Fundmeldungen von Pörli Won. 

All records from this source

Total: 311 records.

Legend: before 1900 1900–1949 1950–1959 1960–1969 1970–1979 1980–1989 1990–1999 2000–2009 2010–2019 2020–2029
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Araneae, True Spiders

Family Species Date rangeNumberMaturitySexLocationHabitat typeSituation descr.Collection methodIdentification characteristicleg. det. vid. coll. coll. 2 CommentsTags
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersAgelena labyrinthica accepted2024-07-091matureVohburg - Münchsmünster - Kieswerk (TK 25 no. 7235)H: Inland unvegetated or sparsely vegetated habitatsNachts am Licht, Kieswerk, Gebüsch,Hand collectionHabitusBlick
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersAgelena labyrinthica accepted (as Agalena labyrinthica)2023-06-011unknownViehausen Sinzing (TK 25 no. 7037)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landForstraße, RandbewuchsHand collectionHabitus
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersAgelena labyrinthica accepted (as Agalena labyrinthica)2023-06-011unknownViehausen Sinzing (TK 25 no. 7037)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landForstraße, RandbewuchsHand collectionHabitus
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersAgelena labyrinthica accepted2023-05-291unknownOrt bei Kelheimwinzer (TK 25 no. 7037)*: unknownWiese, TrockenhangHand collectionHabitus
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersAgelena labyrinthica accepted2020-05-211immatureunknownBinnendünen bei Siegenburg und Offenstetten (TK 25 no. 7236)H5.34: Inland non-lacustrine dunesSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersAllagelena gracilens accepted2020-10-041immatureunknownEhem. Truppenübungsplatz Oberhinkofen bei Regensburg (TK 25 no. 7038)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersTegenaria ferruginea accepted2024-03-141unknownNöttinger Viehweide und Badertaferl (1) (TK 25 no. 7235)*: unknownNachts an einer alten EicheSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Amaurobiidae, Laceweb spidersAmaurobius fenestralis accepted2022-03-101matureKeilstein (TK 25 no. 6938)*: unknownUnter BaumrindeHand collectionHabitus
Amaurobiidae, Laceweb spidersAmaurobius ferox accepted2024-04-061matureRegensburger Straße, Vohburg (TK 25 no. 7235)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Amaurobiidae, Laceweb spidersAmaurobius ferox accepted2020-05-141unknownWiese am Trockenhang bei Oberndorf bei Bad Abbach (TK 25 no. 7038)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landunter der Rinde eines BaumstumpfsSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli WonGröße ca. 1,2 cm
Anyphaenidae, Buzzing spidersAnyphaena accentuata accepted2024-05-201unknownNöttinger viehweide und Badetaferl (TK 25 no. 7235)*: unknownNachts an Holzgeländer, ForstwegHand collectionHabitus
Anyphaenidae, Buzzing spidersAnyphaena accentuata accepted2024-03-201unknownunknownNöttinger Viehweide und Badertaferl (2) (TK 25 no. 7235)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landNachts am Wegrand, HolzpfostenSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Anyphaenidae, Buzzing spidersAnyphaena accentuata accepted2022-03-171matureNöttinger viehweide und Badetaferl (TK 25 no. 7235)*: unknownForstweg, An HolzplankeHand collectionHabitus
Anyphaenidae, Buzzing spidersAnyphaena accentuata accepted2022-02-271immatureOtterbachtal Unterlichtenwald (TK 25 no. 6939)*: unknownAn Baumstamm im Moos, MischwaldHand collectionHabitus
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersAculepeira ceropegia accepted2024-06-241matureGottvaterberg - Auerbach (TK 25 no. 6335)*: unknownWieseHand collectionHabitus
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersAculepeira ceropegia accepted2024-06-161matureEllbachKirchseemoor (TK 25 no. 8134)*: unknownMoorHand collectionHabitus
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersAculepeira ceropegia accepted2024-05-286matureVohburg - Menning (TK 25 no. 7235)*: unknownSeitenstreifen an B16A,Hand collectionHabitus
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersAculepeira ceropegia accepted2024-05-283matureVohburg - Menning (TK 25 no. 7235)*: unknownSeitenstreifen an B16A,Hand collectionHabitus
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersAculepeira ceropegia accepted2024-05-141unknownIngolstadt - Biotop Jackl-Brenne (TK 25 no. 7234)*: unknownAn niedrigem StrauchHand collectionHabitus
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersAculepeira ceropegia accepted2024-05-101unknownVilgertshofen (TK 25 no. 8031)D: Mires, bogs and fenssumpfige Wiese an GrasHand collectionHabitus
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersAculepeira ceropegia accepted2023-07-161matureNordhalben - Lerchenhügel (TK 25 no. 5635)*: unknownWieseHand collectionHabitus
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersAculepeira ceropegia accepted2023-06-271unknownViehausen Sinzing (TK 25 no. 7037)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landForstweg, RandbewuchsHand collectionHabitus
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersAculepeira ceropegia accepted2023-06-201unknownKönigsdorf - Mooseurach (TK 25 no. 8134)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landWieseHand collectionHabitus
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersAculepeira ceropegia accepted2023-06-181unknownFurth im Wald (TK 25 no. 6642)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landWieseHand collectionHabitus
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersAculepeira ceropegia accepted2023-05-181unknownKallmünz (TK 25 no. 6837)E1: Dry grasslandsTrockenhang mit FelsenHand collectionHabitus
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersAculepeira ceropegia accepted2022-05-261matureKelheimwinzer (TK 25 no. 7037)*: unknownTrockenhang, WieseHand collectionHabitus
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersAculepeira ceropegia accepted2020-04-071immatureunknownBrachwiese am Ortsausgang von Schwaighausen - Lappersdorf (Obpf.) (TK 25 no. 6938)E: Grasslands and lands dominated by forbs, mosses or lichensSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersAgalenatea redii accepted2024-04-091unknownEicher Berg (TK 25 no. 6837)E1: Dry grasslandsSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersAgalenatea redii accepted2023-05-201matureRiedenburg (TK 25 no. 7036)E1: Dry grasslandsHangHand collectionHabitus
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersAgalenatea redii accepted2023-05-091matureRiedenburg (TK 25 no. 7036)E1: Dry grasslandsHangHand collectionHabitus
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersAgalenatea redii accepted2022-05-261matureKelheimwinzer (TK 25 no. 7037)*: unknownTrockenhang, WieseHand collectionHabitus
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersAgalenatea redii accepted2022-05-06–2022-05-111unknownGesäuse - Nationalpark*: unknownMischwald BodenstreuHand collectionHabitus
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersAgalenatea redii accepted2022-03-121matureTeublitz - Münchshofener Berg (TK 25 no. 6738)*: unknownWiese,Hand collectionHabitus
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersAgalenatea redii accepted2020-04-281unknownTrockenhang in der Nähe von Traidendorf bei Kallmünz Opf. (TK 25 no. 6837)E1: Dry grasslandsSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersAgalenatea redii accepted2020-04-071matureTrockenwiese Nähe Burg Kallmünz (TK 25 no. 6837)E1: Dry grasslandsSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersAgalenatea redii accepted2020-04-071matureTrockenwiese Nähe Burg Kallmünz (TK 25 no. 6837)E1: Dry grasslandsSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersAraneus angulatus accepted2024-05-201matureNöttinger viehweide und Badetaferl (TK 25 no. 7235)*: unknownNachts am Licht, WaldwegHand collectionHabitus
