Total: 2,950 records.
Family | Species | Date range | Number | Maturity | Sex | Source | Location | Habitat type | Situation descr. | Collection method | Identification characteristic | leg. | det. | vid. | coll. | coll. 2 | Comments | Tags | ||
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spiders | Eratigena agrestis accepted | 2019 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Acker | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spiders | Eratigena agrestis accepted | 2018 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Grünlandstreifen mit Gebüsch und Obstbäumen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spiders | Eratigena agrestis accepted | 2016 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Offenbach, südl. Kapelle (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spiders | Histopona torpida accepted | 2017 | 3 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Hatzenbühl, Waldrand (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spiders | Inermocoelotes inermis accepted | 2017 | 4 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Hatzenbühl, Waldrand (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spiders | Inermocoelotes inermis accepted | 2016 | 7 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Hatzenbühl, Waldrand (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Amaurobiidae, Laceweb spiders | Amaurobius ferox accepted | 2021 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühstreifen unterhalb südexponierter Lössböschung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Anyphaenidae, Buzzing spiders | Anyphaena accentuata accepted | 2024 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | dichtes Gebüsch an Grünstreifen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Anyphaenidae, Buzzing spiders | Anyphaena accentuata accepted | 2024 | 1 | immature | unknown | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | dichtes Gebüsch an Grünstreifen | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | |||||||
Anyphaenidae, Buzzing spiders | Anyphaena accentuata accepted | 2024 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Laubgehölz | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Anyphaenidae, Buzzing spiders | Anyphaena accentuata accepted | 2019 | 1 | immature | unknown | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Ackerrand, Blühstreifen | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | |||||||
Anyphaenidae, Buzzing spiders | Anyphaena accentuata accepted | 2019 | 4 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Regenversickerungsbecken, am Rand Gebüsch | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Anyphaenidae, Buzzing spiders | Anyphaena accentuata accepted | 2019 | 7 | immature | unknown | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Regenversickerungsbecken, am Rand Gebüsch | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | |||||||
Anyphaenidae, Buzzing spiders | Anyphaena accentuata accepted | 2018 | 2 | immature | unknown | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Grünlandstreifen mit Gebüsch und Obstbäumen | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | |||||||
Anyphaenidae, Buzzing spiders | Anyphaena accentuata accepted | 2017 | 1 | immature | unknown | (2024, unpublished) | Hatzenbühl, Waldrand (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | |||||||
Anyphaenidae, Buzzing spiders | Anyphaena accentuata accepted | 2017 | 6 | immature | unknown | (2024, unpublished) | Hayna, am Feldkreuz (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | |||||||
Anyphaenidae, Buzzing spiders | Anyphaena accentuata accepted | 2016 | 3 | immature | unknown | (2024, unpublished) | Hatzenbühl, Waldrand (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | |||||||
Anyphaenidae, Buzzing spiders | Anyphaena accentuata accepted | 2016 | 2 | immature | unknown | (2024, unpublished) | Hayna, an der Waldkapelle (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | |||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Aculepeira ceropegia accepted | 2017 | 1 | immature | unknown | (2024, unpublished) | Offenbach, südl. Kapelle (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | |||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Agalenatea redii accepted | 2017 | 1 | immature | unknown | (2024, unpublished) | Offenbach, südl. Kapelle (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | |||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Agalenatea redii accepted | 2016 | 1 | immature | unknown | (2024, unpublished) | Offenbach, südl. Kapelle (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | |||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Araneus sturmi accepted | 2022 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühstreifen unterhalb südexponierter Lössböschung | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Araniella cucurbitina accepted | 2024 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | dichtes Gebüsch an Grünstreifen | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Araniella cucurbitina accepted | 2024 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Laubgehölz | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Araniella cucurbitina accepted | 2023 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Gras-Böschung, teils mit Gehölzen gesäumt | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Araniella cucurbitina accepted | 2023 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Gras-Böschung, teils mit Gehölzen gesäumt | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Araniella cucurbitina accepted | 2023 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Araniella cucurbitina accepted | 2023 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese, jung | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Araniella cucurbitina accepted | 2022 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Araniella cucurbitina accepted | 2022 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühstreifen unterhalb südexponierter Lössböschung | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Araniella cucurbitina accepted | 2022 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese, jung | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Araniella cucurbitina accepted | 2021 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühstreifen unterhalb südexponierter Lössböschung | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Araniella cucurbitina accepted | 2021 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Regenversickerungsbecken, am Rand Gebüsch | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Araniella cucurbitina accepted | 2021 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Araniella cucurbitina accepted | 2021 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Araniella cucurbitina accepted | 2017 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Hatzenbühl, Waldrand (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Araniella cucurbitina accepted | 2017 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Hayna, an der Waldkapelle (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Araniella cucurbitina accepted | 2017 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Hayna, an der Waldkapelle (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Araniella opisthographa accepted | 2023 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Gras-Böschung, teils mit Gehölzen gesäumt | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Araniella opisthographa accepted | 2023 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Araniella opisthographa accepted | 2023 | 4 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese, jung | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Araniella opisthographa accepted | 2023 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese, jung | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Araniella opisthographa accepted | 2022 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühstreifen unterhalb südexponierter Lössböschung | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Araniella opisthographa accepted | 2022 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühstreifen unterhalb südexponierter Lössböschung | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Araniella opisthographa accepted | 2022 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese, jung | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Araniella opisthographa accepted | 2022 | 3 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese, jung | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Araniella opisthographa accepted | 2018 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Böschung mit Gebüsch und Lößkante | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Argiope bruennichi accepted | 1990–1999 | unknown | unknown | (2001) | TK 25 Nr. 6815: Herxheim bei Landau | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Cercidia prominens accepted | 2023 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Cercidia prominens accepted | 2022 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese, jung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Cercidia prominens accepted | 2021 | 1 | immature | unknown | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | |||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Cercidia prominens accepted | 2020 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Cercidia prominens accepted | 2018 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Grünlandstreifen mit Gebüsch und Obstbäumen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Gibbaranea gibbosa accepted | 2023 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese, jung | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Gibbaranea gibbosa accepted | 2022 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühstreifen unterhalb südexponierter Lössböschung | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Mangora acalypha accepted | 2023 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Mangora acalypha accepted | 2023 | 1 | immature | unknown | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | |||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Mangora acalypha accepted | 2021 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Mangora acalypha accepted | 2021 | 1 | immature | unknown | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühstreifen unterhalb südexponierter Lössböschung | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | |||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Mangora acalypha accepted | 2021 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Regenversickerungsbecken, am Rand Gebüsch | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Mangora acalypha accepted | 2021 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Mangora acalypha accepted | 2020 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Mangora acalypha accepted | 2019 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Acker | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Mangora acalypha accepted | 2019 | 14 | immature | unknown | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Ackerrand, Blühstreifen | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | |||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Mangora acalypha accepted | 2019 | 1 | immature | unknown | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | |||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Mangora acalypha accepted | 2017 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Hatzenbühl, Waldrand (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Mangora acalypha accepted | 2017 | 3 | immature | unknown | (2024, unpublished) | Hatzenbühl, Waldrand (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | |||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Mangora acalypha accepted | 2017 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Hayna, am Feldkreuz (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Mangora acalypha accepted | 2017 | 1 | immature | unknown | (2024, unpublished) | Hayna, am Feldkreuz (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | |||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Mangora acalypha accepted | 2017 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Hayna, an der Waldkapelle (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Mangora acalypha accepted | 2017 | 6 | immature | unknown | (2024, unpublished) | Hayna, an der Waldkapelle (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | |||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Mangora acalypha accepted | 2016 | 2 | immature | unknown | (2024, unpublished) | Hatzenbühl, Waldrand (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | |||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Mangora acalypha accepted | 2016 | 1 | immature | unknown | (2024, unpublished) | Hayna, am Feldkreuz (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | |||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Zilla diodia accepted | 2017 | 1 | immature | unknown | (2024, unpublished) | Hayna, am Feldkreuz (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | |||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Zilla diodia accepted | 2016 | 1 | immature | unknown | (2024, unpublished) | Hayna, an der Waldkapelle (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | |||||||
Atypidae, Purseweb spiders | Atypus affinis accepted | 2017 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Hatzenbühl, Waldrand (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Cheiracanthiidae | Cheiracanthium campestre accepted | 2022 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Cheiracanthiidae | Cheiracanthium campestre accepted | 2022 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Queckenflur an Gebäude | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Cheiracanthiidae | Cheiracanthium campestre accepted | 2021 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Cheiracanthiidae | Cheiracanthium campestre accepted | 2020 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Cheiracanthiidae | Cheiracanthium mildei accepted | 2023 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Gras-Böschung, teils mit Gehölzen gesäumt | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Cheiracanthiidae | Cheiracanthium mildei accepted | 2023 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Cheiracanthiidae | Cheiracanthium mildei accepted | 2021 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Regenversickerungsbecken, am Rand Gebüsch | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Cheiracanthiidae | Cheiracanthium punctorium accepted | 2016 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Hayna, am Feldkreuz (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Cheiracanthiidae | Cheiracanthium punctorium accepted | 2000–2009 | 1 | unknown | unknown | Fundmeldungen von Helmar Baginsky, Offenbach/Queich | TK 25 Nr. 6815: Herxheim bei Landau | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | ||||||||||
