Einzelmeldungen von Zoropsis spinimana

Notes: inkl. korrigierte Fehlbestimmungen

All records from this source

Total: 647 records.

Legend: before 1900 1900–1949 1950–1959 1960–1969 1970–1979 1980–1989 1990–1999 2000–2009 2010–2019 2020–2029
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Araneae, True Spiders

Family Species Date rangeNumberMaturitySexLocationHabitat typeSituation descr.Collection methodIdentification characteristicleg. det. vid. coll. coll. 2 CommentsTags
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersEratigena atrica accepted2024-08-281matureStatthalterhofallee 28, 50858 Köln (TK 25 no. 5007)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownAndrea JohannesM. Hohner
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersEratigena atrica accepted2024-08-261matureDrehergasse 7, 87629 Füssen (TK 25 no. 8430)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownGiacomo ScheuerM. Hohner
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersEratigena atrica accepted2024-05-041mature06618 Cauerwitz (TK 25 no. 4937)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusHabitusHeldM. Hohner
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersEratigena atrica accepted2024-03-151unknownGlückaufstraße 6B, 99759 Sollstedt (TK 25 no. 4529)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownBurkhard RiecheM. Hohner
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersEratigena atrica accepted2024-03-131unknownunknownOrt bei Münster (TK 25 no. 4012)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownKornmüller UlrikeM. Hohner
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersEratigena atrica accepted2023-08-211matureGeorg-Birk-Straße 19, 80797 München (TK 25 no. 7835)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusHabitusTina RoßmannM. Hohner
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersEratigena atrica accepted2023-08-181unknownErlenaustraße 27, 83022 Rosenheim (TK 25 no. 8138)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresKücheSighting/photo of habitusHabitusVogrinec BarbaraM. Hohner
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersEratigena atrica accepted2023-08-161unknownTalstraße 9, 70794 Filderstadt (TK 25 no. 7321)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresWohnzimmerSighting/photo of habitusunknownLämmle AndreasM. Hohner
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersEratigena atrica accepted2023-08-011unknownIm Eierfeld 64, 32609 Hüllhorst (TK 25 no. 3717)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesim HausSighting/photo of habitusunknownDominik BraunM. Hohner
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersEratigena atrica accepted2023-07-031matureSchellenstraße, 47139 Duisburg (TK 25 no. 4506)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusHabitusM. Hohner
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersEratigena atrica accepted2023-06-221unknownAm Vorbruch 10, 28832 Achim (TK 25 no. 2920)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesunter Abdeckung für einen Regenwasserabfluss in AußenbereichSighting/photo of habitusHabitusFlorian StarosteM. Hohner
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersEratigena atrica accepted2022-11-063matureWildenrother Str., München (TK 25 no. 7834)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresTotfunde im Keller (Gästezimmer, Heizung)Sighting/photo of habitusHabitusUlrike ParuselM. Hohnersub Zoropsis spinimana
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersEratigena atrica accepted2022-09-171unknownSiedlungsweg 36, 95666 Mitterteich (TK 25 no. 6039)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownJulian DostlerM. Hohner
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersEratigena atrica accepted2022-08-251matureKraichtal (TK 25 no. 6818)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresBadezimmerSighting/photo of habitusunknownAndreaAndrea
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersEratigena atrica accepted2021-04-021matureUhdestraße 2C, 82319 Starnberg (TK 25 no. 7934)I2.2: Small-scale ornamental and domestic garden areasSighting/photo of habitusunknownStephanie JenningerM. Hohner
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersTegenaria ferruginea accepted2025-01-311unknownWehlenberg 6A, 29227 Celle (TK 25 no. 3426)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownAnnegret 14 KohlrautzM. Hohner
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersTegenaria ferruginea accepted2024-05-071unknownTegernseer Str. 17, 83666 Waakirchen (TK 25 no. 8236)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusHabitusMaike StrobelM. Hohner
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersTegenaria ferruginea accepted2024-04-091matureWerner-Arnold-Bau, Agricolastraße 22, 09599 Freiberg (TK 25 no. 5046)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusHabitusTill StadtmüllerM. Hohner
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersTegenaria ferruginea accepted2023-10-221unknownFriedrich-Ebert-Ring 30A, 97072 Würzburg (TK 25 no. 6225)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusHabitusDr. Maximilian WeinrichM. Hohner
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersTegenaria ferruginea accepted2023-03-191matureAdolf-von-Harnack-Straße 8, 06114 Halle (Saale) (TK 25 no. 4537)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresKücheSighting/photo of habitusHabitusLucius BobikiewiczM. Hohner
Anyphaenidae, Buzzing spidersAnyphaena accentuata accepted2024-04-281matureLeipziger Str. 19, 01097 Dresden (TK 25 no. 4948)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusHabitusLuisa KöckertM. Hohner
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersAraneus diadematus accepted2024-08-291unknownSüdstraße 29, 03253 Doberlug-Kirchhain (TK 25 no. 4347)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownThekla MeyerM. Hohner
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersAraneus diadematus accepted2023-08-231matureAm Dobben 88, 28203 Bremen (TK 25 no. 2918)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusHabitusHannah NeumannM. Hohner
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersArgiope bruennichi accepted2023-08-261matureOrt bei Bopfingen (TK 25 no. 7128)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusHabitusMichael SchieberM. Hohner
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersNuctenea umbratica accepted2024-07-251unknownCamping Christophorus, Werte 6, 88486 Kirchberg an der Iller (TK 25 no. 7826)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusHabitusStefan rM. Hohner
Pisauridae, Nurseryweb spidersPisaura mirabilis accepted2023-07-141unknownBergstraße 10, 85617 Aßling (TK 25 no. 8037)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownAnja BuchnerAnja Buchner
Salticidae, Jumping spidersMarpissa muscosa accepted2023-05-191matureGraf-Wilhelm-Straße 22, 31515 Wunstorf (TK 25 no. 3522)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusHabitusJessica BadeM. Hohner
Scytodidae, Spitting spidersScytodes thoracica accepted2023-03-151unknownunknownMathildenstraße 83B, 41239 Mönchengladbach (TK 25 no. 4804)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownSabine ArmborstSabine Armborst
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2025-02-111matureDurlismatten 4, 79588 Efringen-Kirchen (TK 25 no. 8311)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownSandra Thelen-GrafSandra Thelen-Graf
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2025-01-211unknownMarienstraße 22, 76137 Karlsruhe (TK 25 no. 6916)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownHolger KellerHolger Keller
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2025-01-071unknownOppelner Str. 13, 69124 Heidelberg (TK 25 no. 6618)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownNatalie FonckNatalie Fonck
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2025-01-061matureBahnhofstr., 69207 Sandhausen (TK 25 no. 6617)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresFlurSighting/photo of habitusunknownMarco KurzMarco Kurz
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2025-01-051unknownAsternweg 5, 65201 Wiesbaden (TK 25 no. 5915)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknown
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2025-01-041unknownSalzachstraße, Bornheim (TK 25 no. 5208)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownHesselbarth AlexanderHesselbarth Alexander
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-12-181unknownNahestraße 26, 64319 Pfungstadt (TK 25 no. 6217)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresim KellerSighting/photo of habitusunknownRalph OrnyRalph Orny
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-12-061matureKarl-Tesche-Straße 8, 56073 Koblenz (TK 25 no. 5611)J1.4: Urban and suburban industrial and commercial sites still in active useBüroSighting/photo of habitusunknownMarius MichaelMarius Michael
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-11-221matureKleestraße 3, 69469 Weinheim (TK 25 no. 6417)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresHand collectionunknownManuel StumppManuel Stumpp
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-11-201unknownunknownStettiner Str. 18, 76751 Jockgrim (TK 25 no. 6915)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknown
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-11-161unknownKoppenrain 10, 74177 Bad Friedrichshall (TK 25 no. 6721)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresAussenwand eines WohnhausesSighting/photo of habitusunknownHarald KnupferHarald Knupfer
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-11-041unknownRhododendronstraße 20, 26188 Edewecht (TK 25 no. 2813)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusHabitusDaniel StenzelDaniel Stenzel
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-11-011matureRhododendronstraße 20, 26188 Edewecht (TK 25 no. 2813)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusHabitusDaniel StenzelDaniel Stenzel
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-10-291matureFischbacher Str. 49, 65779 Kelkheim (Taunus) (TK 25 no. 5816)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownChristoph KrämerChristoph Krämer
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-10-241matureRingstraße 103, 78465 Konstanz (TK 25 no. 8220)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownDr. Wolfgang HuhnDr. Wolfgang Huhn
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-10-191matureAhornstraße 12, 77972 Mahlberg (TK 25 no. 7712)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownBarbara JoschkoBarbara Joschko
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-10-181matureAm Buchwald 6, 65779 Kelkheim (Taunus) (TK 25 no. 5816)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownMartina HaigMartina Haig
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-10-181matureRhododendronstraße 20, 26188 Edewecht (TK 25 no. 2813)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusHabitusDaniel StenzelDaniel Stenzel
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-10-131matureFinkenweg, Bietigheim-Bissingen (TK 25 no. 7020)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownStroh-BrüningStroh-Brüning
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-10-131matureHeinrich-Heine-Ring 26, 76703 Kraichtal (TK 25 no. 6818)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownTobias SchönherrTobias Schönherr
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-10-111matureGartenstraße 56, 66129 Saarbrücken (TK 25 no. 6808)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusHabitusTobias KrämerTobias KrämerM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-10-101matureNeustraße 23, 56820 Senheim (Mosel) (TK 25 no. 5909)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresHand collectionunknownSandra KrötzSandra Krötz
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-10-081mature83098 Brannenburg (TK 25 no. 8238)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusHabitusEva HocheM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-10-071matureUhlandstraße 16B, 74229 Oedheim (TK 25 no. 6721)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownH- J. RosenbergH- J. Rosenberg
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-10-031unknownHohlweg 14, 75203 Königsbach-Stein (TK 25 no. 7017)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownKlaus SchmidtKlaus Schmidt
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-10-011matureLimesstraße, 65191 Wiesbaden (TK 25 no. 5915)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownAnette GrebertAnette Grebert
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-09-301immatureunknownSedanpl. 9, 65183 Wiesbaden (TK 25 no. 5915)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknown
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-09-281unknownunknownJosephinastraat 3, 6462 EL KerkradeJ1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownAlexa CiriagoglouAlexa Ciriagoglou
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-09-271matureDurmersheim Chennevieresplatz, 76448 Durmersheim (TK 25 no. 7015)I2.2: Small-scale ornamental and domestic garden areasSighting/photo of habitusHabitusDenis SchallmoM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-09-271matureMittelwiesenstraße 73, 66787 Wadgassen (TK 25 no. 6706)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownBarbara BayBarbara Bay
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-09-261unknownAdolf-Menzel-Straße 10, 50999 Köln (TK 25 no. 5108)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownClaudius WeinbergerClaudius Weinberger
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-09-251unknownBergsteiggasse 1A, 1170 WienJ1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresWohnzimmer, 5. StockSighting/photo of habitusunknownAndreasAndreas
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-09-221mature63069 Offenbach (TK 25 no. 5918)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPeter HansenM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-09-221unknownunknownHartenfelsweg 26, 50767 Köln (TK 25 no. 4907)I2.2: Small-scale ornamental and domestic garden areasKaninchenhausSighting/photo of habitusunknownAndre ThomasAndre Thomas
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-09-151matureFrechen-Königsdorf (TK 25 no. 5006)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownCornelia BeierCornelia Beier
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-09-151immatureunknownSandhausen (TK 25 no. 6617)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusHabitusMarius HM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-09-151unknownunknownTalwiesenstraße 4B, 78239 Rielasingen-Worblingen (TK 25 no. 8219)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownLeonardo LaganiLeonardo Lagani
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-09-141unknownBreite Str. 137, 48431 Rheine (TK 25 no. 3710)I2.2: Small-scale ornamental and domestic garden areasTerrasseSighting/photo of habitusHabitusHeike SchneiderHeike Schneider
