Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau. 

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Total: 4,961 records.

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Araneae, True Spiders

Family Species Date rangeNumberMaturitySexLocationHabitat typeSituation descr.Collection methodIdentification characteristicleg. det. vid. coll. coll. 2 CommentsTags
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersHistopona torpida accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-282matureOdernheim Laubwald 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.6: Beech woodlandLaubwaldPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.F1Sp13 rlz
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersHistopona torpida accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-282matureOdernheim Laubwald 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.6: Beech woodlandLaubwaldPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.F1Sp23 rlz
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersHistopona torpida accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-283matureOdernheim Laubwald 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.6: Beech woodlandLaubwaldPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.F1Sp43 rlz
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersHistopona torpida accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-281matureOdernheim Laubwald 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.6: Beech woodlandLaubwaldPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.F1Sp43 rlz
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersHistopona torpida accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-284matureOdernheim Laubwald 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.6: Beech woodlandLaubwaldPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.F2Sp13 rlz
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersHistopona torpida accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-281matureOdernheim Laubwald 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.6: Beech woodlandLaubwaldPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.F2Sp23 rlz
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersHistopona torpida accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-282matureOdernheim Laubwald 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.6: Beech woodlandLaubwaldPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.F2Sp43 rlz
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersHistopona torpida accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-281matureOdernheim Laubwald 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.6: Beech woodlandLaubwaldPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.F2Sp43 rlz
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersHistopona torpida accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-281matureOdernheim Streuobst 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsStreuobstwiese, beweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.AF1Sp43 rlz
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersHistopona torpida accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-111matureOdernheim Laubwald 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.6: Beech woodlandLaubwaldPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.F2Sp42 rlz
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersInermocoelotes inermis accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 15wa (TK 25 no. 6914)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2086 rlz
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersInermocoelotes inermis accepted2013-09-21–2013-09-271matureFeldrand 13wa (TK 25 no. 6914)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1995 rlz
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersInermocoelotes inermis accepted2013-09-21–2013-09-271matureFeldrand 15wa (TK 25 no. 6914)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2081 rlz
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersInermocoelotes inermis accepted2013-09-21–2013-09-271matureFeldrand 15wa (TK 25 no. 6914)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2082 rlz
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersTegenaria silvestris accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-281matureOdernheim Laubwald 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.6: Beech woodlandLaubwaldPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.F2Sp33 rlz
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersTegenaria silvestris accepted2021-05-11–2021-05-211matureOdernheim Laubwald 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.6: Beech woodlandLaubwaldPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.F1Sp11 rlz
Anyphaenidae, Buzzing spidersAnyphaena accentuata accepted2023-06-131matureErbsengraben im Wald (TK 25 no. 6615)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldBeating trayunknownKripp, Alanah285 rlz
Anyphaenidae, Buzzing spidersAnyphaena accentuata accepted2023-06-131matureOtterbach am Flußufer (TK 25 no. 6915)C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodiesam FlußuferBeating trayunknownKripp, Alanah115 rlz
Anyphaenidae, Buzzing spidersAnyphaena accentuata accepted2023-06-131matureOtterbach im Wald (TK 25 no. 6915)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldBeating trayunknownKripp, Alanah577 rlz
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersAraniella cucurbitina accepted2023-06-141matureErbsengraben am Flußufer (TK 25 no. 6615)C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodiesam FlußuferBeating trayunknownKripp, Alanah52 rlz
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersAraniella cucurbitina accepted2023-06-131matureErbsengraben im Wald (TK 25 no. 6615)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldBeating trayunknownKripp, Alanah286 rlz
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersAraniella cucurbitina accepted2023-06-131matureQueich im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPowered aspiratorunknownKripp, Alanah1000 rlz
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersAraniella cucurbitina accepted2023-06-121matureQueich am Flußufer (TK 25 no. 6715)C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodiesam FlußuferBeating trayunknownKripp, Alanah229 rlz
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersAraniella cucurbitina accepted2023-06-111matureQueich im Wald (TK 25 no. 6715)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah634 rlz
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersArgiope bruennichi accepted2023-07-26–2023-07-314matureRSM Landau (TK 25 no. 6714)E3.4: Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grasslandVersuchsanlage mit künstlichen Bachläufen und Überflutungsbereich auf angesäter UferwiesePitfall trapunknownMutel, StephaneBreithaupt, Caroline rlz
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersArgiope bruennichi accepted2023-06-27–2023-07-136matureRSM Landau (TK 25 no. 6714)E3.4: Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grasslandVersuchsanlage mit künstlichen Bachläufen und Überflutungsbereich auf angesäter UferwiesePitfall trapunknownMutel, StephaneBreithaupt, Caroline rlz
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersArgiope bruennichi accepted2023-06-27–2023-07-131matureRSM Landau (TK 25 no. 6714)E3.4: Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grasslandVersuchsanlage mit künstlichen Bachläufen und Überflutungsbereich auf angesäter UferwiesePitfall trapunknownMutel, StephaneBreithaupt, Caroline rlz
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersCercidia prominens accepted2023-09-02–2023-09-071matureRSM Landau (TK 25 no. 6714)E3.4: Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grasslandVersuchsanlage mit künstlichen Bachläufen und Überflutungsbereich auf angesäter UferwiesePitfall trapunknownMutel, StephaneBreithaupt, Caroline rlz
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersCercidia prominens accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 8wa (TK 25 no. 6716)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1835 rlz
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersCercidia prominens accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-301matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)G5.6: Early-stage natural and semi-natural woodlands and regrowthVerbuschtes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersMangora acalypha accepted2023-06-141matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandSweep netunknownKripp, Alanah725 rlz
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersMangora acalypha accepted2023-06-141matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandSweep netunknownKripp, Alanah726 rlz
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersMangora acalypha accepted2023-06-131matureOtterbach am Flußufer (TK 25 no. 6915)C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodiesam FlußuferBeating trayunknownKripp, Alanah117 rlz
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersMangora acalypha accepted2023-06-122matureOtterbach im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6915)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandHand collectionunknownKripp, Alanah734 rlz
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersMangora acalypha accepted2023-06-121matureOtterbach im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6915)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandHand collectionunknownKripp, Alanah1083 rlz
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersZilla diodia accepted2023-06-131matureQueich am Flußufer (TK 25 no. 6715)C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodiesam FlußuferHand collectionunknownKripp, Alanah177 rlz
Atypidae, Purseweb spidersAtypus affinis accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 7wl (TK 25 no. 6716)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2337 rlz
Atypidae, Purseweb spidersAtypus affinis accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 7wl (TK 25 no. 6716)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2338 rlz
Atypidae, Purseweb spidersAtypus affinis accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 9wl (TK 25 no. 6615)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2465 rlz
CheiracanthiidaeCheiracanthium campestre accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-301matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)G5.6: Early-stage natural and semi-natural woodlands and regrowthVerbuschtes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
CheiracanthiidaeCheiracanthium campestre accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-301matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)E2.7: Unmanaged mesic grasslandEhemals beweidetes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
CheiracanthiidaeCheiracanthium campestre accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-301matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)E2.7: Unmanaged mesic grasslandEhemals beweidetes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
CheiracanthiidaeCheiracanthium campestre accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-301matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)E2.7: Unmanaged mesic grasslandEhemals beweidetes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
CheiracanthiidaeCheiracanthium campestre accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-301matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)E2.7: Unmanaged mesic grasslandEhemals beweidetes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
CheiracanthiidaeCheiracanthium campestre accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-301matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)E2.7: Unmanaged mesic grasslandEhemals beweidetes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
CheiracanthiidaeCheiracanthium campestre accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-301matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)E2.7: Unmanaged mesic grasslandEhemals beweidetes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
CheiracanthiidaeCheiracanthium campestre accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-301matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)E2.7: Unmanaged mesic grasslandEhemals beweidetes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
CheiracanthiidaeCheiracanthium campestre accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-301matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)E2.7: Unmanaged mesic grasslandEhemals beweidetes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
CicurinidaeCicurina cicur accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 10wl (TK 25 no. 6715)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2494 rlz
CicurinidaeCicurina cicur accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 17wl (TK 25 no. 6815)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2784 rlz
Clubionidae, Sac spidersClubiona comta accepted2023-06-131matureErbsengraben im Wald (TK 25 no. 6615)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah328 rlz
Clubionidae, Sac spidersClubiona comta accepted2023-06-121matureOtterbach im Wald (TK 25 no. 6915)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah595 rlz
Clubionidae, Sac spidersClubiona comta accepted2023-06-121matureQueich am Flußufer (TK 25 no. 6715)C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodiesam FlußuferBeating trayunknownKripp, Alanah231 rlz
Clubionidae, Sac spidersClubiona comta accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 15wa (TK 25 no. 6914)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2084 rlz
Clubionidae, Sac spidersClubiona comta accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 3wa (TK 25 no. 6515)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1696 rlz
Clubionidae, Sac spidersClubiona comta accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 3wa (TK 25 no. 6515)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1697 rlz
Clubionidae, Sac spidersClubiona comta accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-132matureFeldrand 5wl (TK 25 no. 6516)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2300 rlz
Clubionidae, Sac spidersClubiona comta accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 8wl (TK 25 no. 6716)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2403 rlz
Clubionidae, Sac spidersClubiona comta accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 4wa (TK 25 no. 6516)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1706 rlz
Clubionidae, Sac spidersClubiona lutescens accepted2023-06-131matureOtterbach am Flußufer (TK 25 no. 6915)C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodiesam FlußuferPowered aspiratorunknownKripp, Alanah167 rlz
Clubionidae, Sac spidersClubiona neglecta accepted2023-06-131matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah875 rlz
Clubionidae, Sac spidersClubiona neglecta accepted2023-06-131matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah1065 rlz
Clubionidae, Sac spidersClubiona neglecta accepted2023-06-121matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandHand collectionunknownKripp, Alanah657 rlz
Clubionidae, Sac spidersClubiona pallidula accepted2023-06-101matureQueich am Flußufer (TK 25 no. 6715)C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodiesam FlußuferPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah187 rlz
Clubionidae, Sac spidersClubiona pallidula accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 3wl (TK 25 no. 6515)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2245 rlz
Clubionidae, Sac spidersClubiona pallidula accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 9wl (TK 25 no. 6615)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2478 rlz
Clubionidae, Sac spidersClubiona terrestris accepted2023-06-101matureErbsengraben im Wald (TK 25 no. 6615)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah430 rlz
Clubionidae, Sac spidersClubiona terrestris accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 2wa (TK 25 no. 6415)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1672 rlz
Dictynidae, Meshweb spidersArgenna subnigra accepted2023-06-132matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah711 rlz
Dictynidae, Meshweb spidersArgenna subnigra accepted2023-06-131matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPowered aspiratorunknownKripp, Alanah900 rlz
Dictynidae, Meshweb spidersArgenna subnigra accepted2023-06-111matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah692 rlz
Dictynidae, Meshweb spidersArgenna subnigra accepted2023-06-112matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah851 rlz
Dictynidae, Meshweb spidersArgenna subnigra accepted2023-06-091matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah829 rlz
Dictynidae, Meshweb spidersArgenna subnigra accepted2023-06-091matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah1021 rlz
Dictynidae, Meshweb spidersArgenna subnigra accepted2023-05-20–2023-06-051matureRSM Landau (TK 25 no. 6714)E3.4: Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grasslandVersuchsanlage mit künstlichen Bachläufen und Überflutungsbereich auf angesäter UferwiesePitfall trapunknownMutel, StephaneBreithaupt, Caroline rlz