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersAraneus angulatus accepted2024-03-201unknownunknownNöttinger Viehweide und Badertaferl (2) (TK 25 no. 7235)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landNachts am Wegrand, HolzpfostenSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersAraneus angulatus accepted2020-08-131matureKiefernwald in der Nähe von Vohburg (TK 25 no. 7235)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersAraneus diadematus accepted2020-08-081matureWaldweg bei Kohlstadt (Opf) (TK 25 no. 7037)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersAraneus diadematus accepted2020-08-081matureWaldweg bei Kohlstadt (Opf) (TK 25 no. 7037)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersAraneus diadematus accepted2020-08-081matureWaldweg bei Kohlstadt (Opf) (TK 25 no. 7037)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersAraneus quadratus accepted2023-08-131matureObereichstätt - Dollnstein (TK 25 no. 7132)*: unknownWeg in den Steinbrüchen, RandbewuchsHand collectionHabitus
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersAraneus quadratus accepted2023-06-011immatureViehausen Sinzing (TK 25 no. 7037)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landForstraße, RandbewuchsHand collectionHabitus
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersAraneus quadratus accepted2020-10-041unknownunknownEhem. Truppenübungsplatz Oberhinkofen bei Regensburg (TK 25 no. 7038)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersAraneus quadratus accepted2020-10-041immatureunknownEhem. Truppenübungsplatz Oberhinkofen bei Regensburg (TK 25 no. 7038)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersAraneus quadratus accepted2020-10-041unknownunknownEhem. Truppenübungsplatz Oberhinkofen bei Regensburg (TK 25 no. 7038)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersArgiope bruennichi accepted2020-07-191matureFeld in der Nähe von Schwaighausen bei Lappersdorf (Opf) (TK 25 no. 6838)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersArgiope bruennichi accepted2020-07-191matureFeld in der Nähe von Schwaighausen bei Lappersdorf (Opf) (TK 25 no. 6838)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersArgiope bruennichi accepted2020-05-031immatureunknownBrachwiese am Ortsausgang von Schwaighausen - Lappersdorf (Obpf.) (TK 25 no. 6938)E: Grasslands and lands dominated by forbs, mosses or lichensim NetzSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersArgiope bruennichi accepted2020-04-075immatureunknownTrockenwiese bei Schwaighausen (TK 25 no. 6838)E1: Dry grasslandsam KokonSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersCercidia prominens accepted2020-04-191unknownBinnendünen bei Daßfeld - Siegenburg (TK 25 no. 7236)*: unknownSanddünen, KiefernwaldHand collectionHabitus
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersCercidia prominens accepted2020-04-191matureBinnendünen bei Siegenburg und Offenstetten (TK 25 no. 7236)H5.34: Inland non-lacustrine dunesSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersCyclosa conica accepted2024-04-091unknownunknownEicher Berg (TK 25 no. 6837)E1: Dry grasslandsSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersCyclosa conica accepted2024-03-141unknownNöttinger Viehweide und Badertaferl (1) (TK 25 no. 7235)*: unknownNachts am Wegrand, HolzpfostenSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersCyclosa conica accepted2023-06-271unknownViehausen Sinzing (TK 25 no. 7037)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landForstweg, RandbewuchsHand collectionHabitus
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersCyclosa conica accepted2020-08-211unknownFlechten-Kiefernwälder südlich Leinburg, Wolfsgrube (TK 25 no. 6534)*: unknownWegrandSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersCyclosa conica accepted2020-05-091unknownBinnendünen bei Siegenburg und Offenstetten (TK 25 no. 7236)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersGibbaranea bituberculata accepted2024-04-301matureKelheimwinzer (TK 25 no. 7037)*: unknownTrockenhangHand collectionHabitus
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersGibbaranea bituberculata accepted2024-04-301matureKelheimwinzer (TK 25 no. 7037)*: unknownTrockenhangHand collectionHabitus
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersGibbaranea gibbosa accepted2024-03-201unknownunknownNöttinger Viehweide und Badertaferl (2) (TK 25 no. 7235)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landNachts am Wegrand, HolzpfostenSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersGibbaranea gibbosa accepted2022-03-171unknownunknownNöttinger viehweide und Badetaferl (TK 25 no. 7235)*: unknownForstweg, Planken am WegHand collectionHabitus
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersGibbaranea gibbosa accepted2020-05-211unknownBinnendünen bei Siegenburg und Offenstetten (TK 25 no. 7236)H5.34: Inland non-lacustrine dunesSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersLarinioides cornutus accepted2024-04-051unknownunknownGrieshamer Weiher, Münchsmünster (TK 25 no. 7235)C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodiesan Kiesweiher, nachtsSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersMangora acalypha accepted2024-07-093matureHirschbach - Hersbruck (TK 25 no. 6435)H: Inland unvegetated or sparsely vegetated habitatsTrockenhang in Kiefernwald, an TotholzHand collectionHabitus
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersMangora acalypha accepted2024-04-051unknownunknownKreutberg - Altmannstein (TK 25 no. 7136)E1: Dry grasslandsTrockenhang bei FelsenSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersMangora acalypha accepted2023-05-261matureKelheimwinzer (TK 25 no. 7037)E1: Dry grasslandsTrockenhang, Wiese mit diversen WiesenblumenHand collectionHabitus
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersNuctenea umbratica accepted2024-07-091matureHirschbach - Hersbruck (TK 25 no. 6435)H: Inland unvegetated or sparsely vegetated habitatsTrockenhang in KiefernwaldHand collectionHabitus
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersNuctenea umbratica accepted2024-03-201unknownNöttinger Viehweide und Badertaferl (2) (TK 25 no. 7235)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landNachts am Wegrand, HolzpfostenSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersNuctenea umbratica accepted2023-07-221matureVohburg (TK 25 no. 7235)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landMischwald mit Kiefernbestand, Forstweg,Hand collectionHabitus
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersNuctenea umbratica accepted2022-03-171matureNöttinger viehweide und Badetaferl (TK 25 no. 7235)*: unknownForstweg, An Rinde von KieferHand collectionHabitus
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersNuctenea umbratica accepted2022-02-271matureOtterbachtal Unterlichtenwald (TK 25 no. 6939)*: unknownUnter Baumrinde, MischwaldHand collectionHabitus
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersNuctenea umbratica accepted2020-10-081unknownunknownBrachfeld an einem Waldrand - Viehhausen (Opf.) bei Regensburg (TK 25 no. 7037)I1.5: Bare tilled, fallow or recently abandoned arable landSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersNuctenea umbratica accepted2020-08-121matureKiefernwald in der Nähe von Vohburg (TK 25 no. 7235)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersNuctenea umbratica accepted2020-08-121matureKiefernwald in der Nähe von Vohburg (TK 25 no. 7235)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersSinga nitidula accepted2024-05-241matureVohburg - Münchsmünster - Kieswerk (TK 25 no. 7235)*: unknownUferbereich, Kieswerk, WeiherHand collectionHabitus