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-09-131unknownBonner Talweg 20, 53113 Bonn (TK 25 no. 5208)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownAndreas SartorAndreas Sartor
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-09-131matureBraunsfeld, 50933 Köln (TK 25 no. 5007)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPiotr SwiatekM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-09-131matureGustav-Heinemann-Straße 81, 50226 Frechen (TK 25 no. 5006)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownDr. HilbertDr. Hilbert
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-09-111matureWörthstr. 28, 81667 München (TK 25 no. 7835)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusHabitusTwyla WeixlM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-09-092unknownunknownWölfflinweg 7, 8400 Winterthur (Swiss Grid N5 no. 695260)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownPothsPoths
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-09-081matureErnst-Lüttich-Straße 3, 61440 Oberursel (Taunus) (TK 25 no. 5717)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresim KleiderschrankSighting/photo of habitusunknownHendrikHendrik
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-09-081unknownRusellstraße 19, 76571 Gaggenau (TK 25 no. 7216)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownReinhold SchilloReinhold Schillo
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-09-081matureWölfflinweg 7, 8400 Winterthur (Swiss Grid N5 no. 695260)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownPothsPoths
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-09-071unknownunknownBussardstraße 25, 85716 Unterschleißheim (TK 25 no. 7735)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownBenedikt BossertBenedikt Bossert
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-09-071unknownErnst-Lüttich-Straße 3, 61440 Oberursel (Taunus) (TK 25 no. 5717)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresKüche in den KartoffelnSighting/photo of habitusunknownHendrikHendrik
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-09-061unknownunknownErnst-Lüttich-Straße 3, 61440 Oberursel (Taunus) (TK 25 no. 5717)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownHendrikHendrik
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-09-061unknownunknownErnst-Lüttich-Straße 3, 61440 Oberursel (Taunus) (TK 25 no. 5717)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownHendrikHendrik
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-09-051unknownLippstraße 4, 70734 Fellbach (TK 25 no. 7121)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknown
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-09-041immatureLuisenstraße 111, 76137 Karlsruhe (TK 25 no. 6916)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownSBSB
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-09-021matureKrisenstraße 15, 76597 Loffenau (TK 25 no. 7216)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownGuido RascheGuido Rasche
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-09-012matureKuckucksbadstr., 79283 Bollschweil (TK 25 no. 8012)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownChristof KlosChristof Klos
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-08-301matureFichtestraße 7, 67454 Haßloch (TK 25 no. 6615)J: Constructed, industrial and other artificial habitatsSighting/photo of habitusunknownKatharina PothKatharina Poth
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-08-301matureKarl-Kirstein-Straße 3, 63456 Hanau (TK 25 no. 5819)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownR. MüllerR. Müller
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-08-271unknownHernalser Hauptstraße 79, 1170 WienJ1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownHelene GnidaHelene Gnida
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-08-261matureEschborn-Niederhöchstadt (TK 25 no. 5817)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusHabitusClaudia MauntzM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-08-241unknownJim-Clark-Straße 17, 68766 Hockenheim (TK 25 no. 6617)I2.2: Small-scale ornamental and domestic garden areasSighting/photo of habitusunknownKlaus SchmichKlaus Schmich
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-08-241unknownWiesbaden-Sonnenberg Steinbruch, 65191 Wiesbaden (TK 25 no. 5815)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownDiego Calvo de NoDiego Calvo de No
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-08-221unknownunknownDarmstädter Str. 194, 64625 Bensheim (TK 25 no. 6217)J: Constructed, industrial and other artificial habitatsSighting/photo of habitusunknownSascha DieballSascha Dieball
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-08-211matureAm Forlenwald 17, 69251 Gaiberg (TK 25 no. 6618)J: Constructed, industrial and other artificial habitatsSighting/photo of habitusHabitusUrsula RostUrsula Rost
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-08-181unknownLandeckstraße 1A, 76831 Billigheim-Ingenheim (TK 25 no. 6814)J: Constructed, industrial and other artificial habitatsan BalkontürSighting/photo of habitusunknownMatthias FeyMatthias Fey
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-08-171unknownWeihdorfer Str. 18, 71088 Holzgerlingen (TK 25 no. 7320)J: Constructed, industrial and other artificial habitatsSighting/photo of habitusunknownMarkusMarkus
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-08-151unknownunknownMainzer Str. 15A, 80804 München (TK 25 no. 7835)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownFabian HenschelFabian Henschel
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-07-281unknownunknownEisenbahnstr. 67, 68723 Plankstadt (TK 25 no. 6617)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownCharlotte FischerCharlotte Fischer
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-07-241unknownBachemer Str. 174, 50935 Köln (TK 25 no. 5007)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusHabitusLeila BastetLeila Bastet
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-07-181unknownunknownAfritschgasse 22a, 8020 GrazJ1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresBalkonSighting/photo of habitusHabitus
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-07-091unknownPartenkirchner Str. 9, 82490 Farchant (TK 25 no. 8432)I2.2: Small-scale ornamental and domestic garden areasim Garten an einer HolztüreSighting/photo of habitusHabitusRauchRauch
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-06-211unknownunknownFürholzstraße 16, 76596 Forbach (TK 25 no. 7316)J: Constructed, industrial and other artificial habitatsCarportSighting/photo of habitusunknownIngo WeilerIngo Weiler
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-06-061unknownunknownHolunderstraße 33, 71397 Leutenbach (TK 25 no. 7122)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesan der HauswandSighting/photo of habitusHabitusSchünemann JörgSchünemann Jörg
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-05-151matureBahnhofstraße 30, 06231 Bad Dürrenberg (TK 25 no. 4638)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesin SchuppenSighting/photo of habitusunknownVeronika RabesVeronika Rabes
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-05-091matureKönigsberger Str. 4, 59457 Werl (TK 25 no. 4413)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownMichael FrankeMichael Franke
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-04-261unknownunknownArnikaweg 5, 76149 Karlsruhe (TK 25 no. 6916)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownChristian PylatiukChristian Pylatiuk
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-04-2020immatureunknownRosenstraße 5, 65375 Oestrich-Winkel (TK 25 no. 5914)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusHabitusManuela SahmManuela Sahm
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-04-191unknownunknownAllmende 40, 41468 Neuss (TK 25 no. 4806)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusHabitusSascha EulerSascha Euler
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-04-081matureRosenstraße 5, 65375 Oestrich-Winkel (TK 25 no. 5914)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusHabitusManuela SahmManuela Sahm
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-04-071unknownFouquestraße 13, 81241 München (TK 25 no. 7834)I2.2: Small-scale ornamental and domestic garden areasSighting/photo of habitusHabitusLorenz LachauerLorenz Lachauer
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-04-031matureSieveringer Str., 1190 WienJ1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusHabitusSusanne OdörferSusanne Odörfer
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-04-021unknownRintheimer Hauptstraße 54D, 76131 Karlsruhe (TK 25 no. 6916)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPaul SchaarschmidtPaul Schaarschmidt
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-03-161unknownLangebrücker Str. 7, 68809 Neulußheim (TK 25 no. 6717)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresam HausSighting/photo of habitusunknownClaudia HellmuthClaudia Hellmuth
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-03-153unknownunknownGrethenweg 57, 60598 Frankfurt am Main (TK 25 no. 5918)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesTiefgarageSighting/photo of habitusHabitusHendrik WolffHendrik Wolff
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-03-021unknownGellertstraße 118, 74074 Heilbronn (TK 25 no. 6821)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownMichael BlümkeMichael Blümke
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-02-281matureAm Stadtgraben 4, 79539 Lörrach (TK 25 no. 8312)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesHand collectionHabitusAnna ThomasAnna Thomas
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-02-231unknownPfarrgasse 6, 64569 Nauheim (TK 25 no. 6016)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresKellerSighting/photo of habitusunknownMatthias LangerMatthias Langer
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-02-121unknownunknownJohanniterstraße 38, 79423 Heitersheim (TK 25 no. 8111)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownMartin Alfred HenslerMartin Alfred Hensler
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-02-121unknownRotenbergstraße 25, 75203 Königsbach-Stein (TK 25 no. 7017)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownHauptHaupt
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-02-091unknownHofenackerstraße 4, 78239 Rielasingen-Worblingen (TK 25 no. 8219)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresWohnungSighting/photo of habitusunknownSaschaSascha
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-02-061matureGernsheimer Weg 5, 65451 Kelsterbach (TK 25 no. 5917)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownClaudia IncardonaClaudia Incardona
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-02-041unknownunknownBertramstraße 2, 65185 Wiesbaden (TK 25 no. 5915)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownDacicDacic
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-01-251unknownWaiblingen (TK 25 no. 7121)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownVerena BurgdorffVerena Burgdorff
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-01-231matureLudwig-Jahn-Str., 73760 Ostfildern (TK 25 no. 7221)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownBirgit Von KortzfleischBirgit Von KortzfleischKörper (ohne Beine) ca 2,5-3 cm
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-01-081matureStuttgart, Weilimdorf (TK 25 no. 7120)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesGarageSighting/photo of habitusHabitusManuel BailManuel Bail
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-01-031unknownunknownB 10, 64295 Darmstadt (TK 25 no. 6117)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesBüroraum, KGSighting/photo of habitusunknownHochschule DarmstadtHochschule Darmstadt
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-01-031unknownHauptstr. 70e, 63791 Karlstein (TK 25 no. 5920)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownUwe FischerUwe Fischer
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2024-01-011unknownOrt bei Lindau (Bodensee) (TK 25 no. 8424)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresWohnungSighting/photo of habitusunknownMonika PlieningerMonika Plieninger
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-12-301matureHauptstraße 5, 67365 Schwegenheim (TK 25 no. 6716)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesdie Spinne saß tot vor dem FensterSighting/photo of habitusunknownManfred LutzManfred Lutz
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-12-271mature1180 WienJ1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresWohnung im 5. StockSighting/photo of habitusunknownRene AnourRene Anour
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-12-261unknownunknownHimmelreichstraße 23, 79379 Müllheim im Markgräflerland (TK 25 no. 8111)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownDenisDenis
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-12-131matureUlmenweg, 63741 Aschaffenburg (TK 25 no. 6020)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownSilke ArnoldSilke Arnold
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-12-091unknownMax-Josef-Metzger-Weg 3, 78467 Konstanz (TK 25 no. 8320)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownPatrick Novais BarbosaPatrick Novais Barbosa
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-12-081matureStuttgart, Weilimdorf (TK 25 no. 7120)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesRolladenSighting/photo of habitusHabitusManuel BailManuel Bail
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-12-051matureHölderlinstraße 16, 72800 Eningen unter Achalm (TK 25 no. 7521)J1.3: Urban and suburban public buildingsSighting/photo of habitusunknownMartina MoselageThomas Floten
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-11-201matureWegfeld 8, 91459 Markt Erlbach (TK 25 no. 6529)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownMax SchemmMax Schemm
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-11-191matureDenzlingen (TK 25 no. 7913)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownJoachim NüblingJoachim Nübling
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-11-181matureIm Schmittin-Garten, 79367 Weisweil (TK 25 no. 7812)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesDachbodenSighting/photo of habitusunknownAnna-Lisa TreffeisenAnna-Lisa Treffeisen
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-11-171unknownWaldshut-Tiengen (TK 25 no. 8315)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusHabitusDaniela DehnDaniela Dehn
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-11-101unknownMietersheimer Hauptstraße 36, 77933 Lahr/Schwarzwald (TK 25 no. 7613)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownJochen PaulJochen Paul
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-11-081unknownStuttgart-Sillenbuch (TK 25 no. 7221)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresRolladenSighting/photo of habitusunknownUlrike H.Ulrike H.