Dictynidae, Meshweb spidersArgenna subnigra accepted2023-05-20–2023-06-054matureRSM Landau (TK 25 no. 6714)E3.4: Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grasslandVersuchsanlage mit künstlichen Bachläufen und Überflutungsbereich auf angesäter UferwiesePitfall trapunknownMutel, StephaneBreithaupt, Caroline rlz
Dictynidae, Meshweb spidersArgenna subnigra accepted2023-05-11–2023-05-163matureRSM Landau (TK 25 no. 6714)E3.4: Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grasslandVersuchsanlage mit künstlichen Bachläufen und Überflutungsbereich auf angesäter UferwiesePitfall trapunknownMutel, StephaneBreithaupt, Caroline rlz
Dictynidae, Meshweb spidersArgenna subnigra accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-281matureOdernheim Streuobst 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsStreuobstwiese, beweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.AF1Sp43 rlz
Dictynidae, Meshweb spidersArgenna subnigra accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-281matureOdernheim Weide 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M2Sp13 rlz
Dictynidae, Meshweb spidersArgenna subnigra accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-281matureOdernheim Weide 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M2Sp43 rlz
Dictynidae, Meshweb spidersArgenna subnigra accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-116matureOdernheim Weide 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M1Sp12 rlz
Dictynidae, Meshweb spidersArgenna subnigra accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-113matureOdernheim Weide 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M1Sp22 rlz
Dictynidae, Meshweb spidersArgenna subnigra accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-112matureOdernheim Weide 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M1Sp32 rlz
Dictynidae, Meshweb spidersArgenna subnigra accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-113matureOdernheim Weide 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M1Sp42 rlz
Dictynidae, Meshweb spidersArgenna subnigra accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-111matureOdernheim Weide 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M2Sp12 rlz
Dictynidae, Meshweb spidersArgenna subnigra accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-111matureOdernheim Weide 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M2Sp42 rlz
Dictynidae, Meshweb spidersArgenna subnigra accepted2021-05-11–2021-05-211matureOdernheim Weide 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M1Sp11 rlz
Dictynidae, Meshweb spidersArgenna subnigra accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 4hl (TK 25 no. 6516)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.944 rlz
Dictynidae, Meshweb spidersArgenna subnigra accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 7hl (TK 25 no. 6716)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1015 rlz
Dictynidae, Meshweb spidersArgenna subnigra accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 12ha (TK 25 no. 6815)E2: Mesic grasslandsWiesePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.495 rlz
Dictynidae, Meshweb spidersArgenna subnigra accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 17hl (TK 25 no. 6815)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1524 rlz
Dictynidae, Meshweb spidersArgenna subnigra accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-123matureFeldrand 7wl (TK 25 no. 6716)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2336 rlz
Dictynidae, Meshweb spidersArgenna subnigra accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-301matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)E2.7: Unmanaged mesic grasslandEhemals beweidetes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Dictynidae, Meshweb spidersArgenna subnigra accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-302matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)E2.7: Unmanaged mesic grasslandEhemals beweidetes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Dictynidae, Meshweb spidersDictyna uncinata accepted2023-06-121matureQueich am Flußufer (TK 25 no. 6715)C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodiesam FlußuferBeating trayunknownKripp, Alanah232 rlz
Dictynidae, Meshweb spidersDictyna uncinata accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-122matureFeldrand 18wl (TK 25 no. 6815)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2816 rlz
Dictynidae, Meshweb spidersLathys humilis accepted2023-06-131matureOtterbach am Flußufer (TK 25 no. 6915)C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodiesam FlußuferBeating trayunknownKripp, Alanah151 rlz
Dictynidae, Meshweb spidersLathys humilis accepted2023-06-091matureOtterbach im Wald (TK 25 no. 6915)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah468 rlz
Dictynidae, Meshweb spidersNigma flavescens accepted2023-06-131matureErbsengraben im Wald (TK 25 no. 6615)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldBeating trayunknownKripp, Alanah550 rlz
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spidersDysdera crocata accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2545 rlz
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spidersDysdera crocata accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 14wl (TK 25 no. 6914)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2682 rlz
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spidersDysdera crocata accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 16wa (TK 25 no. 6915)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2123 rlz
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spidersDysdera crocata accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 17wa (TK 25 no. 6815)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2146 rlz
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spidersDysdera crocata accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 3wl (TK 25 no. 6515)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2248 rlz
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spidersDysdera crocata accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 3wl (TK 25 no. 6515)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2249 rlz
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spidersDysdera crocata accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-132matureFeldrand 7wa (TK 25 no. 6716)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1754 rlz
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spidersDysdera crocata accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 8wa (TK 25 no. 6716)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1836 rlz
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spidersDysdera crocata accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 8wa (TK 25 no. 6716)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1837 rlz
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spidersDysdera crocata accepted2013-09-21–2013-09-271matureFeldrand 4wa (TK 25 no. 6516)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1716 rlz
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spidersDysdera erythrina accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-111matureOdernheim Laubwald 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.6: Beech woodlandLaubwaldPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.F1Sp32 rlz
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spidersDysdera erythrina accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-111matureOdernheim Laubwald 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.6: Beech woodlandLaubwaldPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.F1Sp42 rlz
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spidersDysdera erythrina accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-111matureOdernheim Laubwald 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.6: Beech woodlandLaubwaldPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.F2Sp42 rlz
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spidersDysdera erythrina accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-111matureOdernheim Obstanlage 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsObstanlage, unbeweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.FF1Sp32 rlz
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spidersDysdera erythrina accepted2021-05-11–2021-05-211matureOdernheim Streuobst 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsStreuobstwiese, beweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.AF1Sp21 rlz
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spidersDysdera erythrina accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 3wl (TK 25 no. 6515)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2242 rlz
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spidersDysdera erythrina accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 7wl (TK 25 no. 6716)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2339 rlz
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spidersDysdera erythrina accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-301matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)G5.5: Small mixed broadleaved and coniferous anthropogenic woodlandsUnter Bäumen und Baumgruppen in Grasland-KomplexPitfall trapunknown rlz
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spidersHarpactea rubicunda accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 4wl (TK 25 no. 6516)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2270 rlz
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spidersHarpactea rubicunda accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-301matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)G5.5: Small mixed broadleaved and coniferous anthropogenic woodlandsUnter Bäumen und Baumgruppen in Grasland-KomplexPitfall trapunknown rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassodes lapidosus accepted2023-06-111matureOtterbach am Flußufer (TK 25 no. 6915)C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodiesam FlußuferPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah131 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus lutetianus accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-281matureOdernheim Weide 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M1Sp43 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus lutetianus accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-111matureOdernheim Streuobst 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsStreuobstwiese, beweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.AF1Sp42 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus lutetianus accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-111matureOdernheim Weide 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M2Sp12 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus lutetianus accepted2021-05-11–2021-05-211matureOdernheim Obstanlage 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsObstanlage, unbeweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.FF2Sp21 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus lutetianus accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 1-04 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown296 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus lutetianus accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 1-06 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown76 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus lutetianus accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 1-07 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown704 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus lutetianus accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 5-05 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown655 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus lutetianus accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 5-10 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown843 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus praeficus accepted2023-06-18–2023-06-232matureRSM Landau (TK 25 no. 6714)E3.4: Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grasslandVersuchsanlage mit künstlichen Bachläufen und Überflutungsbereich auf angesäter UferwiesePitfall trapunknownMutel, StephaneBreithaupt, Caroline rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus praeficus accepted2023-06-18–2023-06-233matureRSM Landau (TK 25 no. 6714)E3.4: Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grasslandVersuchsanlage mit künstlichen Bachläufen und Überflutungsbereich auf angesäter UferwiesePitfall trapunknownMutel, StephaneBreithaupt, Caroline rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus praeficus accepted2023-06-141matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah720 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus praeficus accepted2023-06-141matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah888 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus praeficus accepted2023-06-141matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah1073 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus praeficus accepted2023-06-132matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah712 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus praeficus accepted2023-06-133matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah876 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus praeficus accepted2023-06-121matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah701 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus praeficus accepted2023-06-123matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah864 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus praeficus accepted2023-06-123matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah1056 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus praeficus accepted2023-06-111matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah693 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus praeficus accepted2023-06-115matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah853 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus praeficus accepted2023-06-113matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah1042 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus praeficus accepted2023-06-101matureErbsengraben am Flußufer (TK 25 no. 6615)C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodiesam FlußuferPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah71 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus praeficus accepted2023-06-102matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah678 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus praeficus accepted2023-06-109matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah839 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus praeficus accepted2023-06-104matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah1034 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus praeficus accepted2023-06-101matureOtterbach im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6915)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah749 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus praeficus accepted2023-06-097matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah672 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus praeficus accepted2023-06-094matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah830 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus praeficus accepted2023-06-093matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah1024 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus praeficus accepted2023-06-084matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah661 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus praeficus accepted2023-06-081matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah821 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus praeficus accepted2023-06-085matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah1008 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus praeficus accepted2023-06-081matureOtterbach im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6915)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah1085 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus praeficus accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-281matureOdernheim Streuobst 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsStreuobstwiese, beweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.AF1Sp13 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus praeficus accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-282matureOdernheim Streuobst 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsStreuobstwiese, beweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.AF1Sp33 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus praeficus accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-281matureOdernheim Streuobst 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsStreuobstwiese, beweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.AF1Sp43 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus praeficus accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-281matureOdernheim Streuobst 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsStreuobstwiese, beweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.AF1Sp43 