Cicurinidae | Cicurina cicur accepted | 2019 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Regenversickerungsbecken, am Rand Gebüsch | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Cicurinidae | Cicurina cicur accepted | 2018 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Böschung mit Gebüsch und Lößkante | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Cicurinidae | Cicurina cicur accepted | 2013-07-06–2013-07-12 | 1 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 17wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2784 | rlz | |||||||
Clubionidae, Sac spiders | Clubiona brevipes accepted | 2024 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | dichtes Gebüsch an Grünstreifen | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Clubionidae, Sac spiders | Clubiona brevipes accepted | 2019 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Regenversickerungsbecken, am Rand Gebüsch | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Clubionidae, Sac spiders | Clubiona comta accepted | 2018 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Böschung mit Gebüsch und Lößkante | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Clubionidae, Sac spiders | Clubiona comta accepted | 2017 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Hayna, am Feldkreuz (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Clubionidae, Sac spiders | Clubiona neglecta accepted | 2023 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Clubionidae, Sac spiders | Clubiona neglecta accepted | 2021 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Clubionidae, Sac spiders | Clubiona neglecta accepted | 2020 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | mehrjährige Staudenflur, Wildschutzstreifen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Clubionidae, Sac spiders | Clubiona neglecta accepted | 2020 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Clubionidae, Sac spiders | Clubiona neglecta accepted | 2020 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Clubionidae, Sac spiders | Clubiona neglecta accepted | 2018 | 3 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Grünlandstreifen mit Gebüsch und Obstbäumen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Clubionidae, Sac spiders | Clubiona neglecta accepted | 2018 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Böschung mit Gebüschen und Gehölzen | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Clubionidae, Sac spiders | Clubiona neglecta accepted | 2014-05 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 18 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W18F2_F6 | rlz | |||||||
Clubionidae, Sac spiders | Clubiona neglecta accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2577 | rlz | |||||||
Clubionidae, Sac spiders | Clubiona pallidula accepted | 2023 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Gras-Böschung, teils mit Gehölzen gesäumt | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Clubionidae, Sac spiders | Clubiona pallidula accepted | 2019 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Regenversickerungsbecken, am Rand Gebüsch | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Clubionidae, Sac spiders | Clubiona pallidula accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2578 | rlz | |||||||
Clubionidae, Sac spiders | Clubiona pallidula accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2610 | rlz | |||||||
Clubionidae, Sac spiders | Clubiona terrestris accepted | 2021 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Regenversickerungsbecken, am Rand Gebüsch | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Clubionidae, Sac spiders | Clubiona terrestris accepted | 2019 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Regenversickerungsbecken, am Rand Gebüsch | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Clubionidae, Sac spiders | Clubiona terrestris accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2579 | rlz | |||||||
Dictynidae, Meshweb spiders | Argenna subnigra accepted | 2023 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Acker (Weizen) | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dictynidae, Meshweb spiders | Argenna subnigra accepted | 2023 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dictynidae, Meshweb spiders | Argenna subnigra accepted | 2023 | 5 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese, jung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dictynidae, Meshweb spiders | Argenna subnigra accepted | 2022 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dictynidae, Meshweb spiders | Argenna subnigra accepted | 2022 | 11 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Queckenflur an Gebäude | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dictynidae, Meshweb spiders | Argenna subnigra accepted | 2022 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Queckenflur an Gebäude | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dictynidae, Meshweb spiders | Argenna subnigra accepted | 2022 | 5 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese, jung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dictynidae, Meshweb spiders | Argenna subnigra accepted | 2021 | 7 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dictynidae, Meshweb spiders | Argenna subnigra accepted | 2019 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Acker | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dictynidae, Meshweb spiders | Argenna subnigra accepted | 2018 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Böschung mit Gebüsch und Lößkante | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dictynidae, Meshweb spiders | Argenna subnigra accepted | 2018 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Grünlandstreifen mit Gebüsch und Obstbäumen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dictynidae, Meshweb spiders | Argenna subnigra accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 18hl (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Grasstreifen | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 1617 | rlz | |||||||
Dictynidae, Meshweb spiders | Argenna subnigra accepted | 2013-07-06–2013-07-12 | 1 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 17hl (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Grasstreifen | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 1524 | rlz | |||||||
Dictynidae, Meshweb spiders | Argenna subnigra accepted | 2013-07-06–2013-07-12 | 1 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 12ha (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Wiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 495 | rlz | |||||||
Dictynidae, Meshweb spiders | Argyroneta aquatica accepted | 1990–1997 | unknown | unknown | (1997, unpublished) | TK 25 Nr. 6815: Herxheim bei Landau | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | M. Kitt & J. Wolf | ||||||||||
Dictynidae, Meshweb spiders | Dictyna arundinacea accepted | 2019 | 3 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Ackerrand, Blühstreifen | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dictynidae, Meshweb spiders | Dictyna arundinacea accepted | 2017 | 3 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Hatzenbühl, Waldrand (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dictynidae, Meshweb spiders | Dictyna arundinacea accepted | 2017 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Offenbach, südl. Kapelle (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dictynidae, Meshweb spiders | Dictyna uncinata accepted | 2023 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Gras-Böschung, teils mit Gehölzen gesäumt | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dictynidae, Meshweb spiders | Dictyna uncinata accepted | 2021 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Regenversickerungsbecken, am Rand Gebüsch | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dictynidae, Meshweb spiders | Dictyna uncinata accepted | 2021 | 3 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Regenversickerungsbecken, am Rand Gebüsch | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dictynidae, Meshweb spiders | Dictyna uncinata accepted | 2013-07-06–2013-07-12 | 2 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 18wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2816 | rlz | |||||||
Dictynidae, Meshweb spiders | Nigma flavescens accepted | 2023 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Gras-Böschung, teils mit Gehölzen gesäumt | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dictynidae, Meshweb spiders | Nigma flavescens accepted | 2023 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dictynidae, Meshweb spiders | Nigma walckenaeri accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wa (TK 25 no. 6815) | G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodland | Wald | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 1937 | rlz | |||||||
Dolomedidae | Dolomedes fimbriatus accepted | 1980–1989 | unknown | unknown | Fundmeldungen von Kitt | TK 25 Nr. 6815: Herxheim bei Landau | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spiders | Dysdera crocata accepted | 2024 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | dichtes Gebüsch an Grünstreifen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spiders | Dysdera crocata accepted | 2024 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | dichtes Gebüsch an Grünstreifen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spiders | Dysdera crocata accepted | 2024 | 6 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Laubgehölz | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spiders | Dysdera crocata accepted | 2024 | 9 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Laubgehölz | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spiders | Dysdera crocata accepted | 2024 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Schotterfläche, sehr lichter Bewuchs | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spiders | Dysdera crocata accepted | 2023 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Acker (Weizen) | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spiders | Dysdera crocata accepted | 2021 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Regenversickerungsbecken, am Rand Gebüsch | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spiders | Dysdera crocata accepted | 2021 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spiders | Dysdera crocata accepted | 2021 | 3 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spiders | Dysdera crocata accepted | 2020 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spiders | Dysdera crocata accepted | 2020 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spiders | Dysdera crocata accepted | 2018 | 3 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Böschung mit Gebüsch und Lößkante | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spiders | Dysdera crocata accepted | 2018 | 3 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Böschung mit Gebüsch und Lößkante | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spiders | Dysdera crocata accepted | 2017 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Hayna, an der Waldkapelle (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spiders | Dysdera crocata accepted | 2014-04-07–2014-04-13 | 1 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2545 | rlz | |||||||
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spiders | Dysdera crocata accepted | 2014-04-07–2014-04-13 | 1 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 17wa (TK 25 no. 6815) | G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodland | Wald | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2146 | rlz | |||||||
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spiders | Dysdera crocata accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wa (TK 25 no. 6815) | G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodland | Wald | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 1952 | rlz | |||||||
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spiders | Dysdera crocata accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2614 | rlz | |||||||
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spiders | Dysdera crocata accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feld12f (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Getreidefeld | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 91 | rlz | |||||||