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersSinga nitidula accepted2024-04-281unknownDonaudamm - Paar (TK 25 no. 7235)*: unknownFeuchtwiese an vertrockneten StängelnHand collectionHabitus
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersSinga nitidula accepted2024-04-071unknownunknownGrieshamer Weiher, Münchsmünster (TK 25 no. 7235)C3.2: Water-fringing reedbeds and tall helophytes other than canesSchilfgürtel an KiesweiherSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersSinga nitidula accepted2024-04-071matureVohburg - Münchsmünster - Kieswerk (TK 25 no. 7235)*: unknownUferbereich, Kieswerk, WeiherHand collectionHabitus
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersZilla diodia accepted2021-05-081matureBinnendünen bei Siegenburg und Offenstetten (TK 25 no. 7236)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsKiefernwald , an FaulbaumSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Atypidae, Purseweb spidersAtypus sp. (Schlauchfunde) species group (as Atypus sp.)2024-03-191immatureunknownKeilstein Regensburg (TK 25 no. 6938)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Atypidae, Purseweb spidersAtypus sp. (Schlauchfunde) species group2023-06-271matureEichhofen (TK 25 no. 6937)I: Regularly or recently cultivated agricultural, horticultural and domestic habitatsForstweg, RandbewuchsHand collectionHabitus
Atypidae, Purseweb spidersAtypus sp. (Schlauchfunde) species group (as Atypus sp.)2020-04-16immatureunknownTrockenhang bei Oberndorf bei Bad Abbach (TK 25 no. 7038)E1: Dry grasslandsSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Atypidae, Purseweb spidersAtypus piceus accepted2024-04-061unknownunknownKiesgrube nahe Münchsmünster (TK 25 no. 7236)*: unknownNachts am LichtSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Atypidae, Purseweb spidersAtypus piceus accepted2021-07-051matureTrockenhang bei Schönhofen (TK 25 no. 6937)E1: Dry grasslandsSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonM. Hohner
CheiracanthiidaeCheiracanthium erraticum accepted2024-06-061unknownVohburg - Menning (TK 25 no. 7235)*: unknownSeitenstreifen an B16A,Hand collectionHabitus
CheiracanthiidaeCheiracanthium erraticum accepted2024-05-281matureVohburg - Menning (TK 25 no. 7235)*: unknownSumpfige WieseHand collectionHabitus
CheiracanthiidaeCheiracanthium punctorium accepted2022-06-09–2022-06-194unknownunknownKaiserstuhl (TK 25 no. 7812)*: unknownWieseHand collectionHabitus
Clubionidae, Sac spidersClubiona comta accepted2024-05-201unknownNöttinger viehweide und Badetaferl (TK 25 no. 7235)*: unknownNachts am Licht, WaldwegHand collectionHabitus
Dictynidae, Meshweb spidersNigma flavescens accepted2022-05-281unknownunknownPfaffenholz (TK 25 no. 6938)*: unknownMischwald, forststraße, RandbewuchsHand collectionHabitus
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spidersHarpactea rubicunda accepted2024-04-061unknownRegensburger Straße, Vohburg (TK 25 no. 7235)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresWohnhausSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Eresidae, Velvet spidersEresus kollari accepted2020-05-311matureNSG Badberg (TK 25 no. 7912)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Eresidae, Velvet spidersEresus sandaliatus accepted2024-04-276matureRiedenburg (TK 25 no. 7036)*: unknownTrockenhang mit FelsenHand collectionHabitus
Eresidae, Velvet spidersEresus sandaliatus accepted2023-05-221matureRiedenburg (TK 25 no. 7036)E1: Dry grasslandsTrockenhang, Felsiges GeländeHand collectionHabitus
Eresidae, Velvet spidersEresus sandaliatus accepted2023-05-221immatureRiedenburg (TK 25 no. 7036)E1: Dry grasslandsTrockenhang, Felsiges GeländeHand collectionHabitus
Eresidae, Velvet spidersEresus sandaliatus accepted2023-05-0912matureRiedenburg (TK 25 no. 7036)E1: Dry grasslandsHangHand collectionHabitus
Eresidae, Velvet spidersEresus sandaliatus accepted2022-05-151matureTrockenhang bei Riedenburg 2 (TK 25 no. 7036)E1: Dry grasslandsWegrandSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Eresidae, Velvet spidersEresus sandaliatus accepted2022-05-151matureTrockenhang bei Riedenburg 3 (TK 25 no. 7036)E1: Dry grasslandsWegrandSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Eresidae, Velvet spidersEresus sandaliatus accepted2020-05-021matureTrockenhang in der Nähe von Traidendorf bei Kallmünz Opf. (TK 25 no. 6837)E1: Dry grasslandsSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Eresidae, Velvet spidersEresus sandaliatus accepted2019-05-171matureUndorf, Trockenhänge (TK 25 no. 6937)E1: Dry grasslandsSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Eresidae, Velvet spidersEresus sandaliatus accepted2017-05-171matureKeilsteiner Hang bei Regensburg (TK 25 no. 6938)E1: Dry grasslandsSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Eresidae, Velvet spidersEresus sandaliatus accepted2015-05-161matureUndorf, Trockenhänge (TK 25 no. 6937)E1: Dry grasslandsSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersCallilepis nocturna accepted2024-05-261unknownunknownViehausen Sinzing (TK 25 no. 7037)*: unknownHolzstapel an Forststraße, MischwaldHand collectionHabitus
Linyphiidae, Money spidersLinyphia hortensis accepted2023-05-181matureKallmünz (TK 25 no. 6837)E1: Dry grasslandsTrockenhang an SteinmauerHand collectionHabitus
Linyphiidae, Money spidersNeriene peltata accepted2023-05-021matureDonaustauf (TK 25 no. 6939)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandForstweg, RandbewuchsHand collectionHabitus
Linyphiidae, Money spidersNeriene peltata accepted2022-04-271unknownDonaustauf (TK 25 no. 6939)*: unknownForstraße, RandbewuchsHand collectionHabitus
Liocranidae, Running foliage spidersAgroeca brunnea accepted2023-05-161unknownunknownViehausen Sinzing (TK 25 no. 7037)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandForststraße, Randbewuchs, KokonHand collectionHabitus
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersAlopecosa cuneata accepted2023-07-071matureWintershof (TK 25 no. 7033)*: unknownWeg entlang eines Steinbruchs, Nachts am LichtHand collectionHabitus
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersAlopecosa cuneata accepted2023-05-221matureRiedenburg (TK 25 no. 7036)E1: Dry grasslandsTrockenhang, Felsiges GeländeHand collectionHabitus
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersAlopecosa cuneata accepted2023-05-091matureRiedenburg (TK 25 no. 7036)E1: Dry grasslandsHangHand collectionHabitus
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersAlopecosa cuneata accepted2022-04-121matureGottvaterberg - Auerbach (TK 25 no. 6335)*: unknownTrockenhang, WieseHand collectionHabitus
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersAlopecosa farinosa accepted2024-04-051matureKreutberg - Altmannstein (TK 25 no. 7136)E1: Dry grasslandsTrockenhang bei FelsenSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersAlopecosa farinosa accepted2024-04-051matureKreutberg - Altmannstein (TK 25 no. 7136)E1: Dry grasslandsTrockenhang bei FelsenSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersAlopecosa pulverulenta accepted2022-05-06–2022-05-111matureGesäuse - Nationalpark*: unknownMischwald BodenstreuHand collectionHabitus
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersAlopecosa pulverulenta accepted2022-05-06–2022-05-111matureGesäuse - Nationalpark*: unknownMischwald BodenstreuHand collectionHabitus