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus praeficus accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-282matureOdernheim Streuobst 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsStreuobstwiese, beweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.AF2Sp13 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus praeficus accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-281matureOdernheim Streuobst 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsStreuobstwiese, beweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.AF2Sp33 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus praeficus accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-281matureOdernheim Streuobst 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsStreuobstwiese, beweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.AF2Sp43 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus praeficus accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-281matureOdernheim Streuobst 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsStreuobstwiese, beweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.AF2Sp43 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus praeficus accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-2810matureOdernheim Weide 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M1Sp23 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus praeficus accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-282matureOdernheim Weide 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M1Sp23 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus praeficus accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-284matureOdernheim Weide 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M1Sp33 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus praeficus accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-282matureOdernheim Weide 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M1Sp33 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus praeficus accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-281matureOdernheim Weide 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M1Sp43 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus praeficus accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-281matureOdernheim Weide 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M2Sp13 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus praeficus accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-111matureOdernheim Weide 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M1Sp12 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus praeficus accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 1-04 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown308 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus praeficus accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 5-05 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown662 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus praeficus accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-282matureQueichwiese 5-06 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown322 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pumilus accepted2021-05-11–2021-05-211matureOdernheim Obstanlage 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsObstanlage, unbeweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.FF2Sp11 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2023-06-18–2023-06-231matureRSM Landau (TK 25 no. 6714)E3.4: Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grasslandVersuchsanlage mit künstlichen Bachläufen und Überflutungsbereich auf angesäter UferwiesePitfall trapunknownMutel, StephaneBreithaupt, Caroline rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2023-06-121matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah702 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2023-06-111matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah1043 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2023-06-101matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah679 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2023-06-101matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah840 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2023-06-101matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah1035 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2023-06-101matureOtterbach im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6915)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah925 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2023-06-091matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah831 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2023-06-082matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah822 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2023-06-082matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah1009 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2023-05-20–2023-06-052matureRSM Landau (TK 25 no. 6714)E3.4: Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grasslandVersuchsanlage mit künstlichen Bachläufen und Überflutungsbereich auf angesäter UferwiesePitfall trapunknownMutel, StephaneBreithaupt, Caroline rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2023-05-11–2023-05-161matureRSM Landau (TK 25 no. 6714)E3.4: Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grasslandVersuchsanlage mit künstlichen Bachläufen und Überflutungsbereich auf angesäter UferwiesePitfall trapunknownMutel, StephaneBreithaupt, Caroline rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-281matureOdernheim Streuobst 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsStreuobstwiese, beweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.AF1Sp23 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-281matureOdernheim Streuobst 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsStreuobstwiese, beweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.AF1Sp43 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-281matureOdernheim Streuobst 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsStreuobstwiese, beweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.AF2Sp13 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-282matureOdernheim Streuobst 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsStreuobstwiese, beweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.AF2Sp33 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-281matureOdernheim Weide 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M1Sp43 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-281matureOdernheim Weide 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M1Sp43 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-281matureOdernheim Weide 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M2Sp33 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-111matureOdernheim Obstanlage 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsObstanlage, unbeweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.FF2Sp42 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-113matureOdernheim Streuobst 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsStreuobstwiese, beweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.AF1Sp32 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-111matureOdernheim Streuobst 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsStreuobstwiese, beweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.AF2Sp12 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-112matureOdernheim Streuobst 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsStreuobstwiese, beweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.AF2Sp32 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-111matureOdernheim Weide 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M1Sp12 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-111matureOdernheim Weide 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M1Sp32 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-113matureOdernheim Weide 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M1Sp42 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-111matureOdernheim Weide 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M2Sp12 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2021-05-11–2021-05-212matureOdernheim Obstanlage 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsObstanlage, unbeweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.FF1Sp21 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2021-05-11–2021-05-211matureOdernheim Obstanlage 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsObstanlage, unbeweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.FF1Sp31 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2021-05-11–2021-05-211matureOdernheim Obstanlage 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsObstanlage, unbeweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.FF2Sp11 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2021-05-11–2021-05-211matureOdernheim Obstanlage 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsObstanlage, unbeweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.FF2Sp21 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2021-05-11–2021-05-211matureOdernheim Streuobst 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsStreuobstwiese, beweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.AF1Sp11 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2021-05-11–2021-05-211matureOdernheim Streuobst 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsStreuobstwiese, beweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.AF2Sp11 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2021-05-11–2021-05-211matureOdernheim Streuobst 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsStreuobstwiese, beweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.AF2Sp31 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2021-05-11–2021-05-211matureOdernheim Weide 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M1Sp11 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2021-05-11–2021-05-211matureOdernheim Weide 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M1Sp11 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2021-05-11–2021-05-211matureOdernheim Weide 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M1Sp21 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2021-05-11–2021-05-211matureOdernheim Weide 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M1Sp31 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2021-05-11–2021-05-211matureOdernheim Weide 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M1Sp41 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2021-05-11–2021-05-211matureOdernheim Weide 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M2Sp21 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2021-05-11–2021-05-211matureOdernheim Weide 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M2Sp41 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 12ha (TK 25 no. 6815)E2: Mesic grasslandsWiesePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.503 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 12ha (TK 25 no. 6815)E2: Mesic grasslandsWiesePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.504 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 12wa (TK 25 no. 6815)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1916 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 14wl (TK 25 no. 6914)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2681 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 18ha (TK 25 no. 6815)E2: Mesic grasslandsWiesePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.829 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 18hl (TK 25 no. 6815)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1582 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-132matureFeldrand 18hl (TK 25 no. 6815)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1583 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 3hl (TK 25 no. 6515)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.912 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 4hl (TK 25 no. 6516)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.945 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 5ha (TK 25 no. 6516)E2: Mesic grasslandsWiesePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.197 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 5wl (TK 25 no. 6516)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2302 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 6ha (TK 25 no. 6516)E2: Mesic grasslandsWiesePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.222 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 8ha (TK 25 no. 6716)E2: Mesic grasslandsWiesePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.334 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 11wl (TK 25 no. 6715)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2521 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-123matureFeldrand 12ha (TK 25 no. 6815)E2: Mesic grasslandsWiesePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.496 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 17ha (TK 25 no. 6815)E2: Mesic grasslandsWiesePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.752 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 8hl (TK 25 no. 6716)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1081 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 1-03 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown164 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 1-04 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown310 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 1-05 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown249 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 5-10 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown855 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 5-13 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown733 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-301matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)G5.6: Early-stage natural and semi-natural woodlands and regrowthVerbuschtes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-302matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)G5.6: Early-stage natural and semi-natural woodlands and regrowthVerbuschtes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-301matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)E2.7: Unmanaged mesic grasslandEhemals beweidetes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-301matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)E2.7: Unmanaged mesic grasslandEhemals beweidetes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-302matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)E2.7: Unmanaged mesic grasslandEhemals beweidetes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-302matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)E2.7: Unmanaged mesic grasslandEhemals beweidetes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-301matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)E2.7: Unmanaged mesic grasslandEhemals beweidetes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-301matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)E2.7: Unmanaged mesic grasslandEhemals beweidetes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-303matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)E2.7: Unmanaged mesic grasslandEhemals beweidetes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-302matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)E2.7: Unmanaged mesic grasslandEhemals beweidetes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-303matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)E2.7: Unmanaged mesic grasslandEhemals beweidetes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-301matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)E2.7: Unmanaged mesic grasslandEhemals beweidetes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-301matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)E2.7: Unmanaged mesic grasslandEhemals beweidetes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus villicus accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-281matureOdernheim Streuobst 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsStreuobstwiese, beweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.AF1Sp33 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus villicus accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-281matureOdernheim Weide 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M2Sp43 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus minor accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-281matureOdernheim Streuobst 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsStreuobstwiese, beweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.AF1Sp33 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus minor accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-111matureOdernheim Obstanlage 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsObstanlage, unbeweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.FF1Sp32 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus minor accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-111matureOdernheim Obstanlage 