | Comments | Tags | ||
Sclerosomatidae | Leiobunum sp. A accepted | 2024-09-10 | 1000 | unknown | unknown | Unterführung unter B 51 bei Besseringen (TK 25 no. 6505) | J4.2: Road networks | Aggregationen | Sighting/photo of habitus | Habitus | Vanessa Oehmig | Vanessa Oehmig | Aloys Staudt, Axel Schönhofer | Anzahl geschätzt | |||||
1 record, 1 species, min. 1,000 recorded specimens