Total: 14 records.
Family | Species | Date range | Number | Maturity | Sex | Location | Habitat type | Situation descr. | Collection method | Identification characteristic | leg. | det. | vid. | coll. | coll. 2 | Comments | Tags | ||
Lycosidae, Wolf spiders | Arctosa cinerea accepted | 2023-10-09 | 1 | mature | Naunhofer See (TK 25 no. 4741) | C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodies | in gefluteter Kiesgrube | Sighting/photo of habitus | Habitus | Haug, J. | Haug, J. | Hubert Höfer | Art wiederholt beobachtet seit 2020 | ||||||
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spiders | Cryptachaea riparia accepted | 2020-09-21 | 1 | unknown | St. Peter, Schwarzwald (TK 25 no. 7914) | J1.2: Residential buildings of villages and urban peripheries | in Dachgarten | Sighting/photo of habitus | Net | Hubert Höfer | |||||||||
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spiders | Cryptachaea riparia accepted | 2014-09-29 | 1 | unknown | Gerstäcker bei Gauselfingen (TK 25 no. 7720) | E1.2: Perennial calcareous grassland and basic steppes | Sighting/photo of habitus | Net | H. Höfer | Hubert Höfer | |||||||||
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spiders | Steatoda triangulosa accepted | 2020-09-29 | 1 | unknown | Grünwettersbach (TK 25 no. 7016) | J1.2: Residential buildings of villages and urban peripheries | Sighting/photo of habitus | Habitus | Hubert Höfer | ||||||||||
Zoropsidae, False wolf spiders | Zoropsis spinimana accepted | 2022-10-27 | 1 | mature | Bernshausen, 36457 Dermbach, Deutschland (TK 25 no. 5227) | J1.2: Residential buildings of villages and urban peripheries | an Hauswand am Eingang | Sighting/photo of habitus | Habitus | H. Brünner | H. Brünner | Hubert Höfer | |||||||
Zoropsidae, False wolf spiders | Zoropsis spinimana accepted | 2022-08-24 | 3 | unknown | unknown | Vaihingen an der Enz (TK 25 no. 7019) | J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centres | Sighting/photo of habitus | Habitus | Willmer, B.J. | Hubert Höfer | ||||||||
Zoropsidae, False wolf spiders | Zoropsis spinimana accepted | 2021-11-27 | 1 | mature | TK 25 Nr. 6821: Heilbronn | J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centres | verm. Terrasse | Sighting/photo of habitus | Habitus | A. Bluhm | Hubert Höfer | Fotos inkl. Bauchseite mit Epigyne | |||||||
Zoropsidae, False wolf spiders | Zoropsis spinimana accepted | 2021-04-17 | 1 | unknown | Berghausen Pfinztal (TK 25 no. 6917) | J1.41: Urban and suburban commercial units | in Supermarkt an Bananen | Sighting/photo of habitus | Habitus | Hubert Höfer | |||||||||
Zoropsidae, False wolf spiders | Zoropsis spinimana accepted | 2021-02-22 | 1 | unknown | TK 25 Nr. 7115: Rastatt | J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centres | in Innenraum | Sighting/photo of habitus | Habitus | Hubert Höfer | Foto eindeutig | ||||||||
Zoropsidae, False wolf spiders | Zoropsis spinimana accepted | 2020-09-29 | 1 | unknown | Wolfartsweier (TK 25 no. 7016) | J1.2: Residential buildings of villages and urban peripheries | Sighting/photo of habitus | Habitus | Hubert Höfer | ||||||||||
Zoropsidae, False wolf spiders | Zoropsis spinimana accepted | 2020-09-29 | 1 | unknown | Wolfartsweier (TK 25 no. 7016) | J1.2: Residential buildings of villages and urban peripheries | in einem Bauwagen | Sighting/photo of habitus | Habitus | Hubert Höfer | |||||||||
Zoropsidae, False wolf spiders | Zoropsis spinimana accepted | 2019-04-09 | 1 | mature | Oberderdingen (TK 25 no. 6918) | J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villages | an Garagenwand (aussen) | Sighting/photo of habitus | Habitus | Hubert Höfer | |||||||||
Zoropsidae, False wolf spiders | Zoropsis spinimana accepted | 2019-03-20 | 1 | mature | Karlsruhe-Rüppurr (TK 25 no. 7016) | J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villages | an Garagenwand (aussen) | Sighting/photo of habitus | Habitus | Hubert Höfer | |||||||||
13 records, 4 species, min. 15 recorded specimens
Family | Species | Date range | Number | Maturity | Sex | Location | Habitat type | Situation descr. | Collection method | Identification characteristic | leg. | det. | vid. | coll. | coll. 2 | Comments | Tags | ||
Chernetidae | Chernes hahnii accepted | 2022-04-01 | 4 | mature | unknown | Waren (Müritz) (TK 25 no. 2442) | I2: Cultivated areas of gardens and parks | an Stamm | Hand collection | Habitus | Husemann, M. | Husemann, M. | Hubert Höfer | SMNK-PSEUDOSCORPIONES | SMNK-PSEUD 0073 | ||||
1 record, 1 species, min. 4 recorded specimens