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsObstanlage, unbeweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.FF2Sp22 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus signifer accepted2023-06-131matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah713 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus signifer accepted2023-06-111matureQueich im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah1137 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus signifer accepted2023-06-101matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah841 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus signifer accepted2023-06-081matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah662 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus signifer accepted2023-06-081matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah1010 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus signifer accepted2023-05-11–2023-05-161matureRSM Landau (TK 25 no. 6714)E3.4: Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grasslandVersuchsanlage mit künstlichen Bachläufen und Überflutungsbereich auf angesäter UferwiesePitfall trapunknownMutel, StephaneBreithaupt, Caroline rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus signifer accepted2023-05-11–2023-05-161matureRSM Landau (TK 25 no. 6714)E3.4: Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grasslandVersuchsanlage mit künstlichen Bachläufen und Überflutungsbereich auf angesäter UferwiesePitfall trapunknownMutel, StephaneBreithaupt, Caroline rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus signifer accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-281matureOdernheim Obstanlage 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsObstanlage, unbeweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.FF2Sp23 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus signifer accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-281matureOdernheim Obstanlage 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsObstanlage, unbeweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.FF2Sp33 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus signifer accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-281matureOdernheim Weide 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M1Sp23 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus signifer accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-282matureOdernheim Weide 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M2Sp43 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus signifer accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-112matureOdernheim Obstanlage 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsObstanlage, unbeweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.FF2Sp12 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus signifer accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-111matureOdernheim Weide 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M1Sp42 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus signifer accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-111matureOdernheim Weide 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M2Sp12 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus signifer accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-111matureOdernheim Weide 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M2Sp42 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus signifer accepted2021-05-11–2021-05-211matureOdernheim Streuobst 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsStreuobstwiese, beweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.AF2Sp31 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus signifer accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 2hl (TK 25 no. 6515)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.887 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus signifer accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 5-05 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown671 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus signifer accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-301matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)G5.6: Early-stage natural and semi-natural woodlands and regrowthVerbuschtes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus signifer accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-301matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)E2.7: Unmanaged mesic grasslandEhemals beweidetes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus signifer accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-302matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)E2.7: Unmanaged mesic grasslandEhemals beweidetes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus signifer accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-302matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)E2.7: Unmanaged mesic grasslandEhemals beweidetes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus signifer accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-301matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)E2.7: Unmanaged mesic grasslandEhemals beweidetes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus silvestris accepted2023-06-132matureErbsengraben im Wald (TK 25 no. 6615)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah329 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus silvestris accepted2023-06-121matureErbsengraben im Wald (TK 25 no. 6615)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah447 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus silvestris accepted2023-06-111matureErbsengraben im Wald (TK 25 no. 6615)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah316 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus silvestris accepted2023-06-112matureErbsengraben im Wald (TK 25 no. 6615)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah436 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus silvestris accepted2023-06-091matureErbsengraben im Wald (TK 25 no. 6615)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah299 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus silvestris accepted2023-06-082matureErbsengraben im Wald (TK 25 no. 6615)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah289 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus silvestris accepted2023-06-082matureErbsengraben im Wald (TK 25 no. 6615)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah417 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus silvestris accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-281matureOdernheim Laubwald 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.6: Beech woodlandLaubwaldPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.F1Sp13 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus silvestris accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-281matureOdernheim Laubwald 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.6: Beech woodlandLaubwaldPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.F1Sp43 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus silvestris accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 9wl (TK 25 no. 6615)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2481 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus silvestris accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 18wa (TK 25 no. 6815)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2169 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus silvestris accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 9wa (TK 25 no. 6615)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1848 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus silvestris accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 9wl (TK 25 no. 6615)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2468 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus silvestris accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-301matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)G5.5: Small mixed broadleaved and coniferous anthropogenic woodlandsUnter Bäumen und Baumgruppen in Grasland-KomplexPitfall trapunknown rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus umbratilis accepted2021-05-11–2021-05-211matureOdernheim Obstanlage 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsObstanlage, unbeweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.FF2Sp11 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersMicaria fulgens accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 8wl (TK 25 no. 6716)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2384 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersMicaria micans accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-281matureOdernheim Streuobst 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsStreuobstwiese, beweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.AF1Sp33 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersMicaria micans accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-111matureOdernheim Obstanlage 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsObstanlage, unbeweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.FF2Sp12 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersMicaria micans accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-111matureOdernheim Streuobst 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsStreuobstwiese, beweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.AF1Sp32 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersMicaria micans accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-112matureOdernheim Weide 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M1Sp22 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersMicaria micans accepted2021-05-11–2021-05-211matureOdernheim Streuobst 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsStreuobstwiese, beweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.AF1Sp31 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersMicaria pulicaria accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 10wl (TK 25 no. 6715)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2500 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersMicaria pulicaria accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2548 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersMicaria pulicaria accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 14hl (TK 25 no. 6914)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1440 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersMicaria pulicaria accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 18ha (TK 25 no. 6815)E2: Mesic grasslandsWiesePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.833 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersMicaria pulicaria accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-132matureFeldrand 18wa (TK 25 no. 6815)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2184 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersMicaria pulicaria accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 6hl (TK 25 no. 6516)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.989 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersMicaria pulicaria accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 8wa (TK 25 no. 6716)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1840 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersMicaria pulicaria accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-132matureFeldrand 9wa (TK 25 no. 6615)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1856 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersMicaria pulicaria accepted2013-09-21–2013-09-271matureFeldrand 12wa (TK 25 no. 6815)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1911 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersMicaria pulicaria accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 18ha (TK 25 no. 6815)E2: Mesic grasslandsWiesePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.821 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersMicaria pulicaria accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 5-05 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown663 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersMicaria pulicaria accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 5-12 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown507 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2023-06-18–2023-06-231matureRSM Landau (TK 25 no. 6714)E3.4: Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grasslandVersuchsanlage mit künstlichen Bachläufen und Überflutungsbereich auf angesäter UferwiesePitfall trapunknownMutel, StephaneBreithaupt, Caroline rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2023-06-141matureErbsengraben am Flußufer (TK 25 no. 6615)C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodiesam FlußuferPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah43 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2023-06-141matureErbsengraben im Wald (TK 25 no. 6615)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah338 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2023-06-142matureOtterbach im Wald (TK 25 no. 6915)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah498 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2023-06-142matureQueich am Flußufer (TK 25 no. 6715)C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodiesam FlußuferPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah219 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2023-06-131matureErbsengraben am Flußufer (TK 25 no. 6615)C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodiesam FlußuferPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah38 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2023-06-131matureErbsengraben im Wald (TK 25 no. 6615)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah333 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2023-06-131matureOtterbach im Wald (TK 25 no. 6915)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah494 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2023-06-131matureQueich am Flußufer (TK 25 no. 6715)C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodiesam FlußuferPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah212 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2023-06-121matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah869 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2023-06-128matureOtterbach im Wald (TK 25 no. 6915)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah486 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2023-06-121matureQueich am Flußufer (TK 25 no. 6715)C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodiesam FlußuferPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah205 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2023-06-123matureQueich am Flußufer (TK 25 no. 6715)C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodiesam FlußuferPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah206 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2023-06-121matureQueich im Wald (TK 25 no. 6715)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah535 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2023-06-111matureErbsengraben im Wald (TK 25 no. 6615)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah443 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2023-06-111matureOtterbach im Wald (TK 25 no. 6915)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah481 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2023-06-113matureQueich am Flußufer (TK 25 no. 6715)C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodiesam FlußuferPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah198 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2023-06-112matureQueich im Wald (TK 25 no. 6715)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah401 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2023-06-111matureQueich im Wald (TK 25 no. 6715)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah637 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2023-06-101matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah1039 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2023-06-101matureQueich am Flußufer (TK 25 no. 6715)C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodiesam FlußuferPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah191 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2023-06-101matureQueich am Flußufer (TK 25 no. 6715)C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodiesam FlußuferPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah250 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2023-06-102matureQueich im Wald (TK 25 no. 6715)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah630 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2023-06-091matureErbsengraben im Wald (TK 25 no. 6615)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah306 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2023-06-091matureErbsengraben im Wald (TK 25 no. 6615)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah429 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2023-06-091matureOtterbach im Wald (TK 25 no. 6915)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah470 