Aachen (TK 25 no. 5202)

Name tag:ACEuro
Center coordinates:N 50.7811111° / E 6.0924444°
Region:North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Elevation:177 m
Description:Park mit Baumreihen
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Records from this location

Total: 3 records.

Araneae, True Spiders

Family Species Date rangeNumberMaturitySexSourceHabitat typeSituation descr.Collection methodIdentification characteristicleg. det. vid. coll. coll. 2 CommentsTags
Linyphiidae, Money spidersMoebelia penicillata accepted2019-04-181matureFundmeldungen von Alexander BachG5.1: Lines of treesauf BaumrindeHand collectionGenitalsAlexander BachAlexander Bach
Salticidae, Jumping spidersSalticus zebraneus accepted2019-04-181matureFundmeldungen von Alexander BachG5.1: Lines of treesauf BaumrindeHand collectionGenitalsAlexander BachAlexander Bach
Salticidae, Jumping spidersSalticus zebraneus accepted2019-04-181matureFundmeldungen von Alexander BachG5.1: Lines of treesauf BaumrindeHand collectionGenitalsAlexander BachAlexander Bach

3 records, 2 species, min. 3 recorded specimens