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spiders | Dysdera erythrina accepted | 2024 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Regenversickerungsbecken, am Rand Gebüsch | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spiders | Dysdera erythrina accepted | 2023 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Gras-Böschung, teils mit Gehölzen gesäumt | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spiders | Dysdera erythrina accepted | 2021 | 15 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Regenversickerungsbecken, am Rand Gebüsch | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spiders | Dysdera erythrina accepted | 2021 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Regenversickerungsbecken, am Rand Gebüsch | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spiders | Dysdera erythrina accepted | 2019 | 9 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Regenversickerungsbecken, am Rand Gebüsch | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spiders | Dysdera erythrina accepted | 2019 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Regenversickerungsbecken, am Rand Gebüsch | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spiders | Dysdera erythrina accepted | 2018 | 3 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Böschung mit Gebüsch und Lößkante | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spiders | Dysdera erythrina accepted | 2018 | 6 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Böschung mit Gebüschen und Gehölzen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spiders | Dysdera erythrina accepted | 2018 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Böschung mit Gebüschen und Gehölzen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spiders | Dysdera erythrina accepted | 2017 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Hatzenbühl, Waldrand (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spiders | Dysdera erythrina accepted | 2017 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Hatzenbühl, Waldrand (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spiders | Harpactea hombergi accepted | 2024 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Laubgehölz | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spiders | Harpactea hombergi accepted | 2019 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Regenversickerungsbecken, am Rand Gebüsch | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spiders | Harpactea hombergi accepted | 2017 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Hayna, an der Waldkapelle (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spiders | Harpactea rubicunda accepted | 2024 | 7 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | dichtes Gebüsch an Grünstreifen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spiders | Harpactea rubicunda accepted | 2024 | 6 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | dichtes Gebüsch an Grünstreifen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spiders | Harpactea rubicunda accepted | 2024 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Laubgehölz | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spiders | Harpactea rubicunda accepted | 2024 | 5 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Laubgehölz | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spiders | Harpactea rubicunda accepted | 2023 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spiders | Harpactea rubicunda accepted | 2021 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Regenversickerungsbecken, am Rand Gebüsch | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spiders | Harpactea rubicunda accepted | 2019 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Ackerrand, Blühstreifen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spiders | Harpactea rubicunda accepted | 2019 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Regenversickerungsbecken, am Rand Gebüsch | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Callilepis nocturna accepted | 2017 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Hatzenbühl, Waldrand (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Callilepis nocturna accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2570 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Callilepis nocturna accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2571 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Callilepis nocturna accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2572 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Callilepis nocturna accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2573 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Callilepis nocturna accepted | 2014 | 2 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2574 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Callilepis nocturna accepted | 2014 | 2 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2575 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Callilepis nocturna accepted | 2014 | 2 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2576 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Callilepis nocturna accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2606 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Callilepis nocturna accepted | 2014 | 5 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2607 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassodes cupreus accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2580 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassodes cupreus accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2581 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassodes lapidosus accepted | 2022 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Queckenflur an Gebäude | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassodes lapidosus accepted | 2022 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Queckenflur an Gebäude | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassodes lapidosus accepted | 2020 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassodes lapidosus accepted | 2020 | 6 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühstreifen unterhalb südexponierter Lössböschung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassodes lapidosus accepted | 2020 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühstreifen unterhalb südexponierter Lössböschung | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassodes lapidosus accepted | 2019 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassodes lapidosus accepted | 2018 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Böschung mit Gebüsch und Lößkante | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassodes lapidosus accepted | 2018 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Grünlandstreifen mit Gebüsch und Obstbäumen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassodes lapidosus accepted | 2017 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Hatzenbühl, Waldrand (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassodes lapidosus accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feld12f (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Getreidefeld | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 85 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassodes pubescens accepted | 2021 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassodes pubescens accepted | 2020 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus lutetianus accepted | 2024 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Laubgehölz | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus lutetianus accepted | 2021 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühstreifen unterhalb südexponierter Lössböschung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus lutetianus accepted | 2018 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Böschung mit Gebüschen und Gehölzen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus lutetianus accepted | 2017 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Hatzenbühl, Waldrand (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus lutetianus accepted | 2017 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Offenbach, südl. Kapelle (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus lutetianus accepted | 2014-06 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 12 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W12H1_F8 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus lutetianus accepted | 2014-05 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 18 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W18F1_F5 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus praeficus accepted | 2024 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Regenversickerungsbecken, am Rand Gebüsch | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus praeficus accepted | 2024 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Schotterfläche, sehr lichter Bewuchs | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus praeficus accepted | 2024 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Schotterfläche, sehr lichter Bewuchs | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus praeficus accepted | 2023 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Acker (Weizen) | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus praeficus accepted | 2023 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Gras-Böschung, teils mit Gehölzen gesäumt | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus praeficus accepted | 2023 | 7 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus praeficus accepted | 2023 | 3 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus praeficus accepted | 2023 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese, jung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus praeficus accepted | 2023 | 4 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese, jung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus praeficus accepted | 2022 | 17 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus praeficus accepted | 2022 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus praeficus accepted | 2022 | 8 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühstreifen unterhalb südexponierter Lössböschung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus praeficus accepted | 2022 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühstreifen unterhalb südexponierter Lössböschung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus praeficus accepted | 2022 | 11 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Queckenflur an Gebäude | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus praeficus accepted | 2022 | 3 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Queckenflur an Gebäude | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus praeficus accepted | 2022 | 30 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese, jung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus praeficus accepted | 2022 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese, jung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus praeficus accepted | 2021 | 28 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus praeficus accepted | 2021 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus praeficus accepted | 2021 | 4 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühstreifen unterhalb südexponierter Lössböschung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus praeficus accepted | 2021 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühstreifen unterhalb südexponierter Lössböschung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus praeficus accepted | 2021 | 10 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus praeficus accepted | 2021 | 8 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus praeficus accepted | 2020 | 35 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus praeficus accepted | 2020 | 8 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus praeficus accepted | 2020 | 15 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühstreifen unterhalb südexponierter Lössböschung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus praeficus accepted | 2020 | 7 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühstreifen unterhalb südexponierter Lössböschung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus praeficus accepted | 2020 | 41 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | mehrjährige Staudenflur, Wildschutzstreifen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus praeficus accepted | 2020 | 13 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | mehrjährige Staudenflur, Wildschutzstreifen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus praeficus accepted | 2020 | 18 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus praeficus accepted | 2020 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus praeficus accepted | 2020 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühstreifen unterhalb südexponierter Lössböschung | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus praeficus accepted | 2019 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus praeficus accepted | 2018 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Böschung mit Gebüsch und Lößkante | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus praeficus accepted | 2018 | 14 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Grünlandstreifen mit Gebüsch und Obstbäumen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus praeficus accepted | 2018 | 10 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Grünlandstreifen mit Gebüsch und Obstbäumen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus praeficus accepted | 2017 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Hatzenbühl, Waldrand (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus praeficus accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 18hl (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Grasstreifen | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 1624 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus praeficus accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 18hl (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Grasstreifen | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 1625 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus praeficus accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12ha (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Wiese | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 537 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2024 | 6 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Regenversickerungsbecken, am Rand Gebüsch | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2023 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Acker (Weizen) | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2023 | 6 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Gras-Böschung, teils mit Gehölzen gesäumt | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2023 | 4 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese, jung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2022 | 22 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2022 | 8 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2022 | 10 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühstreifen unterhalb südexponierter Lössböschung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2022 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühstreifen unterhalb südexponierter