24214 Schinkel (TK 25 no. 1625)

Center coordinates:N 54.3554933° / E 9.9554842°
Region:Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
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Records from this location

Total: 1 record.

Araneae, True Spiders

Family Species Date rangeNumberMaturitySexSourceHabitat typeSituation descr.Collection methodIdentification characteristicleg. det. vid. coll. coll. 2 CommentsTags
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersArgiope bruennichi accepted2022-08-291unknownunknownFundmeldungen von Anja MoritzI2.2: Small-scale ornamental and domestic garden areasSighting/photo of habitusunknownAnja MoritzAnja Moritz

1 record, 1 species, min. 1 recorded specimen