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2023-06-091matureQueich am Flußufer (TK 25 no. 6715)C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodiesam FlußuferPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah182 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2023-06-093matureQueich am Flußufer (TK 25 no. 6715)C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodiesam FlußuferPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah183 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2023-06-091matureQueich im Wald (TK 25 no. 6715)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah394 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2023-06-081matureErbsengraben am Flußufer (TK 25 no. 6615)C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodiesam FlußuferPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah9 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2023-06-081matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah671 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2023-06-081matureErbsengraben im Wald (TK 25 no. 6615)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah421 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2023-06-081matureOtterbach im Wald (TK 25 no. 6915)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah465 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2023-05-11–2023-05-161matureRSM Landau (TK 25 no. 6714)E3.4: Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grasslandVersuchsanlage mit künstlichen Bachläufen und Überflutungsbereich auf angesäter UferwiesePitfall trapunknownMutel, StephaneBreithaupt, Caroline rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2023-05-11–2023-05-161matureRSM Landau (TK 25 no. 6714)E3.4: Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grasslandVersuchsanlage mit künstlichen Bachläufen und Überflutungsbereich auf angesäter UferwiesePitfall trapunknownMutel, StephaneBreithaupt, Caroline rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-282matureOdernheim Obstanlage 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsObstanlage, unbeweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.FF1Sp33 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-281matureOdernheim Obstanlage 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsObstanlage, unbeweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.FF2Sp13 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-281matureOdernheim Obstanlage 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsObstanlage, unbeweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.FF2Sp23 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-281matureOdernheim Streuobst 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsStreuobstwiese, beweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.AF2Sp33 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-111matureOdernheim Obstanlage 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsObstanlage, unbeweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.FF1Sp32 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-111matureOdernheim Obstanlage 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsObstanlage, unbeweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.FF1Sp42 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-111matureOdernheim Weide 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M1Sp22 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2021-05-11–2021-05-211matureOdernheim Obstanlage 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsObstanlage, unbeweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.FF2Sp11 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 18wl (TK 25 no. 6815)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2822 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 4wa (TK 25 no. 6516)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1710 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 5ha (TK 25 no. 6516)E2: Mesic grasslandsWiesePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.191 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 8wl (TK 25 no. 6716)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2391 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted (as Zelotes pedestris)2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 1-03 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown157 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 1-04 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown477 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted (as Zelotes pedestris)2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 1-05 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown145 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-283matureQueichwiese 5-06 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown321 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersZelotes erebeus accepted2013-09-21–2013-09-271matureFeldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2537 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersZelotes latreillei accepted2023-05-11–2023-05-161matureRSM Landau (TK 25 no. 6714)E3.4: Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grasslandVersuchsanlage mit künstlichen Bachläufen und Überflutungsbereich auf angesäter UferwiesePitfall trapunknownMutel, StephaneBreithaupt, Caroline rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersZelotes latreillei accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-281matureOdernheim Streuobst 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsStreuobstwiese, beweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.AF2Sp13 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersZelotes latreillei accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-111matureOdernheim Weide 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M1Sp22 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersZelotes latreillei accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-301matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)G5.5: Small mixed broadleaved and coniferous anthropogenic woodlandsUnter Bäumen und Baumgruppen in Grasland-KomplexPitfall trapunknown rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersZelotes latreillei accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-302matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)G5.6: Early-stage natural and semi-natural woodlands and regrowthVerbuschtes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersZelotes petrensis accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-301matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)G5.5: Small mixed broadleaved and coniferous anthropogenic woodlandsUnter Bäumen und Baumgruppen in Grasland-KomplexPitfall trapunknown rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersZelotes petrensis accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-301matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)G5.5: Small mixed broadleaved and coniferous anthropogenic woodlandsUnter Bäumen und Baumgruppen in Grasland-KomplexPitfall trapunknown rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersZelotes subterraneus accepted2023-06-141matureQueich am Flußufer (TK 25 no. 6715)C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodiesam FlußuferPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah271 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersZelotes subterraneus accepted2023-06-111matureQueich im Wald (TK 25 no. 6715)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah638 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersZelotes subterraneus accepted2023-06-091matureQueich am Flußufer (TK 25 no. 6715)C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodiesam FlußuferPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah240 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersZelotes subterraneus accepted2023-06-091matureQueich am Flußufer (TK 25 no. 6715)C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodiesam FlußuferPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah241 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersZelotes subterraneus accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 15hl (TK 25 no. 6914)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1481 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersZelotes subterraneus accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 3wa (TK 25 no. 6515)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1702 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersZelotes subterraneus accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 8wl (TK 25 no. 6716)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2413 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersZelotes subterraneus accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 11wl (TK 25 no. 6715)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2524 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersZelotes subterraneus accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 4hl (TK 25 no. 6516)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.936 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersZelotes subterraneus accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 7wa (TK 25 no. 6716)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1746 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersZelotes subterraneus accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 8wl (TK 25 no. 6716)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2394 rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersZelotes subterraneus accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-301matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)G5.5: Small mixed broadleaved and coniferous anthropogenic woodlandsUnter Bäumen und Baumgruppen in Grasland-KomplexPitfall trapunknown rlz
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersZelotes subterraneus accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-301matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)G5.5: Small mixed broadleaved and coniferous anthropogenic woodlandsUnter Bäumen und Baumgruppen in Grasland-KomplexPitfall trapunknown rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia helveola accepted2021-05-11–2021-05-211matureOdernheim Obstanlage 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsObstanlage, unbeweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.FF1Sp31 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia helveola accepted2021-05-11–2021-05-211matureOdernheim Obstanlage 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsObstanlage, unbeweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.FF1Sp41 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2023-06-121matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah865 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-281matureOdernheim Obstanlage 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsObstanlage, unbeweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.FF1Sp33 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-281matureOdernheim Obstanlage 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsObstanlage, unbeweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.FF1Sp43 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-111matureOdernheim Obstanlage 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsObstanlage, unbeweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.FF1Sp22 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-112matureOdernheim Obstanlage 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsObstanlage, unbeweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.FF1Sp22 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-111matureOdernheim Obstanlage 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsObstanlage, unbeweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.FF1Sp32 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-114matureOdernheim Obstanlage 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsObstanlage, unbeweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.FF1Sp32 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-111matureOdernheim Weide 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M1Sp32 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2021-05-11–2021-05-211matureOdernheim Obstanlage 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsObstanlage, unbeweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.FF1Sp11 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2021-05-11–2021-05-211matureOdernheim Obstanlage 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsObstanlage, unbeweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.FF1Sp41 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2021-05-11–2021-05-211matureOdernheim Streuobst 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsStreuobstwiese, beweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.AF1Sp11 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2021-05-11–2021-05-212matureOdernheim Weide 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M1Sp11 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2021-05-11–2021-05-213matureOdernheim Weide 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M1Sp21 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2021-05-11–2021-05-211matureOdernheim Weide 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M1Sp41 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 11hl (TK 25 no. 6715)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1255 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-132matureFeldrand 12ha (TK 25 no. 6815)E2: Mesic grasslandsWiesePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.505 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-134matureFeldrand 12ha (TK 25 no. 6815)E2: Mesic grasslandsWiesePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.506 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 12hl (TK 25 no. 6815)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1281 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-132matureFeldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2547 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-132matureFeldrand 14hl (TK 25 no. 6914)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1439 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 15ha (TK 25 no. 6914)E2: Mesic grasslandsWiesePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.619 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 15ha (TK 25 no. 6914)E2: Mesic grasslandsWiesePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.620 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 15wa (TK 25 no. 6914)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2085 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 15wl (TK 25 no. 6914)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2710 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 17wa (TK 25 no. 6815)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2148 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-132matureFeldrand 17wa (TK 25 no. 6815)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2149 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 18ha (TK 25 no. 6815)E2: Mesic grasslandsWiesePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.830 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 18ha (TK 25 no. 6815)E2: Mesic grasslandsWiesePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.831 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-132matureFeldrand 18ha (TK 25 no. 6815)E2: Mesic grasslandsWiesePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.832 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 18wa (TK 25 no. 6815)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2183 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 3ha (TK 25 no. 6515)E2: Mesic grasslandsWiesePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.143 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 3hl (TK 25 no. 6515)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.913 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-132matureFeldrand 3hl (TK 25 no. 6515)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.914 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-132matureFeldrand 3wa (TK 25 no. 6515)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1700 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-133matureFeldrand 4ha (TK 25 no. 6516)E2: Mesic grasslandsWiesePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.166 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-133matureFeldrand 4wl (TK 25 no. 6516)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2269 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 5hl (TK 25 no. 6516)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.978 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-132matureFeldrand 5hl (TK 25 no. 6516)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.979 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 5wl (TK 25 no. 6516)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2303 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 5wl (TK 25 no. 6516)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2304 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 6wl (TK 25 no. 6516)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2323 