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-11-061unknownAchern-Fautenbach (TK 25 no. 7314)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresAltbau, KücheSighting/photo of habitusunknownElsa BElsa B
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-11-031unknownWassenberg (TK 25 no. 4802)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownSelina BauerSelina Bauer
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-11-011matureSemmelweisstraße 38, 4020 LinzJ1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusHabitusSandra EletzhoferSandra Eletzhofer
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-10-311unknownTübingen Südstadt (TK 25 no. 7420)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownK. FenchelK. Fenchel
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-10-301matureReinöhlstraße 19, 86156 Augsburg (TK 25 no. 7631)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownMisuriMisuri
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-10-301matureRingelbachstraße 85, 72762 Reutlingen (TK 25 no. 7521)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresBriefkastenSighting/photo of habitusunknownThomas FlotenThomas Floten
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-10-261unknownGrünbeckstraße 8, 93049 Regensburg (TK 25 no. 6938)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresTreppenhausSighting/photo of habitusunknown
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-10-231matureFalkenweg 11, 72760 Reutlingen (TK 25 no. 7421)I2.2: Small-scale ornamental and domestic garden areasim Inneren eines Sonnenschirms/TerrasseSighting/photo of habitusunknownPatrick SchwaigerThomas Floten
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-10-201matureHirtenweg, Emmendingen-Wasser (TK 25 no. 7913)J: Constructed, industrial and other artificial habitatsSighting/photo of habitusunknownKietzmannKietzmann
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-10-181unknownAm Sonnenberg 39, 97078 Würzburg (TK 25 no. 6125)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknown
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-10-181unknownBietigheimer Str. 21, 71522 Backnang (TK 25 no. 7022)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownVolkar BläskeVolkar Bläske
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-10-171matureKastanienbaumstrasse 72, 6048 Horw (Swiss Grid N5 no. 665205)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownMichael LutzMichael Lutz
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-10-131unknownKlopstockstraße 56, 70193 Stuttgart (TK 25 no. 7220)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownVera RudolphVera Rudolph
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-10-131matureWörthstraße 9, 69115 Heidelberg (TK 25 no. 6518)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownJonas OkonJonas Okon
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-10-121matureOrt bei Neustadt an der Weinstraße (TK 25 no. 6614)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownChristine SchusterChristine Schuster
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-10-101matureMainstweg 155, 63165 Mühlheim am Main (TK 25 no. 5818)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownAnina MendnerAnina Mendner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-10-081unknownunknownFrankenstraße 15, 79379 Müllheim (TK 25 no. 8111)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresKellerSighting/photo of habitusunknownCarolin RommelCarolin Rommel
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-10-051matureOrt bei Bonlanden (TK 25 no. 7321)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesKücheSighting/photo of habitusunknownI.paarI.paar
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-10-031matureSickenhäuser Str. 48, 72760 Reutlingen (TK 25 no. 7421)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresZimmerdeckeSighting/photo of habitusunknownBiggi SchultheißThomas Floten
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-10-021matureMarkus-Krankenhaus, Frankfurt am Main (TK 25 no. 5817)J1.3: Urban and suburban public buildingsSighting/photo of habitusunknownSebastian GabelSebastian Gabel
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-10-011unknownRheingaustraße 105c, 65203 Wiesbaden (TK 25 no. 5915)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknown
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-09-291matureMartin Luther Park 12, 63065 Offenbach am Main (TK 25 no. 5818)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresWohnungSighting/photo of habitusunknownUwe HerzogUwe Herzog
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-09-181matureunknownBadener Str. 56, 74074 Heilbronn (TK 25 no. 6821)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownUte DüsseldorfUte Düsseldorf
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-09-171unknownCarl-Benz-Straße 14 76437 Rastatt (TK 25 no. 7115)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesIn der Garage am TorSighting/photo of habitusHabitusSilvia ZeçaSilvia Zeça
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-09-171matureSchützenstraße 18, 76137 Karlsruhe (TK 25 no. 6916)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresBalkontür außen 1.OGSighting/photo of habitusunknownLennart BenekeLennart Beneke
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-09-161immatureunknownPropsteistraße 2, 45239 Essen (TK 25 no. 4608)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownMayaMaya
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-09-151unknownGretelweg 5A, 65199 Wiesbaden (TK 25 no. 5915)I2.2: Small-scale ornamental and domestic garden areasSighting/photo of habitusunknownTobias SpiessTobias Spiess
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-09-151matureNeckarstraße 11A, 63263 Neu-Isenburg (TK 25 no. 5918)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownJanett RaßmannJanett Raßmann
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-09-151unknownunknownRheinstraße 16, 76474 Au am Rhein (TK 25 no. 7015)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresWohnungSighting/photo of habitusunknownPhilipp SchillingPhilipp Schilling
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-09-141matureDarmstädter Str. 243, 64625 Bensheim (TK 25 no. 6217)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownM. StephanM. Stephan
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-09-131unknownunknownHelgolandstraße 14, 01097 Dresden (TK 25 no. 4948)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresDachboden, dann im Garten ausgesetztSighting/photo of habitusunknownTim KlöpfelThomas Lübcke
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-09-121matureNibelungenstraße 48, 64653 Lorsch (TK 25 no. 6317)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresWohnungHand collectionHabitusFlorian EberhardtFlorian Eberhardt
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-09-12unknownunknownRheinstraße 17, 68789 St. Leon-Rot (TK 25 no. 6717)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownStollStoll
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-09-101matureKurt-Schumacher-Straße 124, 46539 Dinslaken (TK 25 no. 4406)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownSvenja BarsuhnSvenja Barsuhn
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-09-101unknownMathildenstraße 83B, 41239 Mönchengladbach (TK 25 no. 4804)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownSabine ArmborstSabine Armborst
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-09-091unknownMerianstraße 29, 74889 Sinsheim (TK 25 no. 6719)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownJuergen DischingerJuergen Dischinger
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-09-061mature29B Rue des Fontaines, 01630 Saint-Genis-Pouilly (French Grid 10kmL93E093N657)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownFabian BatschFabian Batsch
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-09-051unknownFrankenstraße 15, 79379 Müllheim (TK 25 no. 8111)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresFlurSighting/photo of habitusunknownCarolin RommelCarolin Rommel
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-09-01–2023-09-182unknownunknownBadener Str. 56, 74074 Heilbronn (TK 25 no. 6821)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownUte DüsseldorfUte Düsseldorf
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-08-291immatureHölderlinstraße 29, 72800 Eningen unter Achalm (TK 25 no. 7521)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresTerrasse WandeckeSighting/photo of habitusunknownMartina MoselageThomas Floten
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-08-291matureLembergstraße 25, 72766 Reutlingen (TK 25 no. 7421)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresTreppenhausSighting/photo of habitusunknownAndrea SchwarzbachThomas Floten
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-08-291immatureLembergstraße 25, 72766 Reutlingen (TK 25 no. 7421)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresWohnbereich DachgeschossSighting/photo of habitusunknownAndrea SchwarzbachThomas Floten
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-08-271matureHans-Sachs-Straße 42, 72760 Reutlingen (TK 25 no. 7421)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresTerrasse HauswandSighting/photo of habitusunknownAlexander ThomysThomas Floten
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-08-261matureBismarckstraße 116/3, 72764 Reutlingen (TK 25 no. 7521)J: Constructed, industrial and other artificial habitatsGartenhausSighting/photo of habitusunknownTim HenningThomas Floten
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-08-241unknownunknownLeininger Str. 8, 67549 Worms (TK 25 no. 6316)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownMichael OrthMichael Orth
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-08-231matureHans-Sachs-Straße 42, 72760 Reutlingen (TK 25 no. 7421)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresWohnzimmerSighting/photo of habitusunknownAlexander ThomysThomas Floten
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-08-181matureHolbeinstraße 9, 72760 Reutlingen (TK 25 no. 7421)J: Constructed, industrial and other artificial habitatsGaragentorSighting/photo of habitusunknownNic BerndtThomas Floten
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-08-181immatureHolbeinstraße 9, 72760 Reutlingen (TK 25 no. 7421)I2.2: Small-scale ornamental and domestic garden areasGarten unter AbdeckplaneSighting/photo of habitusunknownNic BerndtThomas Floten
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-08-181immatureHolbeinstraße 9, 72760 Reutlingen (TK 25 no. 7421)I2.2: Small-scale ornamental and domestic garden areasGarten unter AbdeckplaneSighting/photo of habitusunknownNic BerndtThomas Floten
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-08-171immatureunknown6 Rue des Bois, 67930 Kesseldorf (French Grid 10kmL93E107N687)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresBadezimmerSighting/photo of habitusunknownPetra EhlersPetra Ehlers
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-08-161matureSiebachstraße 65, 50733 Köln (TK 25 no. 5007)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownSabine ManzSabine Manz
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-08-081unknownBrückleweg 2A, 79426 Buggingen (TK 25 no. 8111)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesGartenhausSighting/photo of habitusunknownTanja BachTanja Bach
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-08-011unknownunknownMathildenstraße 83B, 41239 Mönchengladbach (TK 25 no. 4804)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownSabine ArmborstSabine Armborst
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-08-011immatureunknownVorgebirgstraße 11, 50677 Köln (TK 25 no. 5007)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresWohnungsflur 2. OGSighting/photo of habitusunknownAnja HoffmannAnja Hoffmann
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-07-231unknownunknownIm Kreuzgewann 14, 69181 Leimen (TK 25 no. 6618)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownSabine MüllederSabine Mülleder
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-07-131immatureVia Benedetto Croce, 51, 83050 Volturara Irpina AV*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownSven JekerSven Jeker
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-06-231unknownBostonring 52, 71686 Remseck am Neckar (TK 25 no. 7121)J4.6: Pavements and recreation areasSighting/photo of habitusunknownCarola EiseleCarola Eisele
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-06-221unknownBrauereiweg 4, 4153 Kanton Reinach (Swiss Grid N5 no. 610260)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresKücheSighting/photo of habitusunknownLaurent StoerrLaurent Stoerr
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-06-211matureGreutterstraße 15, 70499 Stuttgart (TK 25 no. 7120)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresWohnungSighting/photo of habitusunknownVanessa HubertVanessa Hubert
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-06-081matureErlenweg 9A, 2503 Biel (Swiss Grid N5 no. 585215)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresbathroomSighting/photo of habitusunknownSiofra MundaySiofra Munday
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-06-081matureVorgebirgstraße 11, 50677 Köln (TK 25 no. 5007)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresüberdachter Balkon 2. OGSighting/photo of habitusunknownAnja HoffmannAnja Hoffmann
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-06-011matureHohensalzaer Str. 4A, 81929 München (TK 25 no. 7835)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownWolfgang HechtWolfgang Hecht
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-05-231unknownMarkt 35, 55116 Mainz (TK 25 no. 5915)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresFlurSighting/photo of habitusunknownAKAK
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-05-201unknownunknownMathildenstraße 83B, 41239 Mönchengladbach (TK 25 no. 4804)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownSabine ArmborstSabine Armborst
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-05-141unknownKaiser-Josef-Straße 31, 6845 HohenemsJ1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesHausSighting/photo of habitusunknownWalter PeterWalter Peter
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-05-091unknownMathildenstraße 83B, 41239 Mönchengladbach (TK 25 no. 4804)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownSabine ArmborstSabine Armborst
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-05-081matureHändelstraße 4, 52525 Heinsberg (TK 25 no. 4902)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownFrederik KlothenFrederik Klothen
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-05-081unknownTalblick 2, 89250 Senden (TK 25 no. 7626)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownErich MangoldErich Mangold
