Records of all locations in TK 25 no. 4310

Records from this location

Total: 13 records.

Araneae, True Spiders

Family Species Date rangeNumberMaturitySexSourceLocationHabitat typeSituation descr.Collection methodIdentification characteristicleg. det. vid. coll. coll. 2 CommentsTags
Clubionidae, Sac spidersClubiona brevipes accepted2000–20091unknownunknownFundmeldungen/Datenbank von Volker Hartmann, KoblenzTK 25 Nr. 4310: Datteln *: unknownunknownunknown
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersCallilepis nocturna accepted1990–1999unknownunknownDoer D (2000)TK 25 Nr. 4310: Datteln *: unknownunknownunknown
Pholcidae, Cellar spidersPsilochorus simoni accepted2024-12-251matureFundmeldungen von Lena Brockmeier59379 Selm (TK 25 no. 4310)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresKellerSighting/photo of habitusHabitusLena BrockmeierM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-12-201unknownunknownMeldungen von Zoropsis spinimana an NABU-Naturgucker, 2022TK25 Blatt 4310/1 - Datteln (Nordost) (TK 25 no. 4310)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownNABU-NG -1751960210
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-12-091unknownunknownMeldungen von Zoropsis spinimana an NABU-Naturgucker, 2022TK25 Blatt 4310/1 - Datteln (Nordost) (TK 25 no. 4310)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownNABU-NG -916610630Jüngeres Exemplar in der Küche entdeckt.
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-11-251unknownunknownMeldungen von Zoropsis spinimana an NABU-Naturgucker, 2022TK25 Blatt 4310/3 - Waltrop / Datteln (TK 25 no. 4310)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownNABU-NG 21398110750Saß in meinem Auto zwischen Tür und Rahmen. Bewegte sich, als ich sie versuchte mit einem Glas einzufangen.
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-11-011unknownunknownMeldungen von Zoropsis spinimana an NABU-Naturgucker, 2022TK25 Blatt 4310/2 - Münsterland / Selm / Bork (TK 25 no. 4310)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownNABU-NG 8934030120
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-10-141unknownunknownMeldungen von Zoropsis spinimana an NABU-Naturgucker, 2022TK25 Blatt 4310/4 - Lippe ( Waltrop (Ost) / Alstedde (TK 25 no. 4310)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownNABU-NG -21175117530In der Garage
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-10-091unknownunknownMeldungen von Zoropsis spinimana an NABU-Naturgucker, 2022TK25 Blatt 4310/1 - Datteln (Nordost) (TK 25 no. 4310)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownNABU-NG 5329143940Auf der Balkon Fußmatte
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-071unknownunknownMeldungen von Zoropsis spinimana an NABU-Naturgucker, 2022Datteln-Zentrum (TK 25 no. 4310)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownNABU-NG -12856873710
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-061unknownunknownMeldungen von Zoropsis spinimana an NABU-Naturgucker, 2022TK25 Blatt 4310/1 - Datteln (Nordost) (TK 25 no. 4310)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownNABU-NG 17716331910
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-061unknownunknownMeldungen von Zoropsis spinimana an NABU-Naturgucker, 2022TK25 Blatt 4310/1 - Datteln (Nordost) (TK 25 no. 4310)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownNABU-NG 10306127830

12 records, 4 species, min. 12 recorded specimens

Opiliones, Harvestmen

Family Species Date rangeNumberMaturitySexSourceLocationHabitat typeSituation descr.Collection methodIdentification characteristicleg. det. vid. coll. coll. 2 CommentsTags
PhalangiidaeDicranopalpus ramosus accepted2010-01-01–2016-07-111unknownunknownFundmeldung von Dr. Thorsten Zegula aus Waltrop (mit Fotobeleg)TK 25 Nr. 4310: Datteln *: unknownunknownunknown

1 record, 1 species, min. 1 recorded specimen