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 7hl (TK 25 no. 6716)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1017 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 7wa (TK 25 no. 6716)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1755 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 7wa (TK 25 no. 6716)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1756 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 7wa (TK 25 no. 6716)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1757 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 8ha (TK 25 no. 6716)E2: Mesic grasslandsWiesePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.335 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 8ha (TK 25 no. 6716)E2: Mesic grasslandsWiesePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.336 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 8ha (TK 25 no. 6716)E2: Mesic grasslandsWiesePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.337 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-134matureFeldrand 8ha (TK 25 no. 6716)E2: Mesic grasslandsWiesePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.338 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 8hl (TK 25 no. 6716)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1099 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-132matureFeldrand 8wa (TK 25 no. 6716)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1839 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 8wl (TK 25 no. 6716)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2404 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2013-09-21–2013-09-271matureFeldrand 7hl (TK 25 no. 6716)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1006 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 1-05 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown238 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 5-11 (TK 25 no. 6815)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown17 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-302matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)G5.5: Small mixed broadleaved and coniferous anthropogenic woodlandsUnter Bäumen und Baumgruppen in Grasland-KomplexPitfall trapunknown rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-302matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)G5.6: Early-stage natural and semi-natural woodlands and regrowthVerbuschtes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-303matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)G5.6: Early-stage natural and semi-natural woodlands and regrowthVerbuschtes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-301matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)G5.6: Early-stage natural and semi-natural woodlands and regrowthVerbuschtes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-304matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)G5.6: Early-stage natural and semi-natural woodlands and regrowthVerbuschtes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-303matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)G5.6: Early-stage natural and semi-natural woodlands and regrowthVerbuschtes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-301matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)G5.6: Early-stage natural and semi-natural woodlands and regrowthVerbuschtes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-301matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)E2.7: Unmanaged mesic grasslandEhemals beweidetes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-302matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)E2.7: Unmanaged mesic grasslandEhemals beweidetes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-301matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)E2.7: Unmanaged mesic grasslandEhemals beweidetes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-303matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)E2.7: Unmanaged mesic grasslandEhemals beweidetes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-301matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)E2.7: Unmanaged mesic grasslandEhemals beweidetes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-302matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)E2.7: Unmanaged mesic grasslandEhemals beweidetes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia nava accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-301matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)E2.7: Unmanaged mesic grasslandEhemals beweidetes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia pusilla accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-111matureOdernheim Weide 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M2Sp42 rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersIberina montana accepted (as Hahnia montana)2012-04-23–2012-04-306matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)E2.7: Unmanaged mesic grasslandEhemals beweidetes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersIberina montana accepted (as Hahnia montana)2012-04-23–2012-04-302matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)E2.7: Unmanaged mesic grasslandEhemals beweidetes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAbacoproeces saltuum accepted2023-06-141matureErbsengraben im Wald (TK 25 no. 6615)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah455 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAbacoproeces saltuum accepted2023-06-132matureErbsengraben im Wald (TK 25 no. 6615)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah327 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAbacoproeces saltuum accepted2023-06-131matureErbsengraben im Wald (TK 25 no. 6615)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah571 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAbacoproeces saltuum accepted2023-06-121matureErbsengraben im Wald (TK 25 no. 6615)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah321 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAbacoproeces saltuum accepted2023-06-121matureQueich am Flußufer (TK 25 no. 6715)C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodiesam FlußuferPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah201 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAbacoproeces saltuum accepted2023-06-111matureErbsengraben am Flußufer (TK 25 no. 6615)C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodiesam FlußuferPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah25 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAbacoproeces saltuum accepted2023-06-111matureErbsengraben im Wald (TK 25 no. 6615)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah315 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAbacoproeces saltuum accepted2023-06-111matureQueich im Wald (TK 25 no. 6715)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah520 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAbacoproeces saltuum accepted2023-06-101matureErbsengraben am Flußufer (TK 25 no. 6615)C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodiesam FlußuferPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah15 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAbacoproeces saltuum accepted2023-06-101matureErbsengraben im Wald (TK 25 no. 6615)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah308 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAbacoproeces saltuum accepted2023-06-101matureErbsengraben im Wald (TK 25 no. 6615)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah309 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAbacoproeces saltuum accepted2023-06-091matureErbsengraben am Flußufer (TK 25 no. 6615)C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodiesam FlußuferPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah11 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAbacoproeces saltuum accepted2023-06-091matureErbsengraben im Wald (TK 25 no. 6615)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah297 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAbacoproeces saltuum accepted2023-06-092matureErbsengraben im Wald (TK 25 no. 6615)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah423 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAbacoproeces saltuum accepted2023-06-091matureQueich am Flußufer (TK 25 no. 6715)C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodiesam FlußuferPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah235 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAbacoproeces saltuum accepted2023-06-091matureQueich im Wald (TK 25 no. 6715)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah509 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAbacoproeces saltuum accepted2023-06-081matureErbsengraben am Flußufer (TK 25 no. 6615)C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodiesam FlußuferPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah4 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAbacoproeces saltuum accepted2023-06-081matureErbsengraben im Wald (TK 25 no. 6615)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah287 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAbacoproeces saltuum accepted2023-06-085matureErbsengraben im Wald (TK 25 no. 6615)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah288 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAbacoproeces saltuum accepted2023-06-082matureErbsengraben im Wald (TK 25 no. 6615)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah551 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAbacoproeces saltuum accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 18wa (TK 25 no. 6815)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2167 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAbacoproeces saltuum accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 9wa (TK 25 no. 6615)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1844 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAbacoproeces saltuum accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 9wl (TK 25 no. 6615)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2464 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta affinis accepted2023-07-26–2023-07-311matureRSM Landau (TK 25 no. 6714)E3.4: Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grasslandVersuchsanlage mit künstlichen Bachläufen und Überflutungsbereich auf angesäter UferwiesePitfall trapunknownMutel, StephaneBreithaupt, Caroline rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta affinis accepted2023-06-27–2023-07-133matureRSM Landau (TK 25 no. 6714)E3.4: Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grasslandVersuchsanlage mit künstlichen Bachläufen und Überflutungsbereich auf angesäter UferwiesePitfall trapunknownMutel, StephaneBreithaupt, Caroline rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta affinis accepted2023-06-132matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPowered aspiratorunknownKripp, Alanah728 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta affinis accepted2023-06-131matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPowered aspiratorunknownKripp, Alanah896 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta affinis accepted2023-06-131matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah1062 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta affinis accepted2023-06-131matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPowered aspiratorunknownKripp, Alanah1078 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta affinis accepted2023-06-121matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah698 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta affinis accepted2023-06-122matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah1052 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta affinis accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-281matureOdernheim Weide 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M1Sp43 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta affinis accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 9hl (TK 25 no. 6615)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1183 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta affinis accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 1-01 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown115 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta affinis accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-282matureQueichwiese 1-03 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown152 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta affinis accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-282matureQueichwiese 1-04 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown288 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta affinis accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 1-04 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown289 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta affinis accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 1-04 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown472 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta affinis accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 1-09 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown905 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta affinis accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 1-09 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown915 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta affinis accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 3-04 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown624 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta affinis accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 3-04 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown625 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta affinis accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 5-05 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown651 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta affinis accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 5-05 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown652 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta affinis accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 5-07 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown1012 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta affinis accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 5-07 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown1013 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta affinis accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 5-07 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown1014 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta affinis accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 5-07 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown1083 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta affinis accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 5-09 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown969 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta affinis accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 5-10 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown839 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta affinis accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-284matureQueichwiese 5-10 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown840 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta affinis accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 5-10 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown861 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta affinis accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 5-12 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown480 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta affinis accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 5-13 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown722 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta affinis accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 5-13 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown741 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta affinis accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-282matureQueichwiese 5-13 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown753 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta affinis accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-301matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)G5.5: Small mixed broadleaved and coniferous anthropogenic woodlandsUnter Bäumen und Baumgruppen in Grasland-KomplexPitfall trapunknown rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta affinis accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-301matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)E2.7: Unmanaged mesic grasslandEhemals beweidetes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta affinis accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-301matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)E2.7: Unmanaged mesic grasslandEhemals beweidetes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta affinis accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-301matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)E2.7: Unmanaged mesic grasslandEhemals beweidetes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta affinis accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-301matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)E2.7: Unmanaged mesic grasslandEhemals beweidetes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta mollis accepted2023-06-141matureQueich im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah994 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta mollis accepted2023-06-131matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPowered aspiratorunknownKripp, Alanah897 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta mollis accepted2023-06-131matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPowered aspiratorunknownKripp, Alanah898 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta mollis accepted2023-06-131matureOtterbach im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6915)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPowered aspiratorunknownKripp, Alanah785 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta mollis accepted2023-06-131matureOtterbach im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6915)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPowered aspiratorunknownKripp, Alanah786 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta mollis accepted2023-06-132matureOtterbach im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6915)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPowered aspiratorunknownKripp, Alanah964 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta mollis accepted2023-06-131matureOtterbach im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6915)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPowered aspiratorunknownKripp, Alanah1122 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta mollis accepted2023-06-121matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah1053 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta mollis accepted2023-06-111matureOtterbach im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6915)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah759 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta mollis accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-281matureOdernheim Streuobst 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsStreuobstwiese, beweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.AF2Sp43 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta mollis accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-281matureOdernheim Weide 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M1Sp43 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2023-06-141matureOtterbach im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6915)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah777 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2023-06-141matureOtterbach im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6915)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah778 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2023-06-141matureOtterbach im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6915)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah958 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2023-06-141matureQueich im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah807 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2023-06-141matureQueich im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah995 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2023-06-141matureQueich im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah1154 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2023-06-131matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPowered aspiratorunknownKripp, Alanah729 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2023-06-132matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPowered aspiratorunknownKripp, Alanah899 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2023-06-131matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPowered aspiratorunknownKripp, Alanah1079 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2023-06-131matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPowered aspiratorunknownKripp, Alanah1080 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2023-06-131matureOtterbach am Flußufer (TK 25 no. 6915)C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodiesam FlußuferPowered aspiratorunknownKripp, Alanah166 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2023-06-131matureOtterbach im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6915)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPowered aspiratorunknownKripp, Alanah787 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2023-06-131matureOtterbach im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6915)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPowered aspiratorunknownKripp, Alanah788 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2023-06-132matureOtterbach im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6915)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPowered aspiratorunknownKripp, Alanah965 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2023-06-132matureOtterbach im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6915)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah1112 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2023-06-131matureOtterbach im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6915)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPowered aspiratorunknownKripp, Alanah1123 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2023-06-131matureOtterbach im Wald (TK 25 no. 6915)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah372 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2023-06-131matureOtterbach im Wald (TK 25 no. 6915)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah488 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2023-06-131matureQueich im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPowered aspiratorunknownKripp, Alanah812 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2023-06-132matureQueich im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPowered aspiratorunknownKripp, Alanah813 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2023-06-131matureQueich im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPowered aspiratorunknownKripp, Alanah1166 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2023-06-121matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandHand collectionunknownKripp, Alanah1002 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2023-06-121matureQueich im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandHand collectionunknownKripp, Alanah792 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2023-06-111matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah690 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2023-06-111matureOtterbach im Wald (TK 25 no. 6915)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah474 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2023-06-101matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah836 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2023-06-101matureOtterbach im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6915)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah923 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2023-06-101matureOtterbach im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6915)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah1095 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2023-06-101matureQueich im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah794 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2023-06-091matureErbsengraben im Wald (TK 25 no. 6615)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah298 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2023-06-091matureOtterbach im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6915)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah743 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2023-06-091matureOtterbach im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6915)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah913 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2023-06-091matureOtterbach im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6915)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah914 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2023-06-081matureOtterbach im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6915)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah907 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-112matureOdernheim Weide 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M1Sp12 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-113matureOdernheim Weide 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M1Sp22 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-111matureOdernheim Weide 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M1Sp22 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-114matureOdernheim Weide 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M2Sp32 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-111matureOdernheim Weide 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M2Sp32 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-111matureOdernheim Weide 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M2Sp42 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-111matureOdernheim Weide 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M2Sp42 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2021-05-11–2021-05-211matureOdernheim Weide 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)E2.1: Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadowsRinderweidePitfall trapunknownEdo, M.M1Sp31 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 10ha (TK 25 no. 6715)E2: Mesic grasslandsWiesePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.426 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 12ha (TK 25 no. 6815)E2: Mesic grasslandsWiesePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.501 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 17hl (TK 25 no. 6815)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1541 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 3hl (TK 25 no. 6515)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.910 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 5hl (TK 25 no. 6516)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.972 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2013-09-21–2013-09-271matureFeldrand 11hl (TK 25 no. 6715)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1247 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2013-09-21–2013-09-271matureFeldrand 2hl (TK 25 no. 6515)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.881 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2013-09-21–2013-09-271matureFeldrand 3hl (TK 25 no. 6515)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.907 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2013-09-21–2013-09-271matureFeldrand 4hl (TK 25 no. 6516)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.937 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-123matureFeldrand 10hl (TK 25 no. 6715)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1224 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-122matureFeldrand 10hl (TK 25 no. 6715)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1225 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 18hl (TK 25 no. 6815)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1552 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 18hl (TK 25 no. 6815)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1553 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 18wl (TK 25 no. 6815)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2815 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 2hl (TK 25 no. 6515)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.869 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 4hl (TK 25 no. 6516)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.923 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 4hl (TK 25 no. 6516)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.924 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 5hl (TK 25 no. 6516)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.965 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 8ha (TK 25 no. 6716)E2: Mesic grasslandsWiesePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.320 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-122matureFeldrand 8ha (TK 25 no. 6716)E2: Mesic grasslandsWiesePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.321 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 8wa (TK 25 no. 6716)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1826 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 9hl (TK 25 no. 6615)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1184 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 9hl (TK 25 no. 6615)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1185 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 1-03 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown165 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 1-04 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown311 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 1-04 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown312 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 1-06 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown88 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 1-06 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown89 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 1-07 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown694 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 1-07 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown710 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-282matureQueichwiese 1-09 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown937 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 3-04 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown632 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-283matureQueichwiese 3-04 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown644 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 5-05 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown666 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 5-07 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown1029 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-282matureQueichwiese 5-07 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown1030 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-282matureQueichwiese 5-07 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown1031 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 5-07 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown1050 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-282matureQueichwiese 5-07 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown1079 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-285matureQueichwiese 5-09 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown991 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 5-11 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown40 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 5-11 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown41 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 5-12 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown495 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAraeoncus humilis accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 17hl (TK 25 no. 6815)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1523 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersBathyphantes approximatus accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 11ha (TK 25 no. 6715)E2: Mesic grasslandsWiesePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.472 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersBathyphantes gracilis accepted2023-09-11–2023-09-2722matureRSM Landau (TK 25 no. 6714)E3.4: Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grasslandVersuchsanlage mit künstlichen Bachläufen und Überflutungsbereich auf angesäter UferwiesePitfall trapunknownMutel, StephaneBreithaupt, Caroline rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersBathyphantes gracilis accepted2023-09-11–2023-09-272matureRSM Landau (TK 25 no. 6714)E3.4: Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grasslandVersuchsanlage mit künstlichen Bachläufen und Überflutungsbereich auf angesäter UferwiesePitfall trapunknownMutel, StephaneBreithaupt, Caroline rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersBathyphantes gracilis accepted2023-09-02–2023-09-0744matureRSM Landau (TK 25 no. 6714)E3.4: Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grasslandVersuchsanlage mit künstlichen Bachläufen und Überflutungsbereich auf angesäter UferwiesePitfall trapunknownMutel, StephaneBreithaupt, Caroline rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersBathyphantes gracilis accepted2023-09-02–2023-09-072matureRSM Landau (TK 25 no. 6714)E3.4: Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grasslandVersuchsanlage