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-04-221unknownRingstraße 2/2, 74906 Bad Rappenau (TK 25 no. 6720)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesKellerSighting/photo of habitusunknownRuth GraumannM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-04-081unknownSpari-Weg 21d, 8074 RaabaJ1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesHausaußenwand unter dem CarportdachSighting/photo of habitusunknownClaudia PredikakaClaudia Predikaka
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-03-301unknownKarlstraße 84, 76137 Karlsruhe (TK 25 no. 6916)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresKücheSighting/photo of habitusunknownOliver StraubOliver Straub
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-03-301immatureunknownLukas-Moser-Straße 33, 75173 Pforzheim (TK 25 no. 7118)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresIm Hausgang aufgefundenSighting/photo of habitusunknownKögel SandraKögel Sandra
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-03-241unknownTölzer Str. 1, 82194 Gröbenzell (TK 25 no. 7834)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresKellerSighting/photo of habitusunknownJochen EndregatJochen Endregat
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-03-211unknownOttostraße 9, 76275 Ettlingen (TK 25 no. 7016)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesGarageSighting/photo of habitusunknownN. LudewigN. Ludewig
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-03-171matureOtto-Stoelcker-Straße 66, 77955 Ettenheim (TK 25 no. 7712)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centreszwischen Fenster und RollladenSighting/photo of habitusunknownJennifer HerdrichJennifer Herdrich
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-03-021matureFrankenstraße 16, 67112 Mutterstadt (TK 25 no. 6516)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusHabitusCornelia KönigsteinCornelia Königstein
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-02-241unknownunknownLudwig-Marum-Straße 43, 76185 Karlsruhe (TK 25 no. 6916)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesunter einem Sitzkissen auf dem Balkon im 3. StockSighting/photo of habitusunknownRinnhofer DominikRinnhofer Dominik
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-02-201immatureMathildenstraße 83B, 41239 Mönchengladbach (TK 25 no. 4804)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownSabine ArmborstSabine Armborst
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-02-191matureMathildenstraße 83B, 41239 Mönchengladbach (TK 25 no. 4804)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownSabine ArmborstSabine Armborst
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-02-071unknownLuisenstraße 1, 76137 Karlsruhe (TK 25 no. 6916)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownNadja HadererNadja Haderer
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-02-063unknownunknownBreslauer Str. 18, 40764 Langenfeld (Rheinland) (TK 25 no. 4807)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusHabitusAnja MüllerAnja Müller
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-02-031unknownunknownKlara-Reimann-Straße 40, 77855 Achern (TK 25 no. 7314)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownLucy HodappLucy Hodapp
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-01-281unknownunknownRaingasse 16, 67157 Wachenheim an der Weinstraße (TK 25 no. 6515)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownStefan StollStefan Stoll
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-01-111unknownPaulusstraße, Stuttgart (TK 25 no. 7220)J1.3: Urban and suburban public buildingsSighting/photo of habitusunknownAnissa EckertAnissa Eckert
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-01-071unknownHechinger Str., Tübingen (TK 25 no. 7420)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresHauswandSighting/photo of habitusunknownVerena HundVerena Hund
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-01-061matureLudwig-Pfau-Straße 33, 72760 Reutlingen (TK 25 no. 7421)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresBalkontüre WohnzimmerSighting/photo of habitusunknownHermann HummelThomas Floten
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-01-061matureÖschweg 15, 72555 Metzingen (TK 25 no. 7421)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresKüche SchranknischeSighting/photo of habitusunknownAndreas WeberThomas Floten
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-01-051unknownAm Waldweg, Pforzheim (TK 25 no. 7118)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresKellerSighting/photo of habitusunknownHeiko ClaussHeiko Clauss
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-01-051unknownunknownGroßostheim (TK 25 no. 6020)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresim HausSighting/photo of habitusunknownAnonymus, GroßostheimAnonymus, Großostheim
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2023-01-041unknownScheffelstr., Kirchzarten (TK 25 no. 8013)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownChristian GlöcklerChristian Glöckler
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted20231unknownGustav-Heinemann-Straße 81, 50226 Frechen (TK 25 no. 5006)I2.2: Small-scale ornamental and domestic garden areasSighting/photo of habitusunknownDr. HilbertDr. Hilbert
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted20232unknownGustav-Heinemann-Straße 81, 50226 Frechen (TK 25 no. 5006)I2.2: Small-scale ornamental and domestic garden areasSighting/photo of habitusunknownDr. HilbertDr. Hilbert
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted20234unknownunknownStuttgart, Weilimdorf (TK 25 no. 7120)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesGarageSighting/photo of habitusHabitusManuel BailManuel Bail
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-12-311unknownHugo-Asbach-Straße, Rüdesheim am Rhein (TK 25 no. 6013)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownAspasia HermesAspasia Hermes
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-12-301matureEndingen am Kaiserstuhl (TK 25 no. 7812)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusHabitusTanja-Natascha OehmtTanja-Natascha Oehmt
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-12-271unknownunknownMax-Brombacher-Weg, Binzen (TK 25 no. 8311)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusHabitusKarin Sattler-BartuschKarin Sattler-Bartusch
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-12-221unknownunknownHellerfeld, Solingen-Burg (TK 25 no. 4808)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusHabitusThomas BlickThomas Blick
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-12-081unknownGrefrath (TK 25 no. 4604)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusHabitusMarkus ZanderMarkus Zander
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-12-011unknownAm Mettweg, Freiburg im Breisgau (TK 25 no. 8012)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSchlafzimmerSighting/photo of habitusunknownNedim DurmazM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-121unknownunknownEndingen am Kaiserstuhl (TK 25 no. 7812)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusHabitusTanja-Natascha OehmtTanja-Natascha Oehmt
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-11-191unknownAm Forum, Frankfurt (TK 25 no. 5817)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresim HausSighting/photo of habitusHabitusHeike SchenckHeike Schenck
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-11-191unknownIm Kreuzgewann, Leimen (TK 25 no. 6618)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresBadSighting/photo of habitusHabitusSabine MüllederSabine Mülleder
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-11-191immatureunknownRechbergstraße, Möglingen (TK 25 no. 7120)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresHausflurSighting/photo of habitusHabitusKathrin FrankeKathrin Franke
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-11-171unknownunknownOstrhauderfehn (TK 25 no. 2811)J: Constructed, industrial and other artificial habitatsSighting/photo of habitusHabitusJulian ConersTobias Bauer
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-11-171immatureunknownVorgebirgstraße 11, 50677 Köln (TK 25 no. 5007)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresWohnungsflur 2. OGSighting/photo of habitusunknownAnja HoffmannAnja Hoffmann
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-11-161matureMathildenstraße 83B, 41239 Mönchengladbach (TK 25 no. 4804)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownSabine ArmborstSabine Armborst
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-11-101immatureHilzingen (TK 25 no. 8218)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresKücheSighting/photo of habitusHabitusSarah BaumertSarah Baumert
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-11-081matureKuckucksweg, Hamm (TK 25 no. 4313)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesKellerSighting/photo of habitusHabitusM. SkrobuchaM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-11-071unknownDonaustraße, Karlsruhe (TK 25 no. 7016)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesin offenem Carport, in einem zugeklappten GartenschirmSighting/photo of habitusHabitusSabine StraussM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-11-041unknownbei Rebstöcker Weg, Frankfurt am Main (TK 25 no. 5817)I2.2: Small-scale ornamental and domestic garden areasSighting/photo of habitusunknownKund BaranyaiKund Baranyai
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-11-031unknownMathildenstraße 83B, 41239 Mönchengladbach (TK 25 no. 4804)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownSabine ArmborstSabine Armborst
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-11-021matureDechant-Heimbach-Straße, Bonn (TK 25 no. 5308)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownManuela BellManuela Bell
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-11-021unknownunknownKaiser-Josef-Straße 31, 6845 HohenemsJ1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesim HausSighting/photo of habitusunknownWalter PeterWalter Peter
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-10-281unknownElsterweg, Hameln (TK 25 no. 3822)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownSema KabayelM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-10-281unknownunknownVorgebirgstraße 11, 50677 Köln (TK 25 no. 5007)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresWohnungsflur 2. OGSighting/photo of habitusunknownAnja HoffmannAnja Hoffmann
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-10-271immatureunknownKaiser-Konrad-Str., Schifferstadt (TK 25 no. 6616)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesGarageSighting/photo of habitusunknownPetra RennerPetra Renner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-10-251matureWiesenstraße, Eltville am Rhein (TK 25 no. 5914)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownAndré RadkeAndré Radke
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-10-211unknownEichendorffstraße, Würzburg (TK 25 no. 6225)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresBalkonSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPhilipp SchmittPhilipp Schmitt
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-10-211unknownWildenrother Str., München (TK 25 no. 7834)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusHabitusUlrike ParuselM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-10-201matureEdelweißstraße, Kaarst (TK 25 no. 4705)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresBadezimmerSighting/photo of habitusHabitusEsther WeinertM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-10-201matureTaxisstraße, München (TK 25 no. 7835)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusHabitusMeerpohlMeerpohl
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-10-181unknownunknownRappstraße, Osnabrück (TK 25 no. 3714)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusHabitusMelissa und LauraMelissa und Laura
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-10-171unknownunknownEulenweg, Kamp-Lintfort (TK 25 no. 4405)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresDachbodenSighting/photo of habitusHabitusJessica WittfeldJessica Wittfeld
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-10-171unknownMüllheim-Hügelheim (TK 25 no. 8111)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusHabitusTanya Gutekunst-JentschTanya Gutekunst-Jentsch
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-10-161unknownGaggenau-Bad Rotenfels (TK 25 no. 7115)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusHabitusStefan PeterStefan Peter
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-10-161unknownunknownLenzstraße, Karlsruhe (TK 25 no. 6916)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusHabitusMichael JankowicMichael Jankowic
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-10-151unknownBussardstraße, Landshut (TK 25 no. 7438)I2.2: Small-scale ornamental and domestic garden areasTerrasse an der WandSighting/photo of habitusHabitusJürgen MaierJürgen Maier
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-10-151unknownLukas-Moser-Straße, Pforzheim (TK 25 no. 7118)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresHaustür außenSighting/photo of habitusHabitusSandra KögelM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-10-141unknownHauptstraße, Grassau (TK 25 no. 8240)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusHabitusBenedikt AlbertBenedikt Albert
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-10-141matureWössingen (TK 25 no. 6917)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusHabitusElisabeth DiaabM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-10-131unknownGraf-Johann-Straße, Saarbrücken-St. Johann (TK 25 no. 6708)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusHabitusVanessa BauerAloysius Staudt
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-10-111matureGeorg-August-Zinn-Str., Rodgau-Dudenhofen (TK 25 no. 5919)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSchlafzimmerSighting/photo of habitusHabitusJasmin MaulJasmin Maul
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-10-091matureHebererstraße, Schweinfurt (TK 25 no. 5927)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesHausflurSighting/photo of habitusHabitusTobias HeyTobias Hey
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-10-091matureRottenburg am Neckar (TK 25 no. 7519)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSchlafzimmerSighting/photo of habitusHabitusKarin Bauer-MenzelKarin Bauer-Menzel
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-10-081matureGerdastraße, Langenfeld (Rheinland) (TK 25 no. 4807)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesKellerSighting/photo of habitusHabitusMario Di PiazzaMario Di Piazza
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-10-071unknownEulenweg, Kamp-Lintfort (TK 25 no. 4405)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesGarageSighting/photo of habitusHabitusJessica WittfeldJessica Wittfeld