Lössböschung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2022 | 7 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Queckenflur an Gebäude | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2022 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Queckenflur an Gebäude | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2022 | 10 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese, jung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2022 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese, jung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2021 | 11 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2021 | 8 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2021 | 12 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühstreifen unterhalb südexponierter Lössböschung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2021 | 3 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühstreifen unterhalb südexponierter Lössböschung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2021 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2020 | 3 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2020 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2020 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühstreifen unterhalb südexponierter Lössböschung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2020 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | mehrjährige Staudenflur, Wildschutzstreifen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2020 | 4 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | mehrjährige Staudenflur, Wildschutzstreifen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2020 | 3 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2019 | 3 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Ackerrand, Blühstreifen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2019 | 4 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Ackerrand, Blühstreifen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2019 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2019 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2019 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Regenversickerungsbecken, am Rand Gebüsch | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2018 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Acker | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2018 | 6 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Böschung mit Gebüsch und Lößkante | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2018 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Böschung mit Gebüsch und Lößkante | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2018 | 8 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Böschung mit Gebüschen und Gehölzen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2018 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Böschung mit Gebüschen und Gehölzen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2018 | 10 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Grünlandstreifen mit Gebüsch und Obstbäumen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2018 | 4 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Grünlandstreifen mit Gebüsch und Obstbäumen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2017 | 8 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Hatzenbühl, Waldrand (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2017 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Hatzenbühl, Waldrand (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2017 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Offenbach, südl. Kapelle (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2017 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Offenbach, südl. Kapelle (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2014-05 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 18 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W18F2_F1 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2014-05 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 18 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W18H1_F4 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2014-05 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 18 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W18W1_F2 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2014-05 | 2 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 18 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W18W1_F7 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2014-04-07–2014-04-13 | 1 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 12wa (TK 25 no. 6815) | G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodland | Wald | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 1916 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2014-04-07–2014-04-13 | 1 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 18hl (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Grasstreifen | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 1582 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2014-04-07–2014-04-13 | 2 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 18hl (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Grasstreifen | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 1583 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2014-04-07–2014-04-13 | 1 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 12ha (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Wiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 503 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2014-04-07–2014-04-13 | 1 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 12ha (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Wiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 504 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2014-04-07–2014-04-13 | 1 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 18ha (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Wiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 829 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2014 | 2 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12hl (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Grasstreifen | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 1338 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2014 | 2 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12hl (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Grasstreifen | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 1339 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feld18f (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Getreidefeld | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 55 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12ha (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Wiese | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 538 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2013-07-06–2013-07-12 | 3 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 12ha (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Wiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 496 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassyllus pusillus accepted | 2013-07-06–2013-07-12 | 1 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 17ha (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Wiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 752 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Haplodrassus dalmatensis accepted | 2024 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Schotterfläche, sehr lichter Bewuchs | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Haplodrassus dalmatensis accepted | 2021 | 4 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Haplodrassus dalmatensis accepted | 2021 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühstreifen unterhalb südexponierter Lössböschung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Haplodrassus dalmatensis accepted | 2020 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Haplodrassus signifer accepted | 2023 | 5 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Haplodrassus signifer accepted | 2023 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Haplodrassus signifer accepted | 2023 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese, jung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Haplodrassus signifer accepted | 2022 | 13 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Haplodrassus signifer accepted | 2022 | 9 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese, jung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Haplodrassus signifer accepted | 2022 | 6 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese, jung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Haplodrassus signifer accepted | 2021 | 3 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Haplodrassus signifer accepted | 2021 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Haplodrassus signifer accepted | 2021 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Regenversickerungsbecken, am Rand Gebüsch | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Haplodrassus signifer accepted | 2020 | 7 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Haplodrassus signifer accepted | 2018 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Böschung mit Gebüsch und Lößkante | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Haplodrassus signifer accepted | 2018 | 13 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Grünlandstreifen mit Gebüsch und Obstbäumen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Haplodrassus signifer accepted | 2018 | 3 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Grünlandstreifen mit Gebüsch und Obstbäumen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Haplodrassus signifer accepted | 2018 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Grünlandstreifen mit Gebüsch und Obstbäumen | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Haplodrassus silvestris accepted | 2024 | 3 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Laubgehölz | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Haplodrassus silvestris accepted | 2024 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Laubgehölz | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Haplodrassus silvestris accepted | 2023 | 3 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Gras-Böschung, teils mit Gehölzen gesäumt | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Haplodrassus silvestris accepted | 2021 | 3 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Regenversickerungsbecken, am Rand Gebüsch | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Haplodrassus silvestris accepted | 2019 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Regenversickerungsbecken, am Rand Gebüsch | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Haplodrassus silvestris accepted | 2019 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Regenversickerungsbecken, am Rand Gebüsch | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Haplodrassus silvestris accepted | 2018 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Böschung mit Gebüsch und Lößkante | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Haplodrassus silvestris accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2615 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Haplodrassus silvestris accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 18wa (TK 25 no. 6815) | G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodland | Wald | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2208 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Haplodrassus silvestris accepted | 2013-07-06–2013-07-12 | 1 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 18wa (TK 25 no. 6815) | G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodland | Wald | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2169 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Micaria micans accepted | 2023 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Gras-Böschung, teils mit Gehölzen gesäumt | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Micaria micans accepted | 2021 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Micaria micans accepted | 2021 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Regenversickerungsbecken, am Rand Gebüsch | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Micaria pulicaria accepted | 2014-05 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 12 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W12H1_F4 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Micaria pulicaria accepted | 2014-04-07–2014-04-13 | 1 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2548 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Micaria pulicaria accepted | 2014-04-07–2014-04-13 | 2 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 18wa (TK 25 no. 6815) | G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodland | Wald | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2184 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Micaria pulicaria accepted | 2014-04-07–2014-04-13 | 1 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 18ha (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Wiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 833 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Micaria pulicaria accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12hl (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Grasstreifen | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 1304 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Micaria pulicaria accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12hl (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Grasstreifen | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 1305 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Micaria pulicaria accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12hl (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Grasstreifen | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 1306 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Micaria pulicaria accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12hl (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Grasstreifen | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 1307 