mit künstlichen Bachläufen und Überflutungsbereich auf angesäter UferwiesePitfall trapunknownMutel, StephaneBreithaupt, Caroline rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersBathyphantes gracilis accepted2023-08-04–2023-08-2054matureRSM Landau (TK 25 no. 6714)E3.4: Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grasslandVersuchsanlage mit künstlichen Bachläufen und Überflutungsbereich auf angesäter UferwiesePitfall trapunknownMutel, StephaneBreithaupt, Caroline rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersBathyphantes gracilis accepted2023-08-04–2023-08-2013matureRSM Landau (TK 25 no. 6714)E3.4: Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grasslandVersuchsanlage mit künstlichen Bachläufen und Überflutungsbereich auf angesäter UferwiesePitfall trapunknownMutel, StephaneBreithaupt, Caroline rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersBathyphantes gracilis accepted2023-07-26–2023-07-3138matureRSM Landau (TK 25 no. 6714)E3.4: Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grasslandVersuchsanlage mit künstlichen Bachläufen und Überflutungsbereich auf angesäter UferwiesePitfall trapunknownMutel, StephaneBreithaupt, Caroline rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersBathyphantes gracilis accepted2023-07-26–2023-07-3111matureRSM Landau (TK 25 no. 6714)E3.4: Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grasslandVersuchsanlage mit künstlichen Bachläufen und Überflutungsbereich auf angesäter UferwiesePitfall trapunknownMutel, StephaneBreithaupt, Caroline rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersBathyphantes gracilis accepted2023-06-27–2023-07-1339matureRSM Landau (TK 25 no. 6714)E3.4: Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grasslandVersuchsanlage mit künstlichen Bachläufen und Überflutungsbereich auf angesäter UferwiesePitfall trapunknownMutel, StephaneBreithaupt, Caroline rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersBathyphantes gracilis accepted2023-06-27–2023-07-1316matureRSM Landau (TK 25 no. 6714)E3.4: Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grasslandVersuchsanlage mit künstlichen Bachläufen und Überflutungsbereich auf angesäter UferwiesePitfall trapunknownMutel, StephaneBreithaupt, Caroline rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersBathyphantes gracilis accepted2023-06-18–2023-06-2327matureRSM Landau (TK 25 no. 6714)E3.4: Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grasslandVersuchsanlage mit künstlichen Bachläufen und Überflutungsbereich auf angesäter UferwiesePitfall trapunknownMutel, StephaneBreithaupt, Caroline rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersBathyphantes gracilis accepted2023-06-18–2023-06-236matureRSM Landau (TK 25 no. 6714)E3.4: Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grasslandVersuchsanlage mit künstlichen Bachläufen und Überflutungsbereich auf angesäter UferwiesePitfall trapunknownMutel, StephaneBreithaupt, Caroline rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersBathyphantes gracilis accepted2023-06-131matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPowered aspiratorunknownKripp, Alanah730 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersBathyphantes gracilis accepted2023-06-131matureOtterbach im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6915)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPowered aspiratorunknownKripp, Alanah1124 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersBathyphantes gracilis accepted2023-06-121matureErbsengraben im Grasland (TK 25 no. 6615)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsim GraslandPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah700 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersBathyphantes gracilis accepted2023-06-111matureOtterbach am Flußufer (TK 25 no. 6915)C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodiesam FlußuferPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah157 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersBathyphantes gracilis accepted2023-05-20–2023-06-0545matureRSM Landau (TK 25 no. 6714)E3.4: Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grasslandVersuchsanlage mit künstlichen Bachläufen und Überflutungsbereich auf angesäter UferwiesePitfall trapunknownMutel, StephaneBreithaupt, Caroline rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersBathyphantes gracilis accepted2023-05-20–2023-06-0516matureRSM Landau (TK 25 no. 6714)E3.4: Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grasslandVersuchsanlage mit künstlichen Bachläufen und Überflutungsbereich auf angesäter UferwiesePitfall trapunknownMutel, StephaneBreithaupt, Caroline rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersBathyphantes gracilis accepted2023-05-11–2023-05-1612matureRSM Landau (TK 25 no. 6714)E3.4: Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grasslandVersuchsanlage mit künstlichen Bachläufen und Überflutungsbereich auf angesäter UferwiesePitfall trapunknownMutel, StephaneBreithaupt, Caroline rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersBathyphantes gracilis accepted2023-05-11–2023-05-161matureRSM Landau (TK 25 no. 6714)E3.4: Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grasslandVersuchsanlage mit künstlichen Bachläufen und Überflutungsbereich auf angesäter UferwiesePitfall trapunknownMutel, StephaneBreithaupt, Caroline rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersBathyphantes gracilis accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 16wl (TK 25 no. 6915)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2764 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersBathyphantes gracilis accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 16wl (TK 25 no. 6915)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2765 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersBathyphantes gracilis accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 7wa (TK 25 no. 6716)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1751 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersBathyphantes gracilis accepted2013-09-21–2013-09-271matureFeldrand 16hl (TK 25 no. 6915)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1486 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersBathyphantes gracilis accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 16wl (TK 25 no. 6915)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2757 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersBathyphantes gracilis accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 16wl (TK 25 no. 6915)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2758 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersBathyphantes gracilis accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 5-08 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown1115 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCentromerita bicolor accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 8ha (TK 25 no. 6716)E2: Mesic grasslandsWiesePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.333 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCentromerus brevipalpus accepted2021-05-11–2021-05-211matureOdernheim Laubwald 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.6: Beech woodlandLaubwaldPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.F1Sp31 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCentromerus brevipalpus accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 13wa (TK 25 no. 6914)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1996 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCentromerus capucinus accepted2024-03-081matureKalkmagerrasen Birkweiler (TK 25 no. 6714)E1.2: Perennial calcareous grassland and basic steppesHand collectionGenitalsEntling, MartinEntling, Martin rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCentromerus sylvaticus accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 1wl (TK 25 no. 6515)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2221 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCentromerus sylvaticus accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 4wl (TK 25 no. 6516)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2266 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCentromerus sylvaticus accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-301matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)G5.6: Early-stage natural and semi-natural woodlands and regrowthVerbuschtes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCentromerus sylvaticus accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-301matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)G5.6: Early-stage natural and semi-natural woodlands and regrowthVerbuschtes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCentromerus sylvaticus accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-301matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)G5.6: Early-stage natural and semi-natural woodlands and regrowthVerbuschtes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCeratinella brevis accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 10wa (TK 25 no. 6715)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1873 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCeratinella scabrosa accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-132matureFeldrand 16wa (TK 25 no. 6915)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2122 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCeratinella scabrosa accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 17wa (TK 25 no. 6815)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2143 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCeratinella scabrosa accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 17wl (TK 25 no. 6815)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2789 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCeratinella scabrosa accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-135matureFeldrand 17wl (TK 25 no. 6815)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2790 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCeratinella scabrosa accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 18wa (TK 25 no. 6815)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2176 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCeratinella scabrosa accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 6hl (TK 25 no. 6516)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.986 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCollinsia inerrans accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 6ha (TK 25 no. 6516)E2: Mesic grasslandsWiesePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.220 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCollinsia inerrans accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 8hl (TK 25 no. 6716)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1094 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCollinsia inerrans accepted2013-09-21–2013-09-271matureFeldrand 10hl (TK 25 no. 6715)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1230 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCollinsia inerrans accepted2013-09-21–2013-09-271matureFeldrand 14wl (TK 25 no. 6914)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2676 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCollinsia inerrans accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-122matureFeldrand 18hl (TK 25 no. 6815)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1554 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCollinsia inerrans accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-123matureFeldrand 18wa (TK 25 no. 6815)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2168 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersDicymbium brevisetosum accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 6ha (TK 25 no. 6516)E2: Mesic grasslandsWiesePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.221 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersDicymbium nigrum accepted2021-05-11–2021-05-211matureOdernheim Obstanlage 2 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.D4: Fruit orchardsObstanlage, unbeweidetPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.FF2Sp21 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersDicymbium nigrum accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 10ha (TK 25 no. 6715)E2: Mesic grasslandsWiesePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.427 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersDicymbium nigrum accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 10wl (TK 25 no. 6715)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2495 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersDicymbium nigrum accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 7ha (TK 25 no. 6716)E2: Mesic grasslandsWiesePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.261 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersDicymbium nigrum accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 7ha (TK 25 no. 6716)E2: Mesic grasslandsWiesePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.262 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersDicymbium nigrum accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 9ha (TK 25 no. 6615)E2: Mesic grasslandsWiesePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.397 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersDicymbium nigrum accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 9hl (TK 25 no. 6615)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1205 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersDicymbium nigrum accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-121matureFeldrand 9hl (TK 25 no. 6615)E2: Mesic grasslandsGrasstreifenPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1187 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersDicymbium nigrum accepted2012-06-12–2012-06-281matureQueichwiese 1-07 (TK 25 no. 6715)E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadowsMähwieseunknownunknown693 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersDiplocephalus cristatus accepted2023-06-141matureOtterbach im Wald (TK 25 no. 6915)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPowered aspiratorunknownKripp, Alanah608 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersDiplocephalus cristatus accepted2023-06-131matureOtterbach am Flußufer (TK 25 no. 6915)C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodiesam FlußuferPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah141 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersDiplocephalus cristatus accepted2023-06-121matureOtterbach im Wald (TK 25 no. 6915)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah364 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersDiplocephalus cristatus accepted2023-06-121matureOtterbach im Wald (TK 25 no. 6915)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah365 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersDiplocephalus cristatus accepted2023-06-121matureOtterbach im Wald (TK 25 no. 6915)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah596 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersDiplocephalus cristatus accepted2023-06-081matureOtterbach am Flußufer (TK 25 no. 6915)C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodiesam FlußuferPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah120 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersDiplocephalus cristatus accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 3wa (TK 25 no. 6515)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.1698 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersDiplocephalus latifrons accepted2014-04-07–2014-04-131matureFeldrand 18wa (TK 25 no. 6815)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandWaldPitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2177 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersDiplocephalus latifrons accepted2013-07-06–2013-07-122matureFeldrand 16wl (TK 25 no. 6915)FA: HedgerowsHeckePitfall trapunknownPfister, S.2759 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersDiplocephalus latifrons accepted2012-04-23–2012-04-301matureEbenberg bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6814)G5.6: Early-stage natural and semi-natural woodlands and regrowthVerbuschtes Grasland auf LössPitfall trapunknown rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersDiplocephalus picinus accepted2023-06-091matureOtterbach im Wald (TK 25 no. 6915)G1.2: Mixed riparian floodplain and gallery woodlandim WaldPitfall trapunknownKripp, Alanah466 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersDiplocephalus picinus accepted2021-06-18–2021-06-281matureOdernheim Laubwald 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.6: Beech woodlandLaubwaldPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.F1Sp13 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersDiplocephalus picinus accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-111matureOdernheim Laubwald 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.6: Beech woodlandLaubwaldPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.F1Sp12 rlz
Linyphiidae, Money spidersDiplocephalus picinus accepted2021-06-01–2021-06-112matureOdernheim Laubwald 1 (TK 25 no. 6212)G1.6: Beech woodlandLaubwaldPitfall trapunknownEdo, M.F1Sp22