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-10-071immatureunknownLukas-Moser-Straße, Pforzheim (TK 25 no. 7118)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusHabitusSandra KögelM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-10-061matureSteinstraße, Dieburg (TK 25 no. 6019)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusHabitusCennet KurttasCennet KurttasM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-10-021matureGroßbottwar (TK 25 no. 6921)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSchlafzimmerSighting/photo of habitusunknownElisabeth GerstnerElisabeth Gerstner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-10-011matureHirtenstraße, Kehl (TK 25 no. 7412)I2.2: Small-scale ornamental and domestic garden areasSighting/photo of habitusunknownDominik Müller-RussellM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-291matureHuflattichweg, Sankt Augustin (TK 25 no. 5209)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresWohnungSighting/photo of habitusHabitusMila LobastovaMila Lobastova
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-281unknownBurggartenstraße, Bad Rappenau (TK 25 no. 6720)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusHabitusNicole GlückNicole Glück
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-281unknownunknownLenbachstraße, Rheinfelden (Baden) (TK 25 no. 8412)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresKellergangSighting/photo of habitusHabitusBirgit RiesBirgit Ries
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-281matureRheinstraße, Dietzenbach (TK 25 no. 5918)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownAndreas LangeAndreas Lange
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-271matureEttlingen (TK 25 no. 7016)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusHabitusMarc AndretzkiM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-271unknownunknownGöttingen-Geismar (TK 25 no. 4425)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusHabitusEdith AgenaEdith Agena
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-271immatureHöggstraße, Augsburg (TK 25 no. 7631)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusHabitusLeonie ZeidlerLeonie Zeidler
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-261matureFlorian-Geyer-Straße, Stuttgart (TK 25 no. 7120)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusHabitusThomas KöhlM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-261matureOststraße, Duisburg (TK 25 no. 4506)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresHausflurSighting/photo of habitusHabitusElisa ReutherElisa Reuther
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-261unknownunknownUbstadt-Weiher (TK 25 no. 6817)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresWohnzimmerSighting/photo of habitusHabitusClaudia MutschlerClaudia Mutschler
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-251unknownTagetesweg, Frankfurt am Main (TK 25 no. 5818)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSchlafzimmerSighting/photo of habitusHabitusCorinna KlawitterCorinna Klawitter
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-251matureWohnhaus und Garage in Linz-PaschingJ1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesGarageSighting/photo of habitusHabitusGünther KnörGünther Knör
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-241unknownunknownBaaderstraße, München (TK 25 no. 7835)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusHabitusClaudia PannruckerClaudia Pannrucker
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-241unknownunknownKannebäckerstraße, Köln (TK 25 no. 5007)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresWohnzimmerSighting/photo of habitusHabitusMichelle MannMichelle Mann
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-241unknownLage (TK 25 no. 4018)I2.2: Small-scale ornamental and domestic garden areasSighting/photo of habitusHabitusMichael KolmMichael Kolm
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-241unknownunknownWeinbergstraße, Darmstadt (TK 25 no. 6117)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusHabitusStefan Mayer-ElgnerStefan Mayer-Elgner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-231unknownEichendorffstraße, Wiesbaden (TK 25 no. 5915)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusHabitusTanja WernerM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-231matureGeranienstrasse, Zürich (Swiss Grid N5 no. 680245)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusHabitusStephan HowegStephan Howeg
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-221matureLeisenmahd, Augsburg (TK 25 no. 7631)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusHabitusHubert PerzlM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-211matureKrummauer Str., Frankfurt am Main (TK 25 no. 5818)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresBalkonSighting/photo of habitusHabitusBarbara DrollBarbara Droll
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-201matureBirkenstraße, Waldkraiburg (TK 25 no. 7840)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusHabitusWaltraud FrayWaltraud Fray
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-201unknownWaldschmidtstraße, Regensburg (TK 25 no. 6938)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusHabitusAnonymus, RegensburgAnonymus, Regensburg
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-181matureSchloßstraße, Brackenheim (TK 25 no. 6920)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusHabitusMarco LandesvatterMarco Landesvatter
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-171unknownNadistraße, München (TK 25 no. 7835)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesunter RegenabdeckungSighting/photo of habitusHabitusDaniel RM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-151matureAichwald (TK 25 no. 7222)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesTreppenhausSighting/photo of habitusHabitusEric BachmaierM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-151unknownunknownBeethovenstraße, Knittlingen (TK 25 no. 6918)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusHabitusAndreas SchönAndreas Schön
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-151unknownGermanenstraße, Hofheim am Taunus (TK 25 no. 5916)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusHabitusVeronika AltenbockumVeronika Altenbockum
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-151matureWaldorfkindergarten Rheinsheim (TK 25 no. 6716)I2.2: Small-scale ornamental and domestic garden areasSighting/photo of habitusHabitusStefanie FuttererM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-141unknownunknownGelsenkirchen-Resse (TK 25 no. 4408)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresWohnungSighting/photo of habitusHabitusKathryn GoddeKathryn Godde
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-141matureMoosstraße, Tettnang (TK 25 no. 8323)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresKücheSighting/photo of habitusHabitusNatalya SidorenkoM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-141matureStuttgarter Str., Reutlingen (TK 25 no. 7421)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusHabitusMichael FischerMichael Fischer
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-131matureGutenbergstraße, Darmstadt (TK 25 no. 6117)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresBadezimmerSighting/photo of habitusHabitusChristoph GöbelM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-131matureKarlstraße, Freiburg im Breisgau (TK 25 no. 7913)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusHabitusRaphael SartoriusRaphael Sartorius
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-131unknownunknownRheinstraße, Dietzenbach (TK 25 no. 5918)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownAndreas LangeAndreas Lange
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-131unknownunknownTagetesweg, Frankfurt am Main (TK 25 no. 5818)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresKücheSighting/photo of habitusHabitusCorinna KlawitterCorinna Klawitter
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-121unknownBachler Str., Saal an der Donau (TK 25 no. 7137)*: unknownHolzstapelSighting/photo of habitusHabitusKatrin KunzKatrin Kunz
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-121immatureHeinrich-Heine-Str., Wiesbaden (TK 25 no. 5915)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresBalkonSighting/photo of habitusHabitusMichael SpruchM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-121unknownMilchpfad, Mainz (TK 25 no. 6015)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresKellerSighting/photo of habitusHabitusIlona SawatzkiM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-121matureReichenberger Str., Bietigheim-Bissingen (TK 25 no. 7020)I2.2: Small-scale ornamental and domestic garden areasTerrasseSighting/photo of habitusHabitusDorothea ClasenDorothea Clasen
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-111matureBennigsenstraße, München (TK 25 no. 7835)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusHabitusNora BronnerM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-111immatureunknownDuisburg Alt-Homberg (TK 25 no. 4506)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusHabitusDaniela ?, DuisburgDaniela ?, Duisburg
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-111unknownFinkenweg, Volkach (TK 25 no. 6127)I2.2: Small-scale ornamental and domestic garden areasunter einer Abdeckung im GartenSighting/photo of habitusHabitusKlaus HeublM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-111matureMittelbergstraße, Karlsruhe (TK 25 no. 7016)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownAndre BeckM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-101unknownEmmendingen (TK 25 no. 7813)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownVerena HeßM. HohnerM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-101unknownEsslinger Str., Karlsruhe (TK 25 no. 7016)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownHorst WeilandHorst WeilandM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-101matureTuchbleiche, Stuttgart (TK 25 no. 7120)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownPaul LeismannM. HohnerM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-101matureVorderstraße, Karlsruhe (TK 25 no. 6915)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownFamilie KashefFamilie Kashef
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-101matureYorckstraße, Wiesbaden (TK 25 no. 5915)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownJonas RöhrigM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-091immatureBahnhofstraße, Linkenheim-Hochstetten (TK 25 no. 6816)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownDaniela BohlingerM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-091unknownunknownCampingplatz Karpfenzug, Altrip (TK 25 no. 6516)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownJolita JaraJolita Jara
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-091unknownunknownErkenbrechtstraße, Neustadt an der Weinstraße (TK 25 no. 6614)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownPeter KurzPeter Kurz
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-091matureFasanenweg, Düsseldorf (TK 25 no. 4706)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownBettina MüllerBettina Müller
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-091matureHauptstraße, Birkenau (TK 25 no. 6418)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesGarageSighting/photo of habitusunknownAppeltAppelt
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-091unknownIm Rosenfeld, Weinstadt-Endersbach (TK 25 no. 7122)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownHirsch AndreasM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-091matureKastenwörtstraße, Karlsruhe (TK 25 no. 6915)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownJürgen KoberM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-091immatureKöngen (TK 25 no. 7322)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownAndine PohleM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-091unknownLiebaustraße, Walluf (Rheingau) (TK 25 no. 5914)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownJörg KochJörg Koch
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-091matureMainz (TK 25 no. 5915)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownKadir S.M. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-091unknownunknownMozartstraße, Waldkirch (TK 25 no. 7913)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownLaurenz VolkLaurenz Volk
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-091matureOhlsbach (TK 25 no. 7513)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownGerhard MüllerGerhard Müller
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-091unknownRankweg, 4410 Liestal (Swiss Grid N5 no. 620255)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownJohn WolfJohn Wolf
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-091unknownRankweg, 4410 Liestal (Swiss Grid N5 no. 620255)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownJohn WolfJohn Wolf
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-091matureRappenbergstraße, Pfinztal (TK 25 no. 6917)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusHabitusJutta BeckerJutta Becker
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-091matureSchillerstraße, Waiblingen (TK 25 no. 7121)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownVassilis MichalakopoulosM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-091unknownunknownXaver-Weismor-Straße, München (TK 25 no. 7835)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownJanina RothJanina Roth
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-091unknownunknownZedernweg, Hemsbach (TK 25 no. 6417)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownClaas OlehowskiClaas OlehowskiM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-081immatureAm Goldberg, Neuss (TK 25 no. 4806)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownFarah SaysayM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-081unknownunknownAm Mönchhof, Schifferstadt (TK 25 no. 6616)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownSchacheM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-081unknownunknownAm Speiergarten, Wiesbaden (TK 25 no. 5915)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownTobias KümperTobias Kümper
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-081unknownunknownAugsburg (TK 25 no. 7631)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownChristian KussauerM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-081matureBad Bellingen (TK 25 no. 8211)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownMaurice RossiM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-081matureBeethovenstraße, Mörfelden-Walldorf (TK 25 no. 6017)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownMirjam KreuzerMirjam Kreuzer