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersAlopecosa striatipes accepted2022-05-151unknownTrockenhang bei Riedenburg 1 (TK 25 no. 7036)E1: Dry grasslandsSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersArctosa lutetiana accepted2024-05-121unknownunknownIngolstadt - Biotop Jackl-Brenne (TK 25 no. 7234)*: unknownNachts am Licht, WaldwegHand collectionHabitus
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersArctosa maculata accepted2022-07-041matureBad Feilnbach - Oberbayern - Waldweg (TK 25 no. 8238)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landNachts am LichtSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersArctosa maculata accepted2022-05-06–2022-05-111unknownGesäuse - Nationalpark*: unknownMischwald Randbewuchs an WanderwegHand collectionHabitus
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersTrochosa terricola accepted2024-04-051matureGrieshamer Weiher, Münchsmünster (TK 25 no. 7235)C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodiesan Kiesweiher, nachtsSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersTrochosa terricola accepted2024-04-051matureGrieshamer Weiher, Münchsmünster (TK 25 no. 7235)C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodiesan Kiesweiher, nachtsSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersTrochosa terricola accepted2024-03-311unknownNöttinger Viehweide und Badertaferl (3) (TK 25 no. 7235)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landNachts am Wegrand, HolzplankenSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersXerolycosa nemoralis accepted2024-05-231maturePechbrunn - Basaltwerk (TK 25 no. 6038)*: unknownAufgelassener STeinbruchHand collectionHabitus
Miturgidae, Prowling SpidersZora spinimana accepted2024-06-071unknownGräfholz - Dachsberge (TK 25 no. 6428)*: unknownNSG - Forstraße - Nachts am LichtHand collectionHabitus
Miturgidae, Prowling SpidersZora spinimana accepted2024-04-301matureVohburg - Münchsmünster - Kieswerk (TK 25 no. 7235)*: unknownNachts am Licht,Hand collectionHabitus
Miturgidae, Prowling SpidersZora spinimana accepted2024-04-071unknownGrieshamer Weiher, Münchsmünster (TK 25 no. 7235)C3: Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodiesan Kiesweiher, nachtsSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Miturgidae, Prowling SpidersZora spinimana accepted2022-06-061matureViehausen Sinzing (TK 25 no. 7037)*: unknownForstweg, Randbewuchs,Hand collectionHabitus
Philodromidae, Running crab spidersPhilodromus collinus accepted2020-04-091unknownunknownBinnendünen bei Siegenburg und Offenstetten (TK 25 no. 7236)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsKiefernwald, an einem FaulbaumSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Philodromidae, Running crab spidersPhilodromus dispar accepted2023-06-011matureSteigerwald - Gräfholz und Dachsberge (TK 25 no. 6428)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landForstraße, RandbewuchsHand collectionHabitus
Philodromidae, Running crab spidersPhilodromus fuscomarginatus accepted2020-08-131matureKiefernwald in der Nähe von Vohburg (TK 25 no. 7235)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsSighting/photo of habitusunknown
Philodromidae, Running crab spidersPhilodromus margaritatus accepted2024-05-201matureNöttinger viehweide und Badetaferl (TK 25 no. 7235)*: unknownNachts an Holzgeländer, ForstwegHand collectionHabitus
Philodromidae, Running crab spidersPhilodromus margaritatus accepted2024-05-121unknownunknownNöttinger viehweide und Badetaferl (TK 25 no. 7235)*: unknownNachts am Licht, ForstwegHand collectionHabitus
Philodromidae, Running crab spidersPhilodromus margaritatus accepted2024-03-141unknownunknownNöttinger Viehweide und Badertaferl (1) (TK 25 no. 7235)*: unknownNachts am Wegrand, HolzpfostenSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Philodromidae, Running crab spidersPhilodromus margaritatus accepted2023-07-111unknownunknownDemling - Großmehring (TK 25 no. 7235)*: unknownMischwald mit Kiefern,Hand collectionHabitus
Philodromidae, Running crab spidersPhilodromus margaritatus accepted2023-05-261matureNöttinger viehweide und Badetaferl (TK 25 no. 7235)*: unknownForststraße, an Planken am WegHand collectionHabitus
Philodromidae, Running crab spidersPhilodromus margaritatus accepted2022-03-171unknownunknownNöttinger viehweide und Badetaferl (TK 25 no. 7235)*: unknownForstweg, Planken am WegHand collectionHabitus
Philodromidae, Running crab spidersThanatus formicinus accepted2023-05-181unknownunknownKallmünz (TK 25 no. 6837)E1: Dry grasslandsTrockenhang mit FelsenHand collectionHabitus
Philodromidae, Running crab spidersThanatus formicinus accepted2022-04-121matureGottvaterberg - Auerbach (TK 25 no. 6335)*: unknownTrockenhang, WieseHand collectionHabitus
Philodromidae, Running crab spidersTibellus oblongus accepted2024-04-071unknownGrieshamer Weiher, Münchsmünster (TK 25 no. 7235)C3.2: Water-fringing reedbeds and tall helophytes other than canesSchilfgürtel an KiesweiherSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Pisauridae, Nurseryweb spidersDolomedes fimbriatus accepted2024-06-161matureEllbachKirchseemoor (TK 25 no. 8134)*: unknownMoorHand collectionHabitus
Pisauridae, Nurseryweb spidersDolomedes fimbriatus accepted2024-05-201matureNöttinger viehweide und Badetaferl (TK 25 no. 7235)*: unknownNachts am Weiher, UferHand collectionHabitus
Pisauridae, Nurseryweb spidersDolomedes fimbriatus accepted2024-04-141unknownNöttinger Viehweide und Badertaferl (2) (TK 25 no. 7235)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landWaldweg, nachtsSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Pisauridae, Nurseryweb spidersDolomedes fimbriatus accepted2023-07-091immatureunknownSchambachtal - Kipfenberg (TK 25 no. 7034)*: unknownFeuchtwiese, Randbewuchs an WegHand collectionHabitus
Pisauridae, Nurseryweb spidersDolomedes fimbriatus accepted2023-06-205immatureunknownKönigsdorf - Mooseurach (TK 25 no. 8134)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landWieseHand collectionHabitus
Pisauridae, Nurseryweb spidersDolomedes fimbriatus accepted2023-06-201matureKönigsdorf - Mooseurach (TK 25 no. 8134)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landWieseHand collectionHabitus
Pisauridae, Nurseryweb spidersDolomedes fimbriatus accepted2023-06-041immatureunknownSchambachtal - Kipfenberg (TK 25 no. 7034)*: unknownFeuchtwiese, Randbewuchs an WegHand collectionHabitus
Pisauridae, Nurseryweb spidersPisaura mirabilis accepted2024-07-091matureHirschbach - Hersbruck (TK 25 no. 6435)H: Inland unvegetated or sparsely vegetated habitatsTrockenhang in KiefernwaldHand collectionHabitus
Pisauridae, Nurseryweb spidersPisaura mirabilis accepted2024-06-161matureKöschingerForst (TK 25 no. 7135)*: unknownForststraße - Nachts am LichtHand collectionHabitus
Pisauridae, Nurseryweb spidersPisaura mirabilis accepted2024-06-161matureKöschingerForst (TK 25 no. 7135)*: unknownForststraße - Nachts am LichtHand collectionHabitus
Pisauridae, Nurseryweb spidersPisaura mirabilis accepted2024-06-161matureKöschingerForst (TK 25 no. 7135)*: unknownForststraße - Nachts am LichtHand collectionHabitus
Pisauridae, Nurseryweb spidersPisaura mirabilis accepted2024-05-261matureViehausen Sinzing (TK 25 no. 7037)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landForstraße, RandbewuchsHand collectionHabitus
Pisauridae, Nurseryweb spidersPisaura mirabilis accepted2024-05-011matureDemling - Großmehring (TK 25 no. 7235)*: unknownNachts am Licht,Hand collectionHabitus