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Micaria pulicaria accepted | 2014 | 2 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12hl (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Grasstreifen | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 1308 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Micaria pulicaria accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12hl (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Grasstreifen | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 1342 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Micaria pulicaria accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12hl (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Grasstreifen | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 1343 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Micaria pulicaria accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wa (TK 25 no. 6815) | G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodland | Wald | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 1934 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Micaria pulicaria accepted | 2014 | 3 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wa (TK 25 no. 6815) | G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodland | Wald | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 1935 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Micaria pulicaria accepted | 2014 | 5 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wa (TK 25 no. 6815) | G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodland | Wald | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 1936 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Micaria pulicaria accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wa (TK 25 no. 6815) | G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodland | Wald | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 1957 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Micaria pulicaria accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2586 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Micaria pulicaria accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2587 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Micaria pulicaria accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2588 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Micaria pulicaria accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2589 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Micaria pulicaria accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2590 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Micaria pulicaria accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2591 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Micaria pulicaria accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2592 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Micaria pulicaria accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2593 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Micaria pulicaria accepted | 2014 | 3 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2594 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Micaria pulicaria accepted | 2014 | 5 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2595 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Micaria pulicaria accepted | 2014 | 7 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2596 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Micaria pulicaria accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2616 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Micaria pulicaria accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2617 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Micaria pulicaria accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feld12f (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Getreidefeld | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 86 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Micaria pulicaria accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feld12f (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Getreidefeld | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 92 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Micaria pulicaria accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feld12f (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Getreidefeld | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 93 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Micaria pulicaria accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feld12f (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Getreidefeld | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 94 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Micaria pulicaria accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12ha (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Wiese | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 534 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Micaria pulicaria accepted | 2014 | 2 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12ha (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Wiese | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 535 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Micaria pulicaria accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12ha (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Wiese | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 539 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Micaria pulicaria accepted | 2013-09-21–2013-09-27 | 1 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 12wa (TK 25 no. 6815) | G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodland | Wald | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 1911 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Micaria pulicaria accepted | 2013-07-06–2013-07-12 | 1 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 18ha (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Wiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 821 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Scotophaeus blackwalli accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12ha (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Wiese | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 536 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2024 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | dichtes Gebüsch an Grünstreifen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2024 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Laubgehölz | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2024 | 35 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Regenversickerungsbecken, am Rand Gebüsch | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2024 | 7 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Regenversickerungsbecken, am Rand Gebüsch | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2024 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Schotterfläche, sehr lichter Bewuchs | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2023 | 6 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Gras-Böschung, teils mit Gehölzen gesäumt | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2023 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2023 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese, jung | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2022 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühstreifen unterhalb südexponierter Lössböschung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2022 | 6 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Queckenflur an Gebäude | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2022 | 6 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Queckenflur an Gebäude | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2022 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühstreifen unterhalb südexponierter Lössböschung | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2021 | 15 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühstreifen unterhalb südexponierter Lössböschung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2021 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühstreifen unterhalb südexponierter Lössböschung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2021 | 6 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Regenversickerungsbecken, am Rand Gebüsch | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2021 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Regenversickerungsbecken, am Rand Gebüsch | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2020 | 7 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühstreifen unterhalb südexponierter Lössböschung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2020 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | mehrjährige Staudenflur, Wildschutzstreifen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2020 | 3 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | mehrjährige Staudenflur, Wildschutzstreifen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2020 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2019 | 3 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Regenversickerungsbecken, am Rand Gebüsch | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2019 | 3 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Regenversickerungsbecken, am Rand Gebüsch | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2018 | 13 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Böschung mit Gebüsch und Lößkante | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2018 | 7 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Böschung mit Gebüsch und Lößkante | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2018 | 11 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Böschung mit Gebüschen und Gehölzen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2018 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Böschung mit Gebüschen und Gehölzen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2018 | 26 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Grünlandstreifen mit Gebüsch und Obstbäumen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2018 | 8 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Grünlandstreifen mit Gebüsch und Obstbäumen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2017 | 4 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Hatzenbühl, Waldrand (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2017 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Hatzenbühl, Waldrand (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2017 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Hayna, an der Waldkapelle (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2017 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Offenbach, südl. Kapelle (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2017 | 1 | immature | unknown | (2024, unpublished) | Offenbach, südl. Kapelle (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2017 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Offenbach, südl. Kapelle (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2014-06 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 18 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W18W1_F4 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2014-05 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 12 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W12H1_F1 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2014-05 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 12 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W12H1_F2 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2014-05 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 18 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W18W1_F1 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12hl (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Grasstreifen | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 1384 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wa (TK 25 no. 6815) | G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodland | Wald | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 1988 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2633 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2634 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2014 | 2 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12ha (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Wiese | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 552 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2014 | 2 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12ha (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Wiese | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 553 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Trachyzelotes pedestris accepted | 2013-07-06–2013-07-12 | 1 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 18wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2822 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes electus accepted | 2023 | 9 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes electus accepted | 2023 | 8 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes electus accepted | 2023 | 5 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese, jung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes electus accepted | 2022 | 4 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese, jung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes electus accepted | 2022 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese, jung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes electus accepted | 2021 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühstreifen unterhalb südexponierter Lössböschung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes electus accepted | 2021 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühstreifen unterhalb südexponierter Lössböschung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes electus accepted | 2021 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes erebeus accepted | 2020 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | mehrjährige Staudenflur, Wildschutzstreifen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes erebeus accepted | 2013-09-21–2013-09-27 | 1 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2537 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes exiguus accepted | 2020 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes latreillei accepted | 2023 | 3 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese, jung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes latreillei accepted | 2023 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese, jung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes latreillei accepted | 2022 | 5 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese, jung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes latreillei accepted | 2022 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese, jung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes latreillei accepted | 2021 | 8 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes latreillei accepted | 2021 | 5 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes latreillei accepted | 2020 | 7 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes latreillei accepted | 2018 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Böschung mit Gebüsch und Lößkante | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes latreillei accepted | 2018 | 3 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Böschung mit Gebüschen und Gehölzen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes latreillei accepted | 2018 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Grünlandstreifen mit Gebüsch und Obstbäumen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes latreillei accepted | 2018 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Grünlandstreifen mit Gebüsch und Obstbäumen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes longipes accepted | 2024 | 3 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Schotterfläche, sehr lichter Bewuchs | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes longipes accepted | 2024 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Schotterfläche, sehr lichter Bewuchs | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes longipes accepted | 2023 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese, jung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes longipes accepted | 2022 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes longipes accepted | 2021 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühstreifen unterhalb südexponierter Lössböschung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes longipes accepted | 2021 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühstreifen unterhalb südexponierter Lössböschung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes longipes accepted | 2020 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes petrensis accepted | 2023 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Acker (Weizen) | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes petrensis accepted | 2023 | 6 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes petrensis accepted | 2023 | 5 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes petrensis accepted | 2023 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese, jung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes petrensis accepted | 2023 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese, jung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes petrensis accepted | 2022 | 4 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes petrensis accepted | 2022 | 6 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes petrensis accepted | 2022 | 6 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Queckenflur an Gebäude | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes petrensis accepted | 2022 | 4 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Queckenflur an Gebäude | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes petrensis accepted | 2022 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese, jung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes petrensis accepted | 2021 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes petrensis accepted | 2021 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes petrensis accepted | 2021 | 4 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühstreifen unterhalb südexponierter Lössböschung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes petrensis accepted | 2021 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühstreifen unterhalb südexponierter Lössböschung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes petrensis accepted | 2021 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes petrensis accepted | 2020 | 4 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes petrensis accepted | 2020 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | mehrjährige Staudenflur, Wildschutzstreifen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes petrensis accepted | 2020 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | mehrjährige Staudenflur, Wildschutzstreifen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes petrensis accepted | 2020 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes petrensis accepted | 2019 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes petrensis accepted | 2018 | 8 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Böschung mit Gebüsch und Lößkante | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes petrensis accepted | 2018 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Böschung mit Gebüsch und Lößkante | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes petrensis accepted | 2018 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Grünlandstreifen mit Gebüsch und Obstbäumen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes subterraneus accepted | 2024 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Regenversickerungsbecken, am Rand Gebüsch | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes subterraneus accepted | 2023 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Gras-Böschung, teils mit Gehölzen gesäumt | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes subterraneus accepted | 2023 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Gras-Böschung, teils mit Gehölzen gesäumt | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes subterraneus accepted | 2018 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Böschung mit Gebüschen und Gehölzen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes subterraneus accepted | 2018 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Grünlandstreifen mit Gebüsch und Obstbäumen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes subterraneus accepted | 2017 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Hatzenbühl, Waldrand (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes subterraneus accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wa (TK 25 no. 6815) | G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodland | Wald | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 1989 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes subterraneus accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2639 | rlz | |||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes subterraneus accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2640 | rlz | |||||||
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spiders | Hahnia nava accepted | 2024 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | dichtes Gebüsch an Grünstreifen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spiders | Hahnia nava accepted | 2024 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Regenversickerungsbecken, am Rand Gebüsch | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spiders | Hahnia nava accepted | 2023 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spiders | Hahnia nava accepted | 2023 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spiders | Hahnia nava accepted | 2023 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese, jung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spiders | Hahnia nava accepted | 2022 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spiders | Hahnia nava accepted | 2021 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühstreifen unterhalb südexponierter Lössböschung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spiders | Hahnia nava accepted | 2021 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spiders | Hahnia nava accepted | 2014-04-07–2014-04-13 | 1 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 12hl (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Grasstreifen | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 1281 | rlz | |||||||
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spiders | Hahnia nava accepted | 2014-04-07–2014-04-13 | 2 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2547 | rlz | |||||||
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spiders | Hahnia nava accepted | 2014-04-07–2014-04-13 | 1 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 17wa (TK 25 no. 6815) | G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodland | Wald | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2148 | rlz | |||||||
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spiders | Hahnia nava accepted | 2014-04-07–2014-04-13 | 2 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 17wa (TK 25 no. 6815) | G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodland | Wald | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2149 | rlz | |||||||
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spiders | Hahnia nava accepted | 2014-04-07–2014-04-13 | 1 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 18wa (TK 25 no. 6815) | G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodland | Wald | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2183 | rlz | |||||||
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spiders | Hahnia nava accepted | 2014-04-07–2014-04-13 | 2 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 12ha (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Wiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 505 | rlz | |||||||
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spiders | Hahnia nava accepted | 2014-04-07–2014-04-13 | 4 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 12ha (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Wiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 506 | rlz | |||||||
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spiders | Hahnia nava accepted | 2014-04-07–2014-04-13 | 1 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 18ha (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Wiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 830 | rlz | |||||||
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spiders | Hahnia nava accepted | 2014-04-07–2014-04-13 | 1 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 18ha (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Wiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 831 | rlz | |||||||
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spiders | Hahnia nava accepted | 2014-04-07–2014-04-13 | 2 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 18ha (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Wiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 832 | rlz | |||||||
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spiders | Hahnia nava accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12hl (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Grasstreifen | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 1341 | rlz | |||||||
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spiders | Hahnia nava accepted | 2012-06-12–2012-06-28 | 1 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Queichwiese 5-11 (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadows | Mähwiese | unknown | unknown | 17 | rlz | ||||||||
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spiders | Hahnia nava accepted | 2012-04-03–2012-04-24 | 1 | mature | (2014) | Queichwiese 5-11 (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadows | Mähwiese | unknown | unknown | 9 | rlz | ||||||||
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spiders | Hahnia pusilla accepted | 2018 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Grünlandstreifen mit Gebüsch und Obstbäumen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Abacoproeces saltuum accepted | 2013-07-06–2013-07-12 | 1 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 18wa (TK 25 no. 6815) | G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodland | Wald | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2167 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta mollis accepted | 2022 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Queckenflur an Gebäude | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2024 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | dichtes Gebüsch an Grünstreifen | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2023 | 8 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Acker (Weizen) | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2023 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Acker (Weizen) | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2023 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese, jung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2023 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese, jung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2023 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Acker (Weizen) | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2022 | 3 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Queckenflur an Gebäude | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2022 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese, jung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2021 | 6 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2021 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühstreifen unterhalb südexponierter Lössböschung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2021 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2021 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühstreifen unterhalb südexponierter Lössböschung | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2020 | 12 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2020 | 8 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2020 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühstreifen unterhalb südexponierter Lössböschung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2020 | 3 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühstreifen unterhalb südexponierter Lössböschung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2020 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | mehrjährige Staudenflur, Wildschutzstreifen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2020 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2020 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühstreifen unterhalb südexponierter Lössböschung | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2020 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühstreifen unterhalb südexponierter Lössböschung | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2020 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | mehrjährige Staudenflur, Wildschutzstreifen | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2019 | 5 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Acker | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2019 | 5 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Acker | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2019 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Ackerrand, Blühstreifen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2019 | 4 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2019 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2019 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Regenversickerungsbecken, am Rand Gebüsch | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2018 | 3 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Acker | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2018 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Acker | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2018 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Böschung mit Gebüsch und Lößkante | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2018 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Böschung mit Gebüsch und Lößkante | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2018 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Grünlandstreifen mit Gebüsch und Obstbäumen | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2017 | 3 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Hayna, am Feldkreuz (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2017 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Hayna, am Feldkreuz (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2017 | 6 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Hayna, an der Waldkapelle (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2017 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Hayna, an der Waldkapelle (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2017 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Offenbach, südl. Kapelle (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2016 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Hayna, am Feldkreuz (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-06 | 3 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Kürbis 6 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Kürbis | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | P6H_F1 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-06 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Kürbis 6 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Kürbis | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | P6H_F1 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-06 | 3 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Kürbis 6 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Kürbis | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | P6H_F2 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-06 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Kürbis 6 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Kürbis | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | P6H_F2 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-06 | 2 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Kürbis 6 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Kürbis | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | P6H_F5 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-06 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Kürbis 6 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Kürbis | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | P6H_F6 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-06 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Kürbis 6 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Kürbis | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | P6H_F7 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-06 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Kürbis 7 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Kürbis | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | P7F_F8 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-06 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Kürbis 8 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Kürbis | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | P8F_F7 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-06 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Kürbis 9 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Kürbis | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | P9H_F4 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-06 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Kürbis 9 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Kürbis | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | P9H_F5 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-06 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 12 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W12H1_F2 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-06 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 12 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W12H1_F2 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-06 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 12 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W12H1_F3 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-06 | 4 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 12 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W12H1_F4 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-06 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 12 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W12H1_F4 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-06 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 12 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W12H1_F6 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-06 | 2 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 12 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W12H1_F7 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-06 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 18 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W18F1_F5 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-06 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 18 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W18F1_F7 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-06 | 3 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 18 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W18F1_F8 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-06 | 2 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 18 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W18F2_F2 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-06 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 18 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W18F2_F4 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-06 | 2 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 18 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W18W1_F7 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-05 | 2 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Kürbis 7 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Kürbis | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | P7F_F1 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-05 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Kürbis 7 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Kürbis | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | P7F_F2 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-05 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Kürbis 7 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Kürbis | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | P7F_F2 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-05 | 3 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Kürbis 7 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Kürbis | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | P7F_F7 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-05 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Kürbis 7 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Kürbis | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | P7F_F7 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-05 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Kürbis 7 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Kürbis | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | P7F_F8 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-05 | 2 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Kürbis 8 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Kürbis | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | P8F_F1 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-05 | 2 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Kürbis 8 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Kürbis | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | P8F_F2 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-05 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Kürbis 8 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Kürbis | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | P8F_F5 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-05 | 2 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Kürbis 8 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Kürbis | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | P8F_F5 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-05 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Kürbis 8 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Kürbis | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | P8F_F8 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-05 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Kürbis 9 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Kürbis | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | P9H_F5 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-05 | 2 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 12 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W12H1_F2 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-05 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 12 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W12H1_F2 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-05 | 4 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 12 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W12H1_F4 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-05 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 12 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W12H1_F8 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-05 | 3 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 18 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W18F1_F2 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-05 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 18 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W18F1_F6 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-05 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 18 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W18F1_F7 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-05 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 18 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W18F2_F1 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-05 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 18 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W18F2_F3 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-05 | 2 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 18 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W18F2_F5 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-05 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 18 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W18F2_F6 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-05 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 18 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W18F2_F7 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-05 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 18 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W18H1_F3 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-05 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 18 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W18H1_F3 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-05 | 3 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 18 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W18H1_F4 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-05 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 18 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W18H1_F5 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-05 | 2 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 18 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W18H1_F7 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-05 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 18 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W18W1_F1 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-05 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 18 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W18W1_F4 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-05 