Bischof R (unpublished): Spiders of flooded riverine habitats in Saxony. 

Notes: Quellenangabe unvollständig

All records from this source

Total: 83 records.

Legend: before 1900 1900–1949 1950–1959 1960–1969 1970–1979 1980–1989 1990–1999 2000–2009 2010–2019 2020–2029
grid field unprecise position precise position

Araneae, True Spiders

Family Species Date rangeNumberMaturitySexLocationHabitat typeSituation descr.Collection methodIdentification characteristicleg. det. vid. coll. coll. 2 CommentsTags
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus lutetianus accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00019 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus lutetianus accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00020 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus lutetianus accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00021 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00024 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00010 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00036 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAraeoncus humilis accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00006 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAraeoncus humilis accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00011 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAraeoncus humilis accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-213matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00027 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAraeoncus humilis accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-212matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00044 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersBathyphantes gracilis accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00014 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCollinsia distincta accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Niederglaucha | Niederglaucha_GF (TK 25 no. 4441)E3.4: Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grasslandPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00083 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersDicymbium tibiale accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00039 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersDiplocephalus latifrons accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_Sand (TK 25 no. 4441)C3.6: Unvegetated or sparsely vegetated shores with soft or mobile sedimentsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00005 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersErigone atra accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GB (TK 25 no. 4441)G1.1: Riparian and gallery woodland, with dominant alder, birch, poplar or willowPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00061 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersErigone atra accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-212matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GB (TK 25 no. 4441)G1.1: Riparian and gallery woodland, with dominant alder, birch, poplar or willowPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00063 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersErigone atra accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-212matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GB (TK 25 no. 4441)G1.1: Riparian and gallery woodland, with dominant alder, birch, poplar or willowPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00065 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersErigone atra accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-214matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GB (TK 25 no. 4441)G1.1: Riparian and gallery woodland, with dominant alder, birch, poplar or willowPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00070 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersErigone atra accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-217matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GB (TK 25 no. 4441)G1.1: Riparian and gallery woodland, with dominant alder, birch, poplar or willowPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00072 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersErigone atra accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-213matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00028 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersErigone atra accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-216matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00029 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersErigone atra accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-218matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00030 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersErigone atra accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-216matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00048 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersErigone atra accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-216matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00053 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersErigone dentipalpis accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-219matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00031 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersErigone dentipalpis accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-2111matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00032 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersErigone dentipalpis accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-2112matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00034 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersErigone dentipalpis accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-212matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00045 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersErigone dentipalpis accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-2111matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00052 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersErigone dentipalpis accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_Sand (TK 25 no. 4441)C3.6: Unvegetated or sparsely vegetated shores with soft or mobile sedimentsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00001 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersGongylidium rufipes accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GB (TK 25 no. 4441)G1.1: Riparian and gallery woodland, with dominant alder, birch, poplar or willowPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00062 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersMicrargus herbigradus accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00040 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersOedothorax apicatus accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00008 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersOedothorax retusus accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GB (TK 25 no. 4441)G1.1: Riparian and gallery woodland, with dominant alder, birch, poplar or willowPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00076 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersOedothorax retusus accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GB (TK 25 no. 4441)G1.1: Riparian and gallery woodland, with dominant alder, birch, poplar or willowPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00077 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersOedothorax retusus accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GB (TK 25 no. 4441)G1.1: Riparian and gallery woodland, with dominant alder, birch, poplar or willowPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00078 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersOedothorax retusus accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00012 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersOedothorax retusus accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00038 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersOstearius melanopygius accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_Sand (TK 25 no. 4441)C3.6: Unvegetated or sparsely vegetated shores with soft or mobile sedimentsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00003 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersPorrhomma microphthalmum accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00018 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersPorrhomma microphthalmum accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-212matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00025 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersPorrhomma microphthalmum accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_Sand (TK 25 no. 4441)C3.6: Unvegetated or sparsely vegetated shores with soft or mobile sedimentsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00002 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersTiso vagans accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_Sand (TK 25 no. 4441)C3.6: Unvegetated or sparsely vegetated shores with soft or mobile sedimentsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00004 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersTroxochrus scabriculus accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00009 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersTroxochrus scabriculus accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00016 rlz
