Wiehle H (1963): Beiträge zur Kenntnis der deutschen Spinnenfauna III. – Zoologische Jahrbücher, Abteilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere 90: 227–298 

Linked sources

Some records are already listed under the following sources:

Casemir H (1955): Die Spinnenfauna des Hülserbruches bei Krefeld.Gewässer und Abwässer 8: 24–51 

All records from this source

Total: 24 records.

Legend: before 1900 1900–1949 1950–1959 1960–1969 1970–1979 1980–1989 1990–1999 2000–2009 2010–2019 2020–2029
grid field unprecise position precise position

Araneae, True Spiders

Family Species Date rangeNumberMaturitySexLocationHabitat typeSituation descr.Collection methodIdentification characteristicleg. det. vid. coll. coll. 2 CommentsTags
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersCoelotes atropos accepted1934-091matureStolberg (Harz), Mischwald (TK 25 no. 4431)G4: Mixed deciduous and coniferous woodlandunknownGenitalsWiehleWiehle
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersCoelotes atropos accepted1934-091matureStolberg (Harz), Mischwald (TK 25 no. 4431)G4: Mixed deciduous and coniferous woodlandunknownGenitalsWiehleWiehle
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersEratigena atrica accepted (as Tegenaria atrica)1960–1963unknownunknownTK 25 Nr. 4609: Hattingen *: unknownunknownunknown
Linyphiidae, Money spidersDiplocephalus lusiscus accepted1934unknownunknownBismarck-Höhle (TK 25 no. 4610)H1: Terrestrial underground caves, cave systems, passages and waterbodiesunknownunknown
Linyphiidae, Money spidersDiplocephalus lusiscus accepted19261matureBerghauser Höhle (Erlenhöhle) bei Schwelm (TK 25 no. 4709)H1: Terrestrial underground caves, cave systems, passages and waterbodiesunknownunknownRoewerRoewer 2698, Senckenberg
Linyphiidae, Money spidersDiplocephalus lusiscus accepted19261matureHöhle bei Schwelm (TK 25 no. 4709)H1: Terrestrial underground caves, cave systems, passages and waterbodiesunknownunknownRoewerRoewer 5197, Senckenberg
Linyphiidae, Money spidersDiplocephalus lusiscus accepted19261matureKarhof-Höhle (TK 25 no. 4613)H1: Terrestrial underground caves, cave systems, passages and waterbodiesHöhleunknownunknownRoewerRoewer 2441, Senckenberg
Linyphiidae, Money spidersDiplocephalus lusiscus accepted19263matureKlutert-Höhle (TK 25 no. 4610)H1: Terrestrial underground caves, cave systems, passages and waterbodiesunknownunknownRoewerRoewer 2544, Senckenberg
Linyphiidae, Money spidersDiplocephalus lusiscus accepted19261immatureunknownKlutert-Höhle (TK 25 no. 4610)H1: Terrestrial underground caves, cave systems, passages and waterbodiesunknownunknownRoewerRoewer 2544, Senckenberg
Linyphiidae, Money spidersDiplocephalus lusiscus accepted19262matureKlutert-Höhle (TK 25 no. 4610)H1: Terrestrial underground caves, cave systems, passages and waterbodiesunknownunknownRoewerRoewer 2544, Senckenberg
Linyphiidae, Money spidersImprophantes nitidus accepted (as Lepthyphantes kochi)1852–18778maturebei Happurg (TK 25 no. 6534)*: unknownunknownunknownL. KochLocket
Linyphiidae, Money spidersImprophantes nitidus accepted (as Lepthyphantes kochi)1852–18773maturebei Happurg (TK 25 no. 6534)*: unknownunknownunknownL. KochLocket
Linyphiidae, Money spidersNusoncus nasutus accepted (as Troxochrus nasutus)1959-05-296maturebei Andreasberg (TK 25 no. 4229)G3: Coniferous woodlandunknownunknownRabeler
Linyphiidae, Money spidersOreoneta tatrica accepted (as Hilaira tatrica)1952-09-09unknownOderbrück (Harz) (TK 25 no. 4229)D: Mires, bogs and fensunknownunknownRabeler
Linyphiidae, Money spidersOreoneta tatrica accepted (as Hilaira tatrica)1952-09-09unknownOderbrück (Harz) (TK 25 no. 4229)D: Mires, bogs and fensunknownunknownRabeler
Linyphiidae, Money spidersOreoneta tatrica accepted (as Hilaira tatrica)1952unknownunknownbei Torfhaus (Harz) (TK 25 no. 4129)D: Mires, bogs and fensunknownunknownRabeler
Linyphiidae, Money spidersOreonetides vaginatus accepted1959-07-131matureAchtermann (Harz) (TK 25 no. 4229)G3: Coniferous woodlandStreuunknownunknownRabeler
Linyphiidae, Money spidersOreonetides vaginatus accepted1959-05-282matureAchtermann (Harz) (TK 25 no. 4229)G3: Coniferous woodlandunknownunknownRabeler
Linyphiidae, Money spidersPalliduphantes insignis accepted (as Lepthyphantes insignis)19602matureLübke-Koog (TK 25 no. 1117)*: unknownunknownunknownHeydemann
Linyphiidae, Money spidersPalliduphantes insignis accepted (as Lepthyphantes insignis)19605matureLübke-Koog (TK 25 no. 1117)*: unknownunknownunknownHeydemann
Linyphiidae, Money spidersSemljicola faustus accepted (as Latithorax faustus)1959-09matureNaturwaldforschungsfläche Bruchberg (TK 25 no. 4229)D: Mires, bogs and fensunknownunknownRabeler
Linyphiidae, Money spidersSemljicola faustus accepted (as Latithorax faustus)1959-081matureNaturwaldforschungsfläche Bruchberg (TK 25 no. 4229)D: Mires, bogs and fensunknownunknownRabeler
Linyphiidae, Money spidersSemljicola faustus accepted (as Latithorax faustus)1959-05matureNaturwaldforschungsfläche Bruchberg (TK 25 no. 4229)D: Mires, bogs and fensunknownunknownRabeler
Linyphiidae, Money spidersSemljicola faustus accepted (as Latithorax faustus)1959-051matureNaturwaldforschungsfläche Bruchberg (TK 25 no. 4229)D: Mires, bogs and fensunknownunknownRabeler

24 records, 9 species, min. 47 recorded specimens