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 18 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W18W1_F6 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-05 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 18 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W18W1_F8 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-04-07–2014-04-13 | 1 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 17hl (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Grasstreifen | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 1541 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014-04-07–2014-04-13 | 1 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 12ha (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Wiese | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 501 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12hl (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Grasstreifen | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 1314 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2013-07-06–2013-07-12 | 1 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 18hl (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Grasstreifen | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 1552 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2013-07-06–2013-07-12 | 1 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 18hl (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Grasstreifen | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 1553 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted | 2013-07-06–2013-07-12 | 1 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 18wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2815 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Araeoncus humilis accepted | 2023 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Streuobstwiese, jung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Araeoncus humilis accepted | 2014-05 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 12 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W12H1_F4 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Araeoncus humilis accepted | 2014-05 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 18 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W18F1_F2 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Araeoncus humilis accepted | 2013-07-06–2013-07-12 | 1 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 17hl (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Grasstreifen | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 1523 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Bathyphantes gracilis accepted | 2024 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Regenversickerungsbecken, am Rand Gebüsch | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Bathyphantes gracilis accepted | 2024 | 4 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Regenversickerungsbecken, am Rand Gebüsch | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Bathyphantes gracilis accepted | 2018 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Acker | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Bathyphantes gracilis accepted | 2018 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Böschung mit Gebüsch und Lößkante | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Bathyphantes gracilis accepted | 2014-05 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 18 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W18F1_F7 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Bathyphantes gracilis accepted | 2014-05 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 18 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W18W1_F6 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Bathyphantes gracilis accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2569 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Bathyphantes parvulus accepted | 2017 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Hayna, an der Waldkapelle (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Centromerita bicolor accepted | 2021 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühstreifen unterhalb südexponierter Lössböschung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Centromerita bicolor accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12hl (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Grasstreifen | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 1320 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Centromerus brevipalpus accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 18wa (TK 25 no. 6815) | G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodland | Wald | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2198 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Centromerus brevipalpus accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 18wa (TK 25 no. 6815) | G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodland | Wald | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2199 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Centromerus capucinus accepted | 2023 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Acker (Weizen) | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Centromerus leruthi accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2608 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Centromerus serratus accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2609 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Centromerus serratus accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 18wa (TK 25 no. 6815) | G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodland | Wald | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2200 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Ceratinella brevipes accepted | 2012-04-03–2012-04-24 | 1 | mature | (2014) | Queichwiese 5-11 (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2.2: Low and medium altitude hay meadows | Mähwiese | unknown | unknown | 3 | rlz | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Ceratinella scabrosa accepted | 2014-04-07–2014-04-13 | 1 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 17wa (TK 25 no. 6815) | G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodland | Wald | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2143 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Ceratinella scabrosa accepted | 2014-04-07–2014-04-13 | 1 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 17wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2789 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Ceratinella scabrosa accepted | 2014-04-07–2014-04-13 | 5 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 17wl (TK 25 no. 6815) | FA: Hedgerows | Hecke | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2790 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Ceratinella scabrosa accepted | 2014-04-07–2014-04-13 | 1 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 18wa (TK 25 no. 6815) | G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodland | Wald | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2176 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Cnephalocotes obscurus accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 12wa (TK 25 no. 6815) | G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodland | Wald | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 1932 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Collinsia inerrans accepted | 2018 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Grünlandstreifen mit Gebüsch und Obstbäumen | Hand collection | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Collinsia inerrans accepted | 2014-06 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Kürbis 6 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Kürbis | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | P6H_F6 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Collinsia inerrans accepted | 2014-05 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 18 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W18F1_F3 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Collinsia inerrans accepted | 2013-07-06–2013-07-12 | 2 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 18hl (TK 25 no. 6815) | E2: Mesic grasslands | Grasstreifen | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 1554 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Collinsia inerrans accepted | 2013-07-06–2013-07-12 | 3 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 18wa (TK 25 no. 6815) | G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodland | Wald | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2168 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Diplocephalus latifrons accepted | 2014-04-07–2014-04-13 | 1 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 18wa (TK 25 no. 6815) | G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodland | Wald | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2177 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Diplocephalus latifrons accepted | 2014 | 1 | mature | (2018) | Feldrand 18wa (TK 25 no. 6815) | G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodland | Wald | Eclector | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2201 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Diplocephalus picinus accepted | 2019 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Regenversickerungsbecken, am Rand Gebüsch | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Diplocephalus picinus accepted | 2014-04-07–2014-04-13 | 1 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 18wa (TK 25 no. 6815) | G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodland | Wald | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2178 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Diplocephalus picinus accepted | 2014-04-07–2014-04-13 | 2 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 18wa (TK 25 no. 6815) | G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodland | Wald | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2179 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Diplocephalus picinus accepted | 2014-04-07–2014-04-13 | 2 | mature | Fundmeldungen von Prof. Martin Entling, Landau | Feldrand 18wa (TK 25 no. 6815) | G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodland | Wald | Pitfall trap | unknown | Pfister, S. | 2180 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Diplostyla concolor accepted | 2023 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Acker (Weizen) | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Diplostyla concolor accepted | 2022 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Diplostyla concolor accepted | 2022 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Queckenflur an Gebäude | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Diplostyla concolor accepted | 2022 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Queckenflur an Gebäude | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Diplostyla concolor accepted | 2021 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühstreifen unterhalb südexponierter Lössböschung | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Diplostyla concolor accepted | 2021 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Regenversickerungsbecken, am Rand Gebüsch | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Diplostyla concolor accepted | 2019 | 5 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Regenversickerungsbecken, am Rand Gebüsch | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Diplostyla concolor accepted | 2019 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Regenversickerungsbecken, am Rand Gebüsch | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Diplostyla concolor accepted | 2018 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Acker | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Diplostyla concolor accepted | 2018 | 3 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Böschung mit Gebüsch und Lößkante | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Diplostyla concolor accepted | 2018 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Böschung mit Gebüsch und Lößkante | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Diplostyla concolor accepted | 2018 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Herxheim bei Landau (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Böschung mit Gebüschen und Gehölzen | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Diplostyla concolor accepted | 2016 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Hatzenbühl, Waldrand (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Diplostyla concolor accepted | 2016 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Hatzenbühl, Waldrand (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Diplostyla concolor accepted | 2016 | 1 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Hayna, an der Waldkapelle (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Diplostyla concolor accepted | 2016 | 2 | mature | (2024, unpublished) | Offenbach, südl. Kapelle (TK 25 no. 6815) | *: unknown | Blühfläche (einjährig) | Pitfall trap | unknown | M. Kitt | K.-H. Kielhorn | ||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Diplostyla concolor accepted | 2014-06 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 12 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W12H1_F1 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Diplostyla concolor accepted | 2014-06 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 12 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W12H1_F2 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Diplostyla concolor accepted | 2014-06 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 18 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W18H1_F3 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Diplostyla concolor accepted | 2014-06 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 18 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W18H1_F3 | rlz | |||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Diplostyla concolor accepted | 2014-06 | 1 | mature | (2015) | Pfalz-Wintergetreide 18 (TK 25 no. 6815) | I1.1: Intensive unmixed crops | Wintergetreide | Pitfall trap | unknown | Ackermann, C. | W18H1_F6 | rlz | |||||||