Bertkau P (1884): Entomologische Miszellen: Weitere Beiträge zur Spinnenfauna der Rheinprovinz. – Verhandlungen des naturhistorischen Vereines der preussischen Rheinlande und Westfalens 41: 352–359 

All records from this source

Total: 10 records.

Legend: before 1900 1900–1949 1950–1959 1960–1969 1970–1979 1980–1989 1990–1999 2000–2009 2010–2019 2020–2029
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Araneae, True Spiders

Family Species Date rangeNumberMaturitySexLocationHabitat typeSituation descr.Collection methodIdentification characteristicleg. det. vid. coll. coll. 2 CommentsTags
Clubionidae, Sac spidersClubiona diversa accepted1883-09-29matureOlbrück in der Eifel (TK 25 no. 5509)*: unknownunter einem im Felde liegenden SteinHand collectionunknownBertkauBertkausub Clubiona pallens
Clubionidae, Sac spidersClubiona diversa accepted1883-09-29matureOlbrück in der Eifel (TK 25 no. 5509)*: unknownunter einem im Felde liegenden SteinHand collectionunknownBertkauBertkausub Clubiona pallens
Cybaeidae, Soft spidersTuberta maerens accepted1884-07-10matureBonn Hofgarten (TK 25 no. 5208)I2.23: Small parks and city squaresauf RindeHand collectionunknownBertkauBertkausub Cryphoeca mirabilis
Dictynidae, Meshweb spidersAltella lucida accepted (as Altella spinigera)1884-09-202maturebei Bodendorf im Ahrtal (TK 25 no. 5409)*: unknownHand collectionunknownBertkauBertkau
Dictynidae, Meshweb spidersAltella lucida accepted (as Altella spinigera)1884-09-201maturebei Bodendorf im Ahrtal (TK 25 no. 5409)*: unknownHand collectionunknownBertkauBertkau
Oonopidae, Goblin spidersOonops pulcher accepted1884-041matureBad Neuenahr (TK 25 no. 5408)*: unknownunter der losen Rinde eines ApfelbaumesHand collectionunknownBertkauBertkau
Salticidae, Jumping spidersAttulus caricis accepted (as Attus caricis)1884-05unknownunknownWahner Heide (TK 25 no. 5108)C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodiesWeiherHand collectionunknownBertkauBertkau
Salticidae, Jumping spidersMarpissa radiata accepted (as Marptusa radiata)1884-06-01–1884-08-31unknownunknownSumpf bei Dellbrück (TK 25 no. 5008)C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodiesin einem kleinen SumpfHand collectionunknownBertkauBertkau
Salticidae, Jumping spidersNeon levis accepted (as Neon laevis)1884-07-121maturebei Hammerstein (TK 25 no. 5510)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landzwischen Steinen an einem WaldwegeHand collectionunknownBertkauBertkau
TitanoecidaeTitanoeca spominima accepted1883-04-131immaturebei Ingelheim (TK 25 no. 6014)*: unknownunter SteinenHand collectionunknownBertkauBertkausub Titanoeca tristis; evtl. auch T. quadriguttata

10 records, 8 species, min. 11 recorded specimens