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-081maturebei Alemannenstraße, Maulburg (TK 25 no. 8312)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownDomenic JuppenlatzDomenic Juppenlatz
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-081matureBilltalstraße, Frankfurt am Main (TK 25 no. 5817)C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodiesSighting/photo of habitusHabitusZhus IllyaZhus Illya
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-081unknownunknownJoignystraße, Mayen (TK 25 no. 5609)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusHabitusAnnegret FussyAnnegret Fussy
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-081unknownunknownKarlsruher Str., Linkenheim-Hochstetten (TK 25 no. 6816)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownMeike FischerMeike Fischer
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-081matureOftersheim (TK 25 no. 6617)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownStefanie SchmidtStefanie Schmidt
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-081unknownunknownRathausstraße, Worms (TK 25 no. 6315)I2.2: Small-scale ornamental and domestic garden areasSighting/photo of habitusunknownDaniel EyrischDaniel Eyrisch
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-081unknownSandstraße, Pfungstadt (TK 25 no. 6117)I2.2: Small-scale ornamental and domestic garden areasSighting/photo of habitusHabitusSilke BonnSilke Bonn
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-081unknownSchriesheim (TK 25 no. 6517)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownDaniel RenardDaniel Renard
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-081matureSchulstraße, Hockenheim (TK 25 no. 6617)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownJehnRoland Jehn
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-081matureSonnhalde, Kippenheim (TK 25 no. 7713)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresKellerSighting/photo of habitusunknownKevin PetriM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-081unknownunknownSpeyerstraße, Groß-Rohrheim (TK 25 no. 6216)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownManuela OlfManuela Olf
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-081matureStettiner Str., Gernsheim (TK 25 no. 6217)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownMichael KasselmannMichael Kasselmann
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-081matureUnterdorfstraße, Köngen (TK 25 no. 7322)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownTatjana HeuckerothM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-081immatureVon-Weber-Straße, Steinheim an der Murr (TK 25 no. 7021)J4: Transport networks and other constructed hard-surfaced areasSighting/photo of habitusunknownMichael KohlM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-071matureBad Krozingen (TK 25 no. 8012)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownDiana HeitzmannDiana Heitzmann
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-071immatureunknownBad Schönborn (TK 25 no. 6717)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownEvangelia MerdianEvangelia Merdian
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-071unknownBadener Str., Heilbronn (TK 25 no. 6821)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownRalf KölleRalf Kölle
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-075unknownunknownbei Kederbacherstraße, München (TK 25 no. 7835)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownVictoria BaurVictoria Baur
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-071maturebei Lindenstraße, Jülich (TK 25 no. 5004)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownHans LaunerHans Launer
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-071matureBrombergstraße, Freiburg im Breisgau (TK 25 no. 8013)I2.2: Small-scale ornamental and domestic garden areasSighting/photo of habitusunknownBenno MorgensternM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-071matureCampingplatz Karpfenzug, Zum Wäldchen, Altrip (TK 25 no. 6516)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownAngelika BrandtAngelika Brandt
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-071matureIn d. Loh, Meerbusch (TK 25 no. 4606)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownTorsten ZehnpfennigM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-071unknownunknownKarlsruhe-Durlach (TK 25 no. 7016)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownCorinna HaubrichM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-071matureKehl-Goldscheuer (TK 25 no. 7412)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownWolfgang GilzerM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-071unknownunknownKempen (TK 25 no. 4604)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownNicole ReifenrathNicole Reifenrath
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-071unknownunknownKörnerstraße, Lörrach (TK 25 no. 8311)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownSibylle FrankSibylle Frank
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-071matureLilienstraße, Bad Schönborn (TK 25 no. 6717)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownChristine HeinChristine Hein
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-071unknownunknownMartin-Stöhr-Grundschule Leutershausen (TK 25 no. 6517)J1.3: Urban and suburban public buildingsSighting/photo of habitusunknownDaniel RenardDaniel Renard
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-071unknownunknownMerkurweg, Karlsruhe (TK 25 no. 7016)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownSarah VanbinstSarah Vanbinst
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-071immatureunknownNeulußheim (TK 25 no. 6717)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownCarolin HermCarolin Herm
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-071matureNordenstadter Str., Wiesbaden (TK 25 no. 5915)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownIna HaegermannM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-071unknownunknownPlankstadt, Wohngebiet Bruchhäuser Weg (TK 25 no. 6617)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownSonja FischerSonja Fischer
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-071matureRuppertsberg (TK 25 no. 6515)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownThorsten MayerThorsten Mayer
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-071unknownSchillerstraße, Heidelberg (TK 25 no. 6518)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownGesine HeinzelmannGesine Heinzelmann
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-071unknownSexau (TK 25 no. 7913)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownJörg SaffeJörg Saffe
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-071unknownunknownSpeyerer Str., Limburgerhof (TK 25 no. 6516)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownZahra KimmelM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-071unknownStuttgart-Wangen (TK 25 no. 7221)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownNico PlesetzNico Plesetz
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-071matureTeningen (TK 25 no. 7812)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownNicole BahrmannNicole Bahrmann
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-071unknownunknownTiefenbronn-Lehningen (TK 25 no. 7218)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownUwe RustUwe Rust
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-071matureTiroler Weg, Herten-Langenbochum (TK 25 no. 4308)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownVolker HappeM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-071immatureTübingen (TK 25 no. 7420)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownShona RamrothShona Ramroth
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-071matureWorms (TK 25 no. 6316)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownVeronika KatinovaM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-061matureBachstraße, Karlsruhe (TK 25 no. 6916)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownFabian EversmeierFabian Eversmeier
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-061unknownunknownbei Feldteichstraße, Lörrach (TK 25 no. 8312)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownRobert ScherzingerM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-061unknownGothaer Str., Mönchengladbach (TK 25 no. 4804)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownRalf MeißnerM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-061unknownHeilbronn (TK 25 no. 6821)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownBirgit ?, HeilbronnM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-061matureHofheim am Taunus- Marxheim (TK 25 no. 5916)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownUte PahleUte Pahle
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-061matureIm Erlenhain, Gottenheim (TK 25 no. 7912)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownUlrike SchnellUlrike Schnell
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-061unknownunknownMannheim-Käfertal (TK 25 no. 6417)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownMarie VölkerMarie Völker
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-061unknownunknownSteinfelder Gasse, Köln (TK 25 no. 5007)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownJulia FranzJulia Franz
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-061unknownunknownStuttgart-Botnang (TK 25 no. 7220)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownBeatrix VillingBeatrix Villing
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-061matureWaldkirch b. Freiburg (TK 25 no. 7913)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownMelanie KernM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-061unknownunknownWiesbaden-Schierstein (TK 25 no. 5915)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownThomas MuhrThomas Muhr
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-051unknownunknownAathalstrasse, Uster (Swiss Grid N5 no. 695240)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownH.-D. GörsH.-D. Görs
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-051maturebei Raiffeisenstraße, Ludwigshafen am Rhein - Oggersheim (TK 25 no. 6516)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownPatrik EndlichPatrik Endlich
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-051unknownunknownBernhäuser Str., Leinfelden-Echterdingen (TK 25 no. 7321)J1.3: Urban and suburban public buildingsSighting/photo of habitusunknownBeate TchoulakianBeate Tchoulakian
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-051unknownunknownBohrgewanne, Ludwigshafen am Rhein (TK 25 no. 6516)I2.2: Small-scale ornamental and domestic garden areasSighting/photo of habitusunknownRenate SteigerM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-051immatureErbacher Str., Darmstadt (TK 25 no. 6117)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownLaura ZuthLaura Zuth
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-051matureErkenbrechtstraße, Neustadt an der Weinstraße (TK 25 no. 6614)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownPeter KurzPeter Kurz
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-051unknownunknownFriedhofsweg, Griesheim (TK 25 no. 6117)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownJan SnippenM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-051unknownGelsenkirchen-Resse (TK 25 no. 4408)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownKathryn GoddeKathryn Godde
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-051matureGraf-Wilhelm-Straße, Minden (TK 25 no. 3619)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownBarbara PerkBarbara Perk
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-051matureHauptstraße, Ortenberg (TK 25 no. 7513)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownClemens HerrmannClemens Herrmann
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-051unknownunknownIm Lindle, Ortenberg (TK 25 no. 7513)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesKücheSighting/photo of habitusunknownKarl-Heinz ErdrichKarl-Heinz Erdrich
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-051matureLaurentiusstraße, Hemmingen (TK 25 no. 7120)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownKathrin BurgioM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-051unknownunknownMannheim-Niederfeld (TK 25 no. 6516)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownBrita BenderBrita Bender
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-051maturePforzheim (TK 25 no. 7118)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownJeanett KöpplinJeanett Köpplin
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-051unknownunknownPotthofstraße, Witten (TK 25 no. 4509)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesKellerSighting/photo of habitusunknownMaria RennersMaria Renners
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-051matureStettiner Str., Gernsheim (TK 25 no. 6217)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresKellerSighting/photo of habitusunknownMichael KasselmannMichael Kasselmann
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-051unknownunknownTilsiter Straße, Mainz-Kostheim (TK 25 no. 5915)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownAriane KlotzAriane Klotz
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-041unknownunknownAathalstrasse, Uster (Swiss Grid N5 no. 695240)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownH.-D. GörsH.-D. Görs
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-041matureAm Steinberg, Düsseldorf (TK 25 no. 4706)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesAltpapiercontainerSighting/photo of habitusunknownJörg WindrathJörg Windrath
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-041unknownbei Lilistraße, Offenbach am Main (TK 25 no. 5818)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownJose HarveyJose Harvey
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-041unknownbei Unterer Taubentalweg, Ingolstadt (TK 25 no. 7234)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownChristian HänchenChristian Hänchen
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-041matureEgliswil (Swiss Grid N5 no. 655240)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownNicciNicci
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-041matureFreiberg am Neckar (TK 25 no. 7021)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownFrank StielerFrank Stieler
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-041unknownFreiburg Im Breisgau, St. Georgen (TK 25 no. 8012)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownMaria Dolores Canton DizM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-041immatureHeimgartenstraße, Stuttgart (TK 25 no. 7221)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownUlrich HohlUlrich Hohl
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-041immatureunknownHirschberg (TK 25 no. 6417)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresKleiderschrankSighting/photo of habitusunknownSimona HelfertSimona Helfert