Pisauridae, Nurseryweb spidersPisaura mirabilis accepted2024-04-271unknownRiedenburg (TK 25 no. 7036)*: unknownTrockenhang mit FelsenHand collectionHabitus
Pisauridae, Nurseryweb spidersPisaura mirabilis accepted2024-04-271matureRiedenburg (TK 25 no. 7036)*: unknownTrockenhang mit FelsenHand collectionHabitus
Pisauridae, Nurseryweb spidersPisaura mirabilis accepted2024-04-091unknownEicher Berg (TK 25 no. 6837)E1: Dry grasslandsSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Pisauridae, Nurseryweb spidersPisaura mirabilis accepted2024-02-171immatureKelheimer Hang (TK 25 no. 7037)*: unknownTrockenhang - SteinbruchSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Pisauridae, Nurseryweb spidersPisaura mirabilis accepted2023-06-061matureViehausen Sinzing (TK 25 no. 7037)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landForstraße, RandbewuchsHand collectionHabitus
Pisauridae, Nurseryweb spidersPisaura mirabilis accepted2023-06-011matureSteigerwald - Gräfholz und Dachsberge (TK 25 no. 6428)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landForstraße, Nachts am LichtHand collectionHabitus
Pisauridae, Nurseryweb spidersPisaura mirabilis accepted2023-06-011matureViehausen Sinzing (TK 25 no. 7037)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landForstraße, RandbewuchsHand collectionHabitus
Pisauridae, Nurseryweb spidersPisaura mirabilis accepted2023-05-201unknownunknownOberndorf (TK 25 no. 7038)E1: Dry grasslandsTrockenhang, GeröllfeldHand collectionHabitus
Pisauridae, Nurseryweb spidersPisaura mirabilis accepted2022-06-021matureKeilstein (TK 25 no. 6938)*: unknownTrockenhangHand collectionHabitus
Pisauridae, Nurseryweb spidersPisaura mirabilis accepted2022-05-281maturePfaffenholz (TK 25 no. 6938)*: unknownMischwald, forststraße, RandbewuchsHand collectionHabitus
Pisauridae, Nurseryweb spidersPisaura mirabilis accepted2021-02-181immatureunknownBrachfläche - Wald bei Kohlstadt (Sinzing) (TK 25 no. 7037)I1.5: Bare tilled, fallow or recently abandoned arable landSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Pisauridae, Nurseryweb spidersPisaura mirabilis accepted2020-10-041immatureEhem. Truppenübungsplatz Oberhinkofen bei Regensburg (TK 25 no. 7038)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Pisauridae, Nurseryweb spidersPisaura mirabilis accepted2020-05-071matureWeiher in einem Wald in der Nähe von Kallmünz Opf. (TK 25 no. 6837)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Pisauridae, Nurseryweb spidersPisaura mirabilis accepted2020-04-261matureTrockenhang in der Nähe von Traidendorf bei Kallmünz Opf. (TK 25 no. 6837)E1: Dry grasslandsSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Pisauridae, Nurseryweb spidersPisaura mirabilis accepted2020-04-161unknownTrockenhang bei Oberndorf bei Bad Abbach (TK 25 no. 7038)E1: Dry grasslandsSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Salticidae, Jumping spidersAelurillus v-insignitus accepted2024-04-051matureKreutberg - Altmannstein (TK 25 no. 7136)E1: Dry grasslandsTrockenhang bei FelsenSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Salticidae, Jumping spidersAelurillus v-insignitus accepted2024-03-301immatureBinnendünen Daßfeld (TK 25 no. 7236)*: unknownSandiges GeländeSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Salticidae, Jumping spidersAelurillus v-insignitus accepted2023-05-221matureRiedenburg (TK 25 no. 7036)E1: Dry grasslandsTrockenhang, Felsiges GeländeHand collectionHabitus
Salticidae, Jumping spidersAelurillus v-insignitus accepted2022-04-181maturePommelsbrunn (TK 25 no. 6434)*: unknownTrockenhang, FelsenHand collectionHabitus
Salticidae, Jumping spidersAelurillus v-insignitus accepted2020-04-041matureBinnendünen bei Siegenburg und Offenstetten (TK 25 no. 7236)H5.34: Inland non-lacustrine dunesSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonM. Hohner
Salticidae, Jumping spidersAsianellus festivus accepted2024-04-091matureEicher Berg (TK 25 no. 6837)E1: Dry grasslandsSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Salticidae, Jumping spidersAsianellus festivus accepted2023-05-203matureOberndorf (TK 25 no. 7038)E1: Dry grasslandsTrockenhang, GeröllfeldHand collectionHabitus
Salticidae, Jumping spidersAsianellus festivus accepted2023-05-201matureOberndorf (TK 25 no. 7038)E1: Dry grasslandsTrockenhang, GeröllfeldHand collectionHabitus
Salticidae, Jumping spidersAsianellus festivus accepted2023-05-091matureRiedenburg (TK 25 no. 7036)E1: Dry grasslandsHangHand collectionHabitus
Salticidae, Jumping spidersAsianellus festivus accepted2022-06-021unknownKeilstein (TK 25 no. 6938)*: unknownTrockenhangHand collectionHabitus
Salticidae, Jumping spidersAsianellus festivus accepted2021-04-011unknownTrockenhang - Steinbruch bei Kelheim (TK 25 no. 7037)H2.6: Calcareous and ultra-basic screes of warm exposuresSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Salticidae, Jumping spidersAsianellus festivus accepted2021-04-011matureTrockenhang - Steinbruch bei Kelheim (TK 25 no. 7037)H2.6: Calcareous and ultra-basic screes of warm exposuresSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Salticidae, Jumping spidersAsianellus festivus accepted2021-03-301matureBlockhalde unterhalb des Hohlen Fels bei Happurg (TK 25 no. 6534)H2.6: Calcareous and ultra-basic screes of warm exposuresSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Salticidae, Jumping spidersAsianellus festivus accepted2021-03-281immatureTrockenhang bei Oberndorf bei Bad Abbach (TK 25 no. 7038)E1: Dry grasslandsSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Salticidae, Jumping spidersAsianellus festivus accepted2021-03-281matureTrockenhang bei Oberndorf bei Bad Abbach (TK 25 no. 7038)E1: Dry grasslandsSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Salticidae, Jumping spidersAsianellus festivus accepted2021-03-251matureTrockenhang Kallmünz Opf. (TK 25 no. 6837)E1: Dry grasslandsSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Salticidae, Jumping spidersAsianellus festivus accepted2021-03-251matureTrockenhang Kallmünz Opf. (TK 25 no. 6837)E1: Dry grasslandsSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Salticidae, Jumping spidersAsianellus festivus accepted2020-05-221matureKeilsteiner Hang bei Regensburg (TK 25 no. 6938)E1: Dry grasslandsSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Salticidae, Jumping spidersAsianellus festivus accepted2020-04-051matureKelheim - am Winzerberg (TK 25 no. 7037)*: unknownSteinbruchähnliches GeländeSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Salticidae, Jumping spidersAsianellus festivus accepted2020-04-021matureTK 25 Nr. 6837: Kallmünz E1: Dry grasslandsSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Salticidae, Jumping spidersAsianellus festivus accepted2020-04-021unknownTK 25 Nr. 6837: Kallmünz E1: Dry grasslandsSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Salticidae, Jumping spidersAttulus pubescens accepted (as Sitticus pubescens)2022-05-06–2022-05-111unknownGesäuse - Nationalpark*: unknownMischwald BodenstreuHand collectionHabitus
Salticidae, Jumping spidersCarrhotus xanthogramma accepted2020-05-071matureWeiher in einem Wald in der Nähe von Kallmünz Opf. (TK 25 no. 6837)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Salticidae, Jumping spidersEuophrys frontalis accepted2024-05-261matureViehausen Sinzing (TK 25 no. 7037)*: unknownHolzstapel an Forststraße, MischwaldHand collectionHabitus
Salticidae, Jumping spidersEuophrys frontalis accepted2024-05-231maturePechbrunn - Basaltwerk (TK 25 no. 6038)*: unknownAufgelassener STeinbruchHand collectionHabitus
Salticidae, Jumping spidersEuophrys frontalis accepted2020-04-191unknownBinnendünen bei Daßfeld - Siegenburg (TK 25 no. 7236)*: unknownSandfläche, KiefernwaldHand collectionHabitus