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersAlopecosa cuneata accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00017 rlz
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersAlopecosa pulverulenta accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00023 rlz
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersArctosa cinerea accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GB (TK 25 no. 4441)G1.1: Riparian and gallery woodland, with dominant alder, birch, poplar or willowPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00074 rlz
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa agrestis accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00013 rlz
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa amentata accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-212matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GB (TK 25 no. 4441)G1.1: Riparian and gallery woodland, with dominant alder, birch, poplar or willowPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00066 rlz
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa amentata accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-214matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GB (TK 25 no. 4441)G1.1: Riparian and gallery woodland, with dominant alder, birch, poplar or willowPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00069 rlz
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa amentata accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-216matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GB (TK 25 no. 4441)G1.1: Riparian and gallery woodland, with dominant alder, birch, poplar or willowPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00071 rlz
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa amentata accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-213matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GB (TK 25 no. 4441)G1.1: Riparian and gallery woodland, with dominant alder, birch, poplar or willowPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00081 rlz
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa amentata accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-2113matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GB (TK 25 no. 4441)G1.1: Riparian and gallery woodland, with dominant alder, birch, poplar or willowPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00082 rlz
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa amentata accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00007 rlz
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa amentata accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-212matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00026 rlz
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa amentata accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-212matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00046 rlz
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa amentata accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-216matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00047 rlz
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa amentata accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00054 rlz
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa palustris accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GB (TK 25 no. 4441)G1.1: Riparian and gallery woodland, with dominant alder, birch, poplar or willowPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00056 rlz
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa palustris accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-2111matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00033 rlz
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa palustris accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00042 rlz
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa palustris accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-217matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00049 rlz
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa palustris accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-218matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00051 rlz
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa prativaga accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GB (TK 25 no. 4441)G1.1: Riparian and gallery woodland, with dominant alder, birch, poplar or willowPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00057 rlz
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa prativaga accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GB (TK 25 no. 4441)G1.1: Riparian and gallery woodland, with dominant alder, birch, poplar or willowPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00060 rlz
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa prativaga accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-214matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GB (TK 25 no. 4441)G1.1: Riparian and gallery woodland, with dominant alder, birch, poplar or willowPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00068 rlz
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa prativaga accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GB (TK 25 no. 4441)G1.1: Riparian and gallery woodland, with dominant alder, birch, poplar or willowPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00079 rlz
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa prativaga accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-2121matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GB (TK 25 no. 4441)G1.1: Riparian and gallery woodland, with dominant alder, birch, poplar or willowPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00080 rlz
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa prativaga accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00022 rlz
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa prativaga accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00041 rlz
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa prativaga accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-217matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00050 rlz
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa pullata accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00015 rlz
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPirata piraticus accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GB (TK 25 no. 4441)G1.1: Riparian and gallery woodland, with dominant alder, birch, poplar or willowPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00059 rlz
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPirata piraticus accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-214matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GB (TK 25 no. 4441)G1.1: Riparian and gallery woodland, with dominant alder, birch, poplar or willowPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00067 rlz
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPiratula hygrophila accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GB (TK 25 no. 4441)G1.1: Riparian and gallery woodland, with dominant alder, birch, poplar or willowPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00055 rlz
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPiratula hygrophila accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-2111matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GB (TK 25 no. 4441)G1.1: Riparian and gallery woodland, with dominant alder, birch, poplar or willowPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00073 rlz
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersTrochosa ruricola accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GB (TK 25 no. 4441)G1.1: Riparian and gallery woodland, with dominant alder, birch, poplar or willowPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00058 rlz
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersTrochosa ruricola accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-212matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GB (TK 25 no. 4441)G1.1: Riparian and gallery woodland, with dominant alder, birch, poplar or willowPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00064 rlz
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spidersPachygnatha clercki accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GB (TK 25 no. 4441)G1.1: Riparian and gallery woodland, with dominant alder, birch, poplar or willowPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00075 rlz
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spidersPachygnatha clercki accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00037 rlz
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spidersPachygnatha degeeri accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00035 rlz
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spidersPachygnatha degeeri accepted2003-05-07–2003-05-211matureNordsachsen | Gruna | Gruna_GL (TK 25 no. 4441)E1: Dry grasslandsPitfall trapunknownBischof, R.ARAGES_BZ_00043 rlz

83 records, 31 species, min. 258 recorded specimens