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-041unknownKöln-Ehrenfeld (TK 25 no. 5007)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownChristian SchepersChristian Schepers
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-041matureKönigsberger Str., Haslach im Kinzigtal (TK 25 no. 7714)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownThomas HommelThomas Hommel
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-041matureMauerstraße, Aachen (TK 25 no. 5202)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownJulian SendenJulian Senden
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-041unknownunknownNelkenweg, Malterdingen (TK 25 no. 7812)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownMichael KönigMichael König
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-041maturePaul-Bönner-Straße, Plankstadt (TK 25 no. 6617)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownSteffen HuberM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-042matureReblingstraße, Schallstadt (TK 25 no. 8012)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownUschi KopfM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-041matureRemseck am Neckar (TK 25 no. 7121)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownSiegfried FriebeSiegfried Friebe
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-041immatureReuten, Siegsdorf (TK 25 no. 8141)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownSören HensenSören Hensen
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-041unknownunknownRottfeldstraße, Mannheim (TK 25 no. 6516)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownVitus GangkofnerVitus Gangkofner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-041unknownunknownSchreberstraße, Krefeld (TK 25 no. 4605)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownMonika PompetzkiMonika Pompetzki
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-041unknownunknownSchulstraße, Udenheim (TK 25 no. 6115)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresKeller, TotfundSighting/photo of habitusunknownAriane KlotzAriane Klotz
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-041matureSchweizer Str., Jülich (TK 25 no. 5004)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownJörg HuwerJörg Huwer
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-041unknownunknownSteinfelder Gasse, Köln (TK 25 no. 5007)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownJulia FranzJulia Franz
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-041unknownunknownWürmersheim (TK 25 no. 7015)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownDoris ZöllerDoris Zöller
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-031unknownunknown8192 Glattfelden (Swiss Grid N5 no. 680265)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownNico KellerNico Keller
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-031unknownunknown86167 Augsburg (TK 25 no. 7631)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownKarsten HöfinghoffKarsten Höfinghoff
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-031unknownunknownAm Schinnergraben, Mainz (TK 25 no. 6015)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownAnnika von AlbedyllAnnika von Albedyll
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-031unknownAuf der Oberplatte, Altrip (TK 25 no. 6517)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesTerrasseSighting/photo of habitusunknownThorsten KrahThorsten Krah
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-031matureDamaschkestraße, Karlsruhe (TK 25 no. 6916)I2.2: Small-scale ornamental and domestic garden areasSighting/photo of habitusunknownVolker LangenbeinVolker Langenbein
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-031unknownunknownDülmen-Buldern (TK 25 no. 4110)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownDetlev ZydekDetlev Zydek
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-031matureGöppingen (TK 25 no. 7223)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesKellerSighting/photo of habitusunknownWerner KohlWerner Kohl
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-031unknownGriethweg, Schriesheim (TK 25 no. 6518)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownErnst Rudolf KallienErnst Rudolf Kallien
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-031matureIndustriestraße, Neuhofen (TK 25 no. 6516)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownRené WaldingerRené Waldinger
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-031matureKonstanz Altstadt (TK 25 no. 8321)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownShirin SevgiShirin Sevgi
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-031unknownMalsch-Unterdorf (TK 25 no. 7115)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownKatja ?, MalschKatja ?, Malsch
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-031unknownunknownMohnweg, Speyer (TK 25 no. 6616)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresBadSighting/photo of habitusunknownFlorian RiestererFlorian Riesterer
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-031unknownRothrockstraße, Worms-Leiselheim (TK 25 no. 6315)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownDirk FellerDirk Feller
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-031immatureunknownSofienstraße, Wiesloch (TK 25 no. 6718)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownAnnett FranzAnnett Franz
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-031matureSteinfelder Gasse, Köln (TK 25 no. 5007)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownJulia FranzJulia Franz
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-031matureWaiblingen (TK 25 no. 7121)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownWenzelWenzel
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-031matureWeimarstraße, Kornwestheim (TK 25 no. 7121)I2.2: Small-scale ornamental and domestic garden areasSighting/photo of habitusunknownAndreas KieferAndreas Kiefer
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-031unknownunknownWinnenden (TK 25 no. 7122)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownJörg ?, WinnendenJörg ?, Winnenden
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-021unknown69207 Sandhausen (TK 25 no. 6617)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownVöhringerM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-021unknownunknownAathalstrasse, Uster (Swiss Grid N5 no. 695240)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownH.-D. GörsH.-D. Görs
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-021unknownunknownAgra am Lago MaggioreJ1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownPeter ReichertPeter Reichert
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-021unknownunknownBärengasse, Hofheim am Taunus (TK 25 no. 5916)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownSandra SandigBettina Simon
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-021unknownunknownBrühl (TK 25 no. 5107)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownAlexandra SchwebeM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-021unknownBunsenstraße, Heidelberg (TK 25 no. 6518)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownAndreas SommerAndreas Sommer
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-021matureCany-Barville-Straße, Maximiliansau (TK 25 no. 6915)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesKücheSighting/photo of habitusunknownMaja TrumpfhellerMaja Trumpfheller
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-021unknownunknownCitypark, Karlsruhe (TK 25 no. 6916)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownIsabel WellerIsabel Weller
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-021unknownunknownDomstraße, Offenbach am Main (TK 25 no. 5818)I2.2: Small-scale ornamental and domestic garden areasSighting/photo of habitusunknownJ. HintzeJ. Hintze
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-021matureDomstraße, Offenbach am Main (TK 25 no. 5818)I2.2: Small-scale ornamental and domestic garden areasSighting/photo of habitusunknownJ. HintzeJ. Hintze
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-021immatureunknownDüsseldorf-Lörick (TK 25 no. 4706)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownBergmannBergmann
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-021matureEppinger Str., Leingarten (TK 25 no. 6820)J1.4: Urban and suburban industrial and commercial sites still in active useSighting/photo of habitusunknownPatrick HuttPatrick Hutt
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-021matureFliederstraße, Gauting (TK 25 no. 7934)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownC. NitscheC. Nitsche
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-021matureFreiburg-Haid (TK 25 no. 8012)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownHeiko EhrhardHeiko Ehrhard
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-021unknownunknownGeorg-Friedrich-Händel-Straße, Reutlingen (TK 25 no. 7421)I2.2: Small-scale ornamental and domestic garden areasSighting/photo of habitusunknownMichael FischerMichael Fischer
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-021unknownunknownIm Schützenacker, Leimen-Gauangelloch (TK 25 no. 6618)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownManfred FuchsManfred Fuchs
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-021unknownKastellweg, Heidelberg (TK 25 no. 6518)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownSebastian WalterM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-021unknownunknownMerzhausen (TK 25 no. 8012)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownLola KönigLola König
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-021immatureMittelberg, Biberach an der Riß (TK 25 no. 7924)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownStefanie LocherStefanie Locher
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-021matureMulanskystraße, Frankfurt am Main (TK 25 no. 5817)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownRosa SchreieckM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-021unknownunknownPforzheim (TK 25 no. 7118)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownAnnette SchollAnnette Scholl
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-021unknownPforzheim (TK 25 no. 7118)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownAnnette SchollAnnette Scholl
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-021maturePhilipp-Reis-Straße, Krefeld (TK 25 no. 4605)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownAngelo FeltgenAngelo Feltgen
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-021unknownunknownReitweg, Köln (TK 25 no. 5007)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresKücheSighting/photo of habitusunknownAnthimos KiriakidisAnthimos Kiriakidis
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-021unknownunknownSchillerstr., Remshalden (TK 25 no. 7122)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownVanessa BrandtVanessa Brandt
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-022unknownunknownSchulstraße, Edingen-Neckarhausen (TK 25 no. 6517)I2.2: Small-scale ornamental and domestic garden areasGartenhausSighting/photo of habitusunknownKatharina SchreckenbergerKatharina Schreckenberger
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-021matureSingen (Hohentwiel) (TK 25 no. 8219)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownAndreas HergerAndreas Herger
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-02unknownunknownViernheim (TK 25 no. 6417)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownIllertIllert
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-01–2022-09-086unknownunknownBreslauer Str., Karlsruhe (TK 25 no. 6916)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownRobert SchneiderRobert Schneider
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-011unknownBuggingen-Betberg (TK 25 no. 8111)J2.4: Agricultural constructionsSighting/photo of habitusunknownWolfram MatschoßWolfram Matschoß
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-01–2022-09-082unknownunknownDraisstraße, Ettlingen (TK 25 no. 7016)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownBernd FechnerBernd Fechner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-091unknownunknownEndingen am Kaiserstuhl (TK 25 no. 7812)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesGarageSighting/photo of habitusHabitusTanja-Natascha OehmtTanja-Natascha Oehmt
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-011matureErich-Ollenhauer-Straße, Oberursel (Taunus) (TK 25 no. 5717)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownSue EhmischSue Ehmisch
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-011unknownunknownKöln, Innenstadt (TK 25 no. 5007)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownChristine ?, KölnChristine ?, Köln
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-011unknownunknownLotte-Wicke-Weg, Düsseldorf (TK 25 no. 4707)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresKücheSighting/photo of habitusunknownChristina JentzschM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-011matureMozartstraße, Grünstadt (TK 25 no. 6414)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownChristian RichterChristian Richter
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-011immatureunknownOftersheim (TK 25 no. 6617)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownManfred HeldManfred Held
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-011unknownunknownPrinz-Eugen-Straße, Griesheim (TK 25 no. 6117)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownDennis DörrsiebDennis Dörrsieb
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-011unknownunknownSchlesierstraße, Mörlenbach (TK 25 no. 6318)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownGunther BaumgartnerGunther Baumgartner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-09-011matureSeeriederstraße, München (TK 25 no. 7835)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownCatharina RekerCatharina Reker
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-311unknownunknownAm Ginsterberg, Düsseldorf (TK 25 no. 4707)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresTerrasse zwischen vertrocknetem Laub Nähe HauswandSighting/photo of habitusunknownDominik Gilbert-DanielDominik Gilbert-Daniel
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-311unknownunknownAm Sandhang, Mannheim (TK 25 no. 6517)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownAnna KasperAnna Kasper
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-311unknownunknownAuf d. Kanzel, Stuttgart (TK 25 no. 7121)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresBadSighting/photo of habitusunknownJana WagnerM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-311unknownbei Poststraße, Mönchengladbach (TK 25 no. 4804)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownHans FinkenHans Finken