Salticidae, Jumping spidersEvarcha arcuata accepted2024-05-101unknownVilgertshofen (TK 25 no. 8031)D: Mires, bogs and fensAm Rand einer sumpfigen Wiese an GrasHand collectionHabitus
Salticidae, Jumping spidersEvarcha arcuata accepted2024-05-101unknownVilgertshofen (TK 25 no. 8031)D: Mires, bogs and fensAm Rand einer sumpfigen Wiese an GrasHand collectionHabitus
Salticidae, Jumping spidersEvarcha arcuata accepted2024-04-091unknownEicher Berg (TK 25 no. 6837)E1: Dry grasslandsSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Salticidae, Jumping spidersEvarcha arcuata accepted2023-05-181unknownKallmünz (TK 25 no. 6837)E1: Dry grasslandsTrockenhang mit FelsenHand collectionHabitus
Salticidae, Jumping spidersEvarcha arcuata accepted2020-10-041matureEhem. Truppenübungsplatz Oberhinkofen bei Regensburg (TK 25 no. 7038)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Salticidae, Jumping spidersEvarcha arcuata accepted2020-05-221matureKeilsteiner Hang bei Regensburg (TK 25 no. 6938)E1: Dry grasslandsSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Salticidae, Jumping spidersEvarcha falcata accepted2024-06-061unknownunknownVohburg - Menning (TK 25 no. 7235)*: unknownWaldweg - Bahndamm - Mischwald mit Kiefern - Randbewuchs in einer WeideHand collectionHabitus
Salticidae, Jumping spidersEvarcha falcata accepted2022-05-291matureHappburg (TK 25 no. 6434)*: unknownGeröllfeldHand collectionHabitus
Salticidae, Jumping spidersEvarcha falcata accepted2020-05-071matureWeiher in einem Wald in der Nähe von Kallmünz Opf. (TK 25 no. 6837)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Salticidae, Jumping spidersHeliophanus aeneus accepted2022-04-181unknownunknownPommelsbrunn (TK 25 no. 6434)*: unknownTrockenhang, FelsenHand collectionHabitus
Salticidae, Jumping spidersLeptorchestes berolinensis accepted2022-06-101matureWeinberg am Kaiserstuhl (TK 25 no. 7812)FB.4: VineyardsLößwandSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Salticidae, Jumping spidersLeptorchestes berolinensis accepted2022-06-09–2022-06-195matureKaiserstuhl (TK 25 no. 7812)*: unknownLösswand in WeinbergHand collectionHabitus
Salticidae, Jumping spidersMarpissa muscosa accepted2022-06-071unknownunknownViehausen Sinzing (TK 25 no. 7037)*: unknownForstweg, Randbewuchs,Hand collectionHabitus
Salticidae, Jumping spidersMarpissa pomatia accepted2023-06-011immatureunknownSteigerwald - Gräfholz und Dachsberge (TK 25 no. 6428)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landForstraße, RandbewuchsHand collectionHabitusMarpissa pomatia hat einen hellen Medianstreifen umrandet von rot, juvenile und weibliche radiata in der hellen Morphe eher zwei dunkle Streifen mit hellem Kern. Außerdem ist der Nachweis sehr nahe zu den Beständen von M. pomatia
Salticidae, Jumping spidersPellenes tripunctatus accepted2023-05-221unknownRiedenburg (TK 25 no. 7036)E1: Dry grasslandsTrockenhang, Felsiges GeländeHand collectionHabitus
Salticidae, Jumping spidersPhilaeus chrysops accepted2022-05-293matureHappburg (TK 25 no. 6434)*: unknownGeröllfeldHand collectionHabitus
Salticidae, Jumping spidersPhilaeus chrysops accepted2021-03-301immatureBlockhalde unterhalb des Hohlen Fels bei Happurg (TK 25 no. 6534)H2.6: Calcareous and ultra-basic screes of warm exposuresSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Salticidae, Jumping spidersPhilaeus chrysops accepted2020-07-031matureBlockhalde auf der Houbirg (TK 25 no. 6534)H2.2: Cold limestone screesSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Salticidae, Jumping spidersPhilaeus chrysops accepted2020-07-031matureBlockhalde auf der Houbirg (TK 25 no. 6534)H2.2: Cold limestone screesSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Salticidae, Jumping spidersPhlegra fasciata accepted2020-05-221matureKeilsteiner Hang bei Regensburg (TK 25 no. 6938)E1: Dry grasslandsSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Salticidae, Jumping spidersSalticus cingulatus accepted2024-04-051unknownKreutberg - Altmannstein (TK 25 no. 7136)E1: Dry grasslandsTrockenhang bei FelsenSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonM. Hohner
Salticidae, Jumping spidersSalticus scenicus accepted2024-03-081unknownMünchshofener Berg - Teublitz (TK 25 no. 6738)E1: Dry grasslandsTrockenhangSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Salticidae, Jumping spidersSalticus scenicus accepted2023-05-181unknownKallmünz (TK 25 no. 6837)E1: Dry grasslandsTrockenhang mit FelsenHand collectionHabitus
Salticidae, Jumping spidersSalticus scenicus accepted2022-06-09–2022-06-193unknownKaiserstuhl (TK 25 no. 7812)*: unknownLösswand in einem WeinbergHand collectionHabitus
Scytodidae, Spitting spidersScytodes thoracica accepted2022-04-181matureRegensburg Stadt (TK 25 no. 6938)*: unknownWohnungHand collectionHabitus
Scytodidae, Spitting spidersScytodes thoracica accepted2020-10-081unknownTK 25 Nr. 6938: Regensburg J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Sparassidae, Huntsman spidersMicrommata virescens accepted2024-06-241matureGottvaterberg - Auerbach (TK 25 no. 6335)*: unknownNachts am Licht, WieseHand collectionHabitus
Sparassidae, Huntsman spidersMicrommata virescens accepted2024-06-161matureKöschingerForst (TK 25 no. 7135)*: unknownForststraße - Nachts am LichtHand collectionHabitus
Sparassidae, Huntsman spidersMicrommata virescens accepted2024-05-261matureViehausen Sinzing (TK 25 no. 7037)*: unknownWaldweg, Randbewuchs,Hand collectionHabitus
Sparassidae, Huntsman spidersMicrommata virescens accepted2024-05-201unknownNöttinger viehweide und Badetaferl (TK 25 no. 7235)*: unknownNachts an Holzgeländer, ForstwegHand collectionHabitus
Sparassidae, Huntsman spidersMicrommata virescens accepted2024-05-201unknownNöttinger viehweide und Badetaferl (TK 25 no. 7235)*: unknownNachts an Holzgeländer, ForstwegHand collectionHabitus
Sparassidae, Huntsman spidersMicrommata virescens accepted2024-05-201immatureNöttinger viehweide und Badetaferl (TK 25 no. 7235)*: unknownNachts an Holzgeländer, ForstwegHand collectionHabitus
Sparassidae, Huntsman spidersMicrommata virescens accepted2024-05-121unknownIngolstadt - Biotop Jackl-Brenne (TK 25 no. 7234)*: unknownNachts am Licht, WaldwegHand collectionHabitus
Sparassidae, Huntsman spidersMicrommata virescens accepted2024-05-101unknownVohburg (TK 25 no. 7235)*: unknownNachts am Licht, ForstwegHand collectionHabitus
Sparassidae, Huntsman spidersMicrommata virescens accepted2024-04-301matureVohburg - Münchsmünster - Kieswerk (TK 25 no. 7235)*: unknownNachts am Licht,Hand collectionHabitus
Sparassidae, Huntsman spidersMicrommata virescens accepted2024-04-071matureGrieshamer Weiher, Münchsmünster (TK 25 no. 7235)C3.2: Water-fringing reedbeds and tall helophytes other than canesSchilfgürtel an KiesweiherSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Sparassidae, Huntsman spidersMicrommata virescens accepted2023-06-011matureSteigerwald - Gräfholz und Dachsberge (TK 25 no. 6428)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landForstraße, Nachts am LichtHand collectionHabitus
Sparassidae, Huntsman spidersMicrommata virescens accepted2023-05-261matureNöttinger viehweide und Badetaferl (TK 25 no. 7235)*: unknownForststraße, an Planken am WegHand collectionHabitus
Sparassidae, Huntsman spidersMicrommata virescens accepted2022-07-041matureBad Feilnbach - Oberbayern - Waldweg (TK 25 no. 8238)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landNachts am LichtSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Sparassidae, Huntsman spidersMicrommata virescens accepted2022-06-061matureViehausen Sinzing (TK 25 no. 7037)*: unknownWaldweg, Randbewuchs,Hand collectionHabitus