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-311matureBernried am Starnberger See (TK 25 no. 8133)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownErlerErler
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-311matureHilden (TK 25 no. 4807)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownYulia SidiropoulosM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-312unknownunknownIm Unterviertel, Karlsruhe (TK 25 no. 6916)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownPhilipp SchönbergerPhilipp Schönberger
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-311unknownunknownKanonierstraße, Düsseldorf (TK 25 no. 4706)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownUschi RaederUschi Raeder
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-313unknownunknownKarlstadt/Main (TK 25 no. 6024)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownChristian GöbelChristian Göbel
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-311matureMühlweg, Schwegenheim (TK 25 no. 6716)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownJulianM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-311unknownOtto-Suhr-Allee, Berlin (TK 25 no. 3445)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownErsin GürelM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-311matureWeilheim an der Teck, Wohngebiet Egelsberg (TK 25 no. 7323)I2.2: Small-scale ornamental and domestic garden areasSighting/photo of habitusunknownSeverine WetzelM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-301unknownunknown69207 Sandhausen (TK 25 no. 6617)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownChristopher MeixnerChristopher Meixner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-301unknownunknownbei Bronnäcker, Stuttgart (TK 25 no. 7221)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownLaura PysallLaura Pysall
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-301unknownunknownFöhrenweg, Mannheim (TK 25 no. 6416)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesKellerSighting/photo of habitusunknownSteffen SchneiderM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-301matureGenhülsen, Mönchengladbach (TK 25 no. 4804)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownJanina NeuhausJanina Neuhaus
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-301matureKarlsruhe-Dammerstock (TK 25 no. 7016)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownTineTine
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-301unknownunknownLotte-Wicke-Weg, Düsseldorf (TK 25 no. 4707)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresKücheSighting/photo of habitusunknownChristina JentzschM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-301unknownunknownMannheim, Q4 (TK 25 no. 6516)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownChristina Bauder-WenzChristina Bauder-Wenz
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-301matureMerianstraße, Frankfurt Nordend-Ost (TK 25 no. 5818)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownUlrike MaurerUlrike Maurer
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-301unknownunknownNürnberg-Gebersdorf (TK 25 no. 6532)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownSandra HofstetterM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-301matureWilhelmstraße, Ludwigsburg (TK 25 no. 7121)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownVanessa Di FrancoVanessa Di Franco
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-301unknownunknownWillich-Schiefbahn (TK 25 no. 4705)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSchlafzimmerSighting/photo of habitusunknownPeter ?, WillichPeter ?, Willich
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-291unknownunknownAm Alten Friedhof, Weingarten (Baden) (TK 25 no. 6917)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresHaus-Eingangstüre außenSighting/photo of habitusunknownSiegfried JansenSiegfried Jansen
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-292unknownunknownBad Cannstatt, Stuttgart (TK 25 no. 7121)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresKellerSighting/photo of habitusunknownTobias HanßmannTobias Hanßmann
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-291unknownunknownBad Cannstatt, Stuttgart (TK 25 no. 7121)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresKellerSighting/photo of habitusunknownTobias HanßmannTobias Hanßmann
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-291matureBietigheim-Bissingen (TK 25 no. 7020)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresBadSighting/photo of habitusunknownMichele FeresinM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-291unknownunknownBonn-Medinghoven (TK 25 no. 5208)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownMartin BaurMartin Baur
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-291unknownunknownBrunhamstraße, München (TK 25 no. 7834)I2.2: Small-scale ornamental and domestic garden areasSighting/photo of habitusunknownElisabeth HeuckerothElisabeth Heuckeroth
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-291unknownunknownDudenhofen (TK 25 no. 6616)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownChris TichyM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-291matureDurbach (TK 25 no. 7514)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownRolf KimmigRolf Kimmig
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-291matureFreiburger Str., Waldbronn-Reichenbach (TK 25 no. 7016)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownChristine HahnChristine Hahn
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-291matureGutshof, Emmendingen (TK 25 no. 7813)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSchlafzimmerSighting/photo of habitusunknownStefanie Bartl, EmmendingenM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-291unknownunknownHans-Bredow-Straße, Wiesbaden (TK 25 no. 5915)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownOlaf von RoederOlaf von Roeder
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-291matureHeimgartenstraße, Stuttgart (TK 25 no. 7221)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresKücheSighting/photo of habitusunknownUlrich HohlUlrich Hohl
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-29–2022-09-042unknownunknownHessheim bei Frankenthal (TK 25 no. 6415)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownClaudia ScheuberClaudia Scheuber
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-291matureIsmaning (TK 25 no. 7736)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownMonika Greipl, IsmaningM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-291matureKaiserallee, Karlsruhe (TK 25 no. 6916)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownJonas WeismannJonas Weismann
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-291unknownunknownKöln, Innenstadt (TK 25 no. 5007)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownChristine ?, KölnChristine ?, Köln
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-291matureKornwestheim (TK 25 no. 7121)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownSelinaSelina
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-291unknownunknownLadenburg (TK 25 no. 6517)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownSandra WalterM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-291matureLampertheimer Str., Mannheim (TK 25 no. 6417)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresWohnungSighting/photo of habitusunknownMarco MartinMarco Martin
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-291matureNußloch (TK 25 no. 6618)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownAmbergsM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-291unknownunknownOberursel (TK 25 no. 5717)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownJasminM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-291maturePariser Ring, Baden-Baden (TK 25 no. 7215)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownChristin GüntherChristin Günther
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-291unknownunknownRavensburg-Südstadt (TK 25 no. 8223)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownMarcel GraneßM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-291immatureunknownUnterheinriet (TK 25 no. 6921)I2.2: Small-scale ornamental and domestic garden areasSighting/photo of habitusunknownAlessa WaltzAlessa Waltz
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-291matureWalbecker Str., Kevelaer (TK 25 no. 4403)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownDirk WinkelsDirk Winkels
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-281mature69123 Heidelberg (TK 25 no. 6517)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownGabriele Mey-PeibergGabriele Mey-Peiberg
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-281matureAm Alten Friedhof, Weingarten (Baden) (TK 25 no. 6917)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresFlurinnenwandSighting/photo of habitusunknownSiegfried JansenSiegfried Jansen
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-281matureAm Lederacker, Durmersheim (TK 25 no. 7015)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresBadSighting/photo of habitusunknownMaren BolandM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-281unknownunknownAschaffenburg (TK 25 no. 6020)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownNataliNatali
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-281unknownunknownBahnhofstraße, Heuchelheim (TK 25 no. 5417)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownHans-Jürgen OestreichHans-Jürgen Oestreich
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-281maturebei Rudolf-Harbig-Straße, Nottuln (TK 25 no. 4010)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresKellerSighting/photo of habitusunknownNadine EssingNadine Essing
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-281matureBensheim-Auerbach (TK 25 no. 6217)I2.2: Small-scale ornamental and domestic garden areasSighting/photo of habitusunknownNicole BrandtM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-281unknownunknownBietigheim, Landkreis Rastatt (TK 25 no. 7015)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownGerda HofmannGerda Hofmann
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-281immatureunknownDüsseldorf-Lörick (TK 25 no. 4706)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresBadSighting/photo of habitusunknownKathrin GüntherKathrin Günther
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-281unknownunknownEltville, Wohngebiet Im Obersetzling (TK 25 no. 5914)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresWohnzimmerSighting/photo of habitusunknownStefanie HüthigStefanie Hüthig
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-281matureEttlingen (TK 25 no. 7016)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownEdgar GedikEdgar Gedik
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-281matureGrafenmühlenweg, Köln (TK 25 no. 5008)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesBadezimmerSighting/photo of habitusunknownRolf WiegoldM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-281matureHildegard-von-Bingen Str., Bad Krozingen (TK 25 no. 8012)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesWohnungSighting/photo of habitusunknownMarkus RehM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-281matureHinter der Schule, Seeheim-Jugenheim (TK 25 no. 6217)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownAndreas KaminskiAndreas Kaminski
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-281immatureHügelsheim (TK 25 no. 7214)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresBadSighting/photo of habitusunknownAnonymus, HügelsheimM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-281unknownIm Kreuzgewann, Leimen (TK 25 no. 6618)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresBadSighting/photo of habitusunknownSabine MüllederM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-281unknownunknownKandel (TK 25 no. 6915)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownAdriana TrauthAdriana Trauth
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-281immatureKarlsruhe-Oststadt (TK 25 no. 6916)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSchlafzimmerSighting/photo of habitusunknownBritta JahrausM. Hohner
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-281unknownunknownKlagenfurt-ViktringJ1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresArbeitszimmerSighting/photo of habitusunknownDaniela SzalawyloDaniela Szalawylo
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-281matureKöln-Nippes (TK 25 no. 5007)I2.21: Ornamental garden areasSighting/photo of habitusunknownChristel Brede-PflügerChristel Brede-Pflüger
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-281unknownLandau in der Pfalz, Queichheim (TK 25 no. 6814)I2.2: Small-scale ornamental and domestic garden areasSighting/photo of habitusunknownMichael WaldenbergerMichael Waldenberger
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-281matureLindenstraße, Tamm (TK 25 no. 7020)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresBalkonSighting/photo of habitusunknownRoland BreitingerRoland Breitinger
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-281matureMoltkestraße, Darmstadt (TK 25 no. 6117)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresBalkonSighting/photo of habitusunknownSarah SchadtSarah Schadt
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-281unknownunknownNeckarstraße, Neckargemünd (TK 25 no. 6618)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSchlafzimmerSighting/photo of habitusunknownNatalie WolfNatalie Wolf
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-281matureNieder-Olmer-Str., Ober-Olm (TK 25 no. 6015)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownAnna SzramAnna Szram
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-281unknownunknownRüdesheim am Rhein (TK 25 no. 6013)J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villagesSighting/photo of habitusunknownFreddy ZimmermannFreddy Zimmermann
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-281matureSilcherstraße, Kirchheim am Neckar (TK 25 no. 6920)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresKücheSighting/photo of habitusunknownPhilipp HarnackPhilipp Harnack
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-281matureSinsheimer Str., Nußloch (TK 25 no. 6618)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresWohnungSighting/photo of habitusunknownChristoph KrüllChristoph Krüll
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-281matureSinsheimer Str., Nußloch (TK 25 no. 6618)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresTreppenhaus Keller/SouterrainSighting/photo of habitusunknownChristoph KrüllChristoph Krüll
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted2022-08-281unknownSodener Str., Aschaffenburg (TK 25 no. 6021)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSchlafzimmerSighting/photo of habitusunknownHelga KlumppHelga Klumpp
Zoropsidae, False wolf spidersZoropsis spinimana accepted