Sparassidae, Huntsman spidersMicrommata virescens accepted2022-06-061matureViehausen Sinzing (TK 25 no. 7037)*: unknownWaldweg, Randbewuchs,Hand collectionHabitus
Sparassidae, Huntsman spidersMicrommata virescens accepted2022-05-281unknownunknownPfaffenholz (TK 25 no. 6938)*: unknownMischwald, forststraße, RandbewuchsHand collectionHabitus
Sparassidae, Huntsman spidersMicrommata virescens accepted2020-10-041immatureEhem. Truppenübungsplatz Oberhinkofen bei Regensburg (TK 25 no. 7038)*: unknownSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spidersMeta menardi accepted2022-05-06–2022-05-111unknownGesäuse - Nationalpark*: unknownMischwald Randbewuchs an WanderwegHand collectionHabitus
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spidersMetellina mengei accepted2022-05-06–2022-05-111matureGesäuse - Nationalpark*: unknownMischwald Randbewuchs an WanderwegHand collectionHabitus
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spidersMetellina mengei accepted2022-05-06–2022-05-111matureGesäuse - Nationalpark*: unknownMischwald Randbewuchs an WanderwegHand collectionHabitus
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spidersMetellina mengei accepted2020-05-071matureWeiher in einem Wald in der Nähe von Kallmünz Opf. (TK 25 no. 6837)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spidersMetellina mengei accepted2020-05-071matureWeiher in einem Wald in der Nähe von Kallmünz Opf. (TK 25 no. 6837)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spidersMetellina merianae accepted (as Meta merianae)2022-05-06–2022-05-111unknownGesäuse - Nationalpark*: unknownMischwald BodenstreuHand collectionHabitus
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spidersMetellina segmentata accepted2024-03-311matureNöttinger Viehweide und Badertaferl (3) (TK 25 no. 7235)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landNachts am Wegrand, HolzplankenSighting/photo of habitusLeg patterns/spinesPörli WonPörli Won
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spidersPachygnatha degeeri accepted2024-04-131unknownRegensburger Straße, Vohburg (TK 25 no. 7235)I2.2: Small-scale ornamental and domestic garden areasNachts am Licht, GartenSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spidersPachygnatha listeri accepted2024-04-141unknownNöttinger Viehweide und Badertaferl (2) (TK 25 no. 7235)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landWaldweg, nachtsSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spidersTetragnatha extensa accepted2023-06-181matureFurth im Wald (TK 25 no. 6642)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landForststraße RandbewuchsHand collectionHabitus
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spidersTetragnatha extensa accepted2023-06-011matureSteigerwald - Gräfholz und Dachsberge (TK 25 no. 6428)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landForstraße, RandbewuchsHand collectionHabitus
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spidersTetragnatha extensa accepted2023-05-021unknownunknownDonaustauf (TK 25 no. 6939)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandForstweg, RandbewuchsHand collectionHabitus
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spidersTetragnatha montana accepted2024-04-021immatureDonaustauf, Forststraße, Wegrand (TK 25 no. 6939)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spidersTetragnatha montana accepted2024-03-141unknownunknownNöttinger Viehweide und Badertaferl (1) (TK 25 no. 7235)*: unknownNachts am Wegrand, HolzpfostenSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spidersTetragnatha montana accepted2023-05-161unknownunknownViehausen Sinzing (TK 25 no. 7037)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandForststraße, Randbewuchs, an Kokon von AgroceaHand collectionHabitus
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spidersTetragnatha montana accepted2023-05-161unknownunknownViehausen Sinzing (TK 25 no. 7037)G1: Broadleaved deciduous woodlandForststraße, RandbewuchsHand collectionHabitus
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spidersTetragnatha montana accepted2022-06-09–2022-06-191unknownunknownKaiserstuhl (TK 25 no. 7812)*: unknownWieseHand collectionHabitus
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spidersTetragnatha obtusa accepted2024-04-301matureVohburg - Münchsmünster - Kieswerk (TK 25 no. 7235)*: unknownUferbewuchs, KiesweiherHand collectionHabitus
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spidersTetragnatha obtusa accepted2024-04-281unknownunknownDonaudamm - Paar (TK 25 no. 7235)*: unknownFeldweg, Randbewuchs, NachtsHand collectionHabitus
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spidersAsagena phalerata accepted2022-05-151matureTrockenhang bei Riedenburg 4 (TK 25 no. 7036)E1: Dry grasslandsan SteinenSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spidersEpisinus truncatus accepted2022-06-181matureWeinberg - Kaiserstuhl (TK 25 no. 7911)FB.4: VineyardsWirtschaftsweg, an GrashalmSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spidersNeottiura bimaculata accepted2024-06-161matureKöschingerForst (TK 25 no. 7135)*: unknownForststraße - Nachts am LichtHand collectionHabitus
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spidersParasteatoda lunata accepted2024-04-141immatureNöttinger Viehweide und Badertaferl (2) (TK 25 no. 7235)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landNachts an Holzplanke entlang WaldwegSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spidersParasteatoda lunata accepted2024-04-141unknownNöttinger Viehweide und Badertaferl (2) (TK 25 no. 7235)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landNachts an Holzplanke entlang WaldwegSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spidersSteatoda albomaculata accepted2020-08-231unknownunknownBinnendünen bei Siegenburg und Offenstetten (TK 25 no. 7236)H5.34: Inland non-lacustrine dunesSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spidersSteatoda albomaculata accepted2020-05-091immatureBinnendünen bei Siegenburg und Offenstetten (TK 25 no. 7236)H5.34: Inland non-lacustrine dunesNetz am Boden im SandSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spidersSteatoda bipunctata accepted2024-06-071unknownGräfholz - Dachsberge (TK 25 no. 6428)*: unknownNSG - Forstraße - Nachts am LichtHand collectionHabitus
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spidersSteatoda bipunctata accepted2020-04-301matureBahnhofstraße, Saal an der Donau (TK 25 no. 7037)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresKellerSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spidersSteatoda triangulosa accepted2020-04-301matureBahnhofstraße, Saal an der Donau (TK 25 no. 7037)J1.1: Residential buildings of city and town centresKellerSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
Thomisidae, Crab spidersDiaea dorsata accepted2024-05-261matureViehausen Sinzing (TK 25 no. 7037)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landForstraße, RandbewuchsHand collectionHabitus
Thomisidae, Crab spidersDiaea dorsata accepted2023-06-061unknownViehausen Sinzing (TK 25 no. 7037)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landForstraße, RandbewuchsHand collectionHabitus
Thomisidae, Crab spidersDiaea dorsata accepted2023-06-011unknownViehausen Sinzing (TK 25 no. 7037)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landForstraße, RandbewuchsHand collectionHabitus
Thomisidae, Crab spidersDiaea dorsata accepted2022-06-261matureViehausen Sinzing (TK 25 no. 7037)*: unknownForststraße, RandbewuchsHand collectionHabitus
Thomisidae, Crab spidersDiaea dorsata accepted2022-05-291matureViehausen Sinzing (TK 25 no. 7037)*: unknownMischwald, forststraße, RandbewuchsHand collectionHabitus
Thomisidae, Crab spidersDiaea dorsata accepted2022-04-271unknownDonaustauf (TK 25 no. 6939)*: unknownForstraße, RandbewuchsHand collectionHabitus
Thomisidae, Crab spidersDiaea dorsata accepted2022-03-291unknownVohburg (TK 25 no. 7235)*: unknownNachts an Kiefer, ForstwegHand collectionHabitus
Thomisidae, Crab spidersEbrechtella tricuspidata accepted2024-05-201unknownNöttinger viehweide und Badetaferl (TK 25 no. 7235)*: unknownNachts am Licht, WaldwegHand collectionHabitus
Thomisidae, Crab spidersEbrechtella tricuspidata accepted2024-04-141unknownNöttinger Viehweide und Badertaferl (2) (TK 25 no. 7235)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landWaldweg, nachts an HolzplankenSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Thomisidae, Crab spidersEbrechtella tricuspidata accepted2023-05-261matureKelheimwinzer (TK 25 no. 7037)E1: Dry grasslandsTrockenhang, Wiese mit diversen WiesenblumenHand collectionHabitus
Thomisidae, Crab spidersMisumena vatia accepted2024-07-091immatureHirschbach - Hersbruck (TK 25 no. 6435)H: Inland unvegetated or sparsely vegetated habitatsTrockenhang in Kiefernwald, an TotholzHand collectionHabitus
Thomisidae, Crab spidersMisumena vatia accepted2024-07-093immatureHirschbach - Hersbruck (TK 25 no. 6435)H: Inland unvegetated or sparsely vegetated habitatsTrockenhang in Kiefernwald, an TotholzHand collectionHabitus
Thomisidae, Crab spidersMisumena vatia accepted2024-05-281matureVohburg - Menning (TK 25 no. 7235)*: unknownSeitenstreifen an B16A,Hand collectionHabitus
Thomisidae, Crab spidersMisumena vatia accepted2024-05-281matureVohburg - Menning (TK 25 no. 7235)*: unknownSeitenstreifen an B16A,Hand collectionHabitus
Thomisidae, Crab spidersMisumena vatia accepted2024-05-201unknownNöttinger viehweide und Badetaferl (TK 25 no. 7235)*: unknownNachts an Holzgeländer, ForstwegHand collectionHabitus
Thomisidae, Crab spidersMisumena vatia accepted2024-05-101unknownVilgertshofen (TK 25 no. 8031)D: Mires, bogs and fenssumpfige Wiese an GrasHand collectionHabitus
Thomisidae, Crab spidersMisumena vatia accepted2024-05-101unknownVilgertshofen (TK 25 no. 8031)D: Mires, bogs and fenssumpfige Wiese an GrasHand collectionHabitus
Thomisidae, Crab spidersMisumena vatia accepted2023-07-091matureSchambachtal - Kipfenberg (TK 25 no. 7034)*: unknownFeuchtwiese, Randbewuchs an WegHand collectionHabitus
Thomisidae, Crab spidersMisumena vatia accepted2023-06-201immatureunknownKönigsdorf - Mooseurach (TK 25 no. 8134)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landWieseHand collectionHabitus
Thomisidae, Crab spidersMisumena vatia accepted2023-06-201matureKönigsdorf - Mooseurach (TK 25 no. 8134)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landWieseHand collectionHabitus
Thomisidae, Crab spidersMisumena vatia accepted2023-06-011immatureunknownViehausen Sinzing (TK 25 no. 7037)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landForstraße, RandbewuchsHand collectionHabitus
Thomisidae, Crab spidersMisumena vatia accepted2023-06-011matureViehausen Sinzing (TK 25 no. 7037)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landForstraße, RandbewuchsHand collectionHabitus
Thomisidae, Crab spidersMisumena vatia accepted2023-05-201unknownOberndorf (TK 25 no. 7038)E1: Dry grasslandsTrockenhang, WieseHand collectionHabitus
Thomisidae, Crab spidersMisumena vatia accepted2022-06-09–2022-06-191matureKaiserstuhl (TK 25 no. 7812)*: unknownWieseHand collectionHabitus
Thomisidae, Crab spidersSynema globosum accepted2024-06-191matureKöschingerForst (TK 25 no. 7135)*: unknownForstraße, RandbewuchsHand collectionHabitus
Thomisidae, Crab spidersSynema globosum accepted2020-05-141immatureunknownWiese am Trockenhang bei Oberndorf bei Bad Abbach (TK 25 no. 7038)E: Grasslands and lands dominated by forbs, mosses or lichensSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won
Thomisidae, Crab spidersThomisus onustus accepted2022-06-09–2022-06-191matureKaiserstuhl (TK 25 no. 7812)*: unknownWieseHand collectionHabitus
Thomisidae, Crab spidersThomisus onustus accepted2022-06-09–2022-06-191unknownKaiserstuhl (TK 25 no. 7812)*: unknownWieseHand collectionHabitus
TitanoecidaeTitanoeca quadriguttata accepted2020-04-181immatureUndorf, Trockenhänge (TK 25 no. 6937)E1: Dry grasslandsSighting/photo of habitusHabitusPörli WonPörli Won

294 records, 91 species, min. 342 recorded specimens

Opiliones, Harvestmen

Family Species Date rangeNumberMaturitySexLocationHabitat typeSituation descr.Collection methodIdentification characteristicleg. det. vid. coll. coll. 2 CommentsTags
CladonychiidaeHoloscotolemon unicolor accepted2022-05-06–2022-05-111unknownunknownGesäuse - Nationalpark*: unknownMischwald BodenstreuHand collectionHabitus
NemastomatidaeParanemastoma bicuspidatum accepted2022-05-06–2022-05-111unknownunknownGesäuse - Nationalpark*: unknownMischwald BodenstreuHand collectionHabitus
NemastomatidaeParanemastoma quadripunctatum accepted2022-05-06–2022-05-111unknownunknownGesäuse - Nationalpark*: unknownMischwald BodenstreuHand collectionHabitus
PhalangiidaeAmilenus aurantiacus accepted2022-05-06–2022-05-111unknownunknownGesäuse - Nationalpark*: unknownMischwald BodenstreuHand collectionHabitus
PhalangiidaeGyas titanus accepted2022-05-06–2022-05-111unknownunknownGesäuse - Nationalpark*: unknownMischwald BodenstreuHand collectionHabitus
PhalangiidaeLacinius dentiger accepted2022-06-281unknownunknownViehausen Sinzing (TK 25 no. 7037)*: unknownForstweg, an Holzstapel ,Hand collectionHabitusDas ist Lacinius dentiger - Platybunus hat am Cephalothorax-Frontalrand keine Dornen
PhalangiidaeLacinius dentiger accepted2022-06-061unknownunknownViehausen Sinzing (TK 25 no. 7037)*: unknownForstweg, an Holzstapel ,Hand collectionHabitusDas ist Lacinius dentiger - Platybunus hat am Cephalothorax-Frontalrand keine Dornen
PhalangiidaeLacinius dentiger accepted2020-08-081matureWald bei Kohlstadt (Opf) (TK 25 no. 7037)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landunter BaumrindeSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
PhalangiidaeMegabunus lesserti accepted2022-05-06–2022-05-111unknownunknownGesäuse - Nationalpark*: unknownMischwald BodenstreuHand collectionHabitus
PhalangiidaeOpilio canestrinii accepted2022-06-09–2022-06-191unknownunknownKaiserstuhl (TK 25 no. 7812)*: unknownWaldwegHand collectionHabitus
PhalangiidaePhalangium opilio accepted2022-06-09–2022-06-191unknownKaiserstuhl (TK 25 no. 7812)*: unknownWaldwegHand collectionHabitus
PhalangiidaePhalangium opilio accepted2022-06-09–2022-06-191unknownKaiserstuhl (TK 25 no. 7812)*: unknownWaldwegHand collectionHabitus
PhalangiidaePlatybunus pinetorum accepted2022-07-041matureBad Feilnbach - Oberbayern - Waldweg (TK 25 no. 8238)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landNachts am LichtSighting/photo of habitusunknownPörli WonPörli Won
PhalangiidaePlatybunus pinetorum accepted2022-05-06–2022-05-111unknownunknownGesäuse - Nationalpark*: unknownMischwald BodenstreuHand collectionHabitus
PhalangiidaeRilaena triangularis accepted2023-06-151unknownunknownBinnendünen bei Daßfeld - Siegenburg (TK 25 no. 7236)G: Woodland, forest and other wooded landSanddüne, an KiefernstammHand collectionHabitus
TrogulidaeTrogulus nepaeformis accepted2022-05-06–2022-05-111unknownunknownGesäuse - Nationalpark*: unknownMischwald - BodenstreuHand collectionHabitus
TrogulidaeTrogulus tingiformis accepted2022-05-06–2022-05-111unknownunknownGesäuse - Nationalpark*: unknownMischwald Randbewuchs an WanderwegHand collectionHabitus

17 records, 13 species, min. 17 recorded specimens