Barndt D, Bekker R & Platen R (2002, unpublished): Untersuchung der Arthropodenzönose ausgewählter Standorte im Lobengebiet (Naturpark Niederlausitzer Heidelandschaft) mit Bodenfallen, Ergebnisbericht, unveröffentlicht. 

Linked sources

The records of the following sources are also listed here, e. g. because they were published multiple times. These records are highlighted in the list.

Platen R & Bekker R (2022): Struktur und Ökologie der Webspinnengemeinschaften (Arachnida, Araneae) ausgewählter Biotope im NSG- und FFH-Gebiet „Der Loben“ in Brandenburg.Veröffentlichungen des Naturkundemuseums Potsdam 8: 65–97 

All records from this source

Total: 343 records.

Legend: before 1900 1900–1949 1950–1959 1960–1969 1970–1979 1980–1989 1990–1999 2000–2009 2010–2019 2020–2029
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Araneae, True Spiders

Family Species Date rangeNumberMaturitySexLocationHabitat typeSituation descr.Collection methodIdentification characteristicleg. det. vid. coll. coll. 2 CommentsTags
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersCoelotes terrestris accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 3, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwald westl. Lobenmoor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.5: Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peatPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersEratigena agrestis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-304matureunknownUP 8, NSG „Der Loben“, Rekultivierungsfläche – Tontagebau (TK 25 no. 4547)E5.14: Weed communities of recently abandoned extractive industrial sitesPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersInermocoelotes inermis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-304matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spidersInermocoelotes inermis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-3025matureunknownUP 3, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwald westl. Lobenmoor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.5: Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peatPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersAraniella cucurbitina accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 8, NSG „Der Loben“, Rekultivierungsfläche – Tontagebau (TK 25 no. 4547)E5.14: Weed communities of recently abandoned extractive industrial sitesPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Araneidae, Orbweb spidersCercidia prominens accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 4, NSG „Der Loben“, Kiefernforst – Heuweg (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Atypidae, Purseweb spidersAtypus affinis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Atypidae, Purseweb spidersAtypus affinis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
CicurinidaeCicurina cicur accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
CicurinidaeCicurina cicur accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-305matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
CicurinidaeCicurina cicur accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-3010matureunknownUP 3, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwald westl. Lobenmoor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.5: Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peatPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
CicurinidaeCicurina cicur accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Clubionidae, Sac spidersClubiona reclusa accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Clubionidae, Sac spidersClubiona terrestris accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 4, NSG „Der Loben“, Kiefernforst – Heuweg (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassodes lapidosus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassodes lapidosus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassodes lapidosus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-304matureunknownUP 6, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwiese westl. Neue Torfstiche (TK 25 no. 4447)E3: Seasonally wet and wet grasslandsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassodes lapidosus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-305matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassodes pubescens accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassodes pubescens accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 4, NSG „Der Loben“, Kiefernforst – Heuweg (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassodes pubescens accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-305matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassodes pubescens accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 6, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwiese westl. Neue Torfstiche (TK 25 no. 4447)E3: Seasonally wet and wet grasslandsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassodes pubescens accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassodes pubescens accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 8, NSG „Der Loben“, Rekultivierungsfläche – Tontagebau (TK 25 no. 4547)E5.14: Weed communities of recently abandoned extractive industrial sitesPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus lutetianus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus praeficus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 6, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwiese westl. Neue Torfstiche (TK 25 no. 4447)E3: Seasonally wet and wet grasslandsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pumilus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-303matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-3013matureunknownUP 6, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwiese westl. Neue Torfstiche (TK 25 no. 4447)E3: Seasonally wet and wet grasslandsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersDrassyllus pusillus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 8, NSG „Der Loben“, Rekultivierungsfläche – Tontagebau (TK 25 no. 4547)E5.14: Weed communities of recently abandoned extractive industrial sitesPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersGnaphosa nigerrima accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus dalmatensis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus dalmatensis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 8, NSG „Der Loben“, Rekultivierungsfläche – Tontagebau (TK 25 no. 4547)E5.14: Weed communities of recently abandoned extractive industrial sitesPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus signifer accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus signifer accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 6, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwiese westl. Neue Torfstiche (TK 25 no. 4447)E3: Seasonally wet and wet grasslandsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus signifer accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 8, NSG „Der Loben“, Rekultivierungsfläche – Tontagebau (TK 25 no. 4547)E5.14: Weed communities of recently abandoned extractive industrial sitesPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus silvestris accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-303matureunknownUP 3, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwald westl. Lobenmoor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.5: Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peatPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus silvestris accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 4, NSG „Der Loben“, Kiefernforst – Heuweg (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus soerenseni accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 3, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwald westl. Lobenmoor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.5: Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peatPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus soerenseni accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-305matureunknownUP 4, NSG „Der Loben“, Kiefernforst – Heuweg (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus umbratilis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersHaplodrassus umbratilis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-303matureunknownUP 6, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwiese westl. Neue Torfstiche (TK 25 no. 4447)E3: Seasonally wet and wet grasslandsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersMicaria fulgens accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersMicaria pulicaria s. l. species group2001-04-01–2001-11-303matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersScotophaeus quadripunctatus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersTrachyzelotes pedestris accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersZelotes erebeus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersZelotes latreillei accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersZelotes latreillei accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersZelotes latreillei accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-308matureunknownUP 6, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwiese westl. Neue Torfstiche (TK 25 no. 4447)E3: Seasonally wet and wet grasslandsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersZelotes latreillei accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersZelotes longipes accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersZelotes longipes accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersZelotes longipes accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersZelotes longipes accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 8, NSG „Der Loben“, Rekultivierungsfläche – Tontagebau (TK 25 no. 4547)E5.14: Weed communities of recently abandoned extractive industrial sitesPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersZelotes petrensis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersZelotes petrensis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-303matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersZelotes petrensis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-308matureunknownUP 6, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwiese westl. Neue Torfstiche (TK 25 no. 4447)E3: Seasonally wet and wet grasslandsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersZelotes petrensis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersZelotes subterraneus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-306matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersZelotes subterraneus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersZelotes subterraneus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-304matureunknownUP 3, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwald westl. Lobenmoor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.5: Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peatPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Gnaphosidae, Ground spidersZelotes subterraneus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-309matureunknownUP 4, NSG „Der Loben“, Kiefernforst – Heuweg (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersAntistea elegans accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersAntistea elegans accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 3, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwald westl. Lobenmoor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.5: Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peatPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersAntistea elegans accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-3017matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersAntistea elegans accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 8, NSG „Der Loben“, Rekultivierungsfläche – Tontagebau (TK 25 no. 4547)E5.14: Weed communities of recently abandoned extractive industrial sitesPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia helveola accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-303matureunknownUP 4, NSG „Der Loben“, Kiefernforst – Heuweg (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia ononidum accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 3, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwald westl. Lobenmoor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.5: Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peatPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spidersHahnia pusilla accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAbacoproeces saltuum accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-305matureunknownUP 3, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwald westl. Lobenmoor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.5: Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peatPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAbacoproeces saltuum accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAbacoproeces saltuum accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 6, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwiese westl. Neue Torfstiche (TK 25 no. 4447)E3: Seasonally wet and wet grasslandsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta affinis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 8, NSG „Der Loben“, Rekultivierungsfläche – Tontagebau (TK 25 no. 4547)E5.14: Weed communities of recently abandoned extractive industrial sitesPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta mollis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAgyneta rurestris accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersAnguliphantes angulipalpis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 4, NSG „Der Loben“, Kiefernforst – Heuweg (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersBathyphantes gracilis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-303matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersBathyphantes gracilis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-303matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersBathyphantes parvulus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 3, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwald westl. Lobenmoor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.5: Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peatPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCentromerita bicolor accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-304matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCentromerita bicolor accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-3013matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCentromerita bicolor accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCentromerita concinna accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-3014matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCentromerita concinna accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 6, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwiese westl. Neue Torfstiche (TK 25 no. 4447)E3: Seasonally wet and wet grasslandsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCentromerus dilutus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCentromerus dilutus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 3, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwald westl. Lobenmoor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.5: Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peatPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCentromerus incilium accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCentromerus incilium accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-303matureunknownUP 4, NSG „Der Loben“, Kiefernforst – Heuweg (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCentromerus pabulator accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-3028matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCentromerus pabulator accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-308matureunknownUP 4, NSG „Der Loben“, Kiefernforst – Heuweg (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCentromerus sylvaticus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-3044matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCentromerus sylvaticus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-304matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCentromerus sylvaticus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 3, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwald westl. Lobenmoor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.5: Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peatPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCentromerus sylvaticus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-303matureunknownUP 4, NSG „Der Loben“, Kiefernforst – Heuweg (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCentromerus sylvaticus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-304matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCentromerus sylvaticus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-303matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCeratinella brevis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCeratinella brevis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-308matureunknownUP 3, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwald westl. Lobenmoor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.5: Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peatPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCeratinella brevis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 4, NSG „Der Loben“, Kiefernforst – Heuweg (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCeratinella brevis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 6, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwiese westl. Neue Torfstiche (TK 25 no. 4447)E3: Seasonally wet and wet grasslandsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersCnephalocotes obscurus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersDiplostyla concolor accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 8, NSG „Der Loben“, Rekultivierungsfläche – Tontagebau (TK 25 no. 4547)E5.14: Weed communities of recently abandoned extractive industrial sitesPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersErigone atra accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersErigone atra accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 4, NSG „Der Loben“, Kiefernforst – Heuweg (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersErigone atra accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-3018matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersErigone atra accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-304matureunknownUP 6, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwiese westl. Neue Torfstiche (TK 25 no. 4447)E3: Seasonally wet and wet grasslandsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersErigone atra accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 8, NSG „Der Loben“, Rekultivierungsfläche – Tontagebau (TK 25 no. 4547)E5.14: Weed communities of recently abandoned extractive industrial sitesPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersErigone dentipalpis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersErigone dentipalpis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-3016matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersErigone dentipalpis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-303matureunknownUP 6, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwiese westl. Neue Torfstiche (TK 25 no. 4447)E3: Seasonally wet and wet grasslandsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersErigone dentipalpis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-304matureunknownUP 8, NSG „Der Loben“, Rekultivierungsfläche – Tontagebau (TK 25 no. 4547)E5.14: Weed communities of recently abandoned extractive industrial sitesPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersErigonella hiemalis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersFloronia bucculenta accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 3, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwald westl. Lobenmoor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.5: Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peatPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersGnathonarium dentatum accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersGonatium rubellum accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 3, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwald westl. Lobenmoor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.5: Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peatPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersGongylidiellum latebricola accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersGongylidiellum latebricola accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersGongylidiellum murcidum accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersLepthyphantes minutus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersLepthyphantes minutus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 4, NSG „Der Loben“, Kiefernforst – Heuweg (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersMacrargus carpenteri accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-304matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersMacrargus carpenteri accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-303matureunknownUP 4, NSG „Der Loben“, Kiefernforst – Heuweg (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersMacrargus rufus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-307matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersMacrargus rufus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 3, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwald westl. Lobenmoor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.5: Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peatPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersMacrargus rufus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-306matureunknownUP 4, NSG „Der Loben“, Kiefernforst – Heuweg (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersMicrargus herbigradus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 3, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwald westl. Lobenmoor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.5: Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peatPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersMicrargus herbigradus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersNeriene clathrata accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-305matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersNeriene clathrata accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-306matureunknownUP 3, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwald westl. Lobenmoor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.5: Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peatPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersOedothorax agrestis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersOedothorax fuscus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersOedothorax fuscus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-304matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersOedothorax fuscus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-3060matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersOedothorax fuscus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 8, NSG „Der Loben“, Rekultivierungsfläche – Tontagebau (TK 25 no. 4547)E5.14: Weed communities of recently abandoned extractive industrial sitesPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersOedothorax gibbosus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-306matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersOedothorax retusus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-307matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersOedothorax retusus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-3012matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersOedothorax retusus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 8, NSG „Der Loben“, Rekultivierungsfläche – Tontagebau (TK 25 no. 4547)E5.14: Weed communities of recently abandoned extractive industrial sitesPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersPelecopsis parallela accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 8, NSG „Der Loben“, Rekultivierungsfläche – Tontagebau (TK 25 no. 4547)E5.14: Weed communities of recently abandoned extractive industrial sitesPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersPelecopsis radicicola accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 3, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwald westl. Lobenmoor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.5: Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peatPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersPocadicnemis juncea accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersPorrhomma pygmaeum accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersSaaristoa abnormis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersSaaristoa abnormis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 4, NSG „Der Loben“, Kiefernforst – Heuweg (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersSaaristoa abnormis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersStemonyphantes lineatus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersTallusia experta accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersTallusia experta accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-3013matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersTapinocyba insecta accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersTapinopa longidens accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 4, NSG „Der Loben“, Kiefernforst – Heuweg (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersTenuiphantes flavipes accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersTenuiphantes flavipes accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-303matureunknownUP 3, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwald westl. Lobenmoor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.5: Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peatPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersTenuiphantes mengei accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-3018matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersTenuiphantes mengei accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-304matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersTenuiphantes mengei accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 4, NSG „Der Loben“, Kiefernforst – Heuweg (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersTenuiphantes tenuis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-303matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersTenuiphantes tenuis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 3, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwald westl. Lobenmoor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.5: Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peatPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersTenuiphantes tenuis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-303matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersTiso vagans accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersWalckenaeria alticeps accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersWalckenaeria antica accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersWalckenaeria atrotibialis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-303matureunknownUP 3, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwald westl. Lobenmoor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.5: Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peatPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersWalckenaeria atrotibialis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersWalckenaeria cucullata accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 3, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwald westl. Lobenmoor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.5: Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peatPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersWalckenaeria cucullata accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 4, NSG „Der Loben“, Kiefernforst – Heuweg (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersWalckenaeria dysderoides accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 4, NSG „Der Loben“, Kiefernforst – Heuweg (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersWalckenaeria monoceros accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 4, NSG „Der Loben“, Kiefernforst – Heuweg (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersWalckenaeria nudipalpis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersWalckenaeria nudipalpis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Linyphiidae, Money spidersWalckenaeria vigilax accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Liocranidae, Running foliage spidersAgroeca brunnea accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-307matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Liocranidae, Running foliage spidersAgroeca brunnea accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Liocranidae, Running foliage spidersAgroeca brunnea accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-308matureunknownUP 3, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwald westl. Lobenmoor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.5: Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peatPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Liocranidae, Running foliage spidersAgroeca brunnea accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 4, NSG „Der Loben“, Kiefernforst – Heuweg (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Liocranidae, Running foliage spidersAgroeca brunnea accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Liocranidae, Running foliage spidersAgroeca brunnea accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 6, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwiese westl. Neue Torfstiche (TK 25 no. 4447)E3: Seasonally wet and wet grasslandsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Liocranidae, Running foliage spidersAgroeca proxima accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-306matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Liocranidae, Running foliage spidersAgroeca proxima accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 4, NSG „Der Loben“, Kiefernforst – Heuweg (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Liocranidae, Running foliage spidersAgroeca proxima accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 6, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwiese westl. Neue Torfstiche (TK 25 no. 4447)E3: Seasonally wet and wet grasslandsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Liocranidae, Running foliage spidersScotina celans accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersAlopecosa cuneata accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-304matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersAlopecosa cuneata accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersAlopecosa cuneata accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-3017matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersAlopecosa cuneata accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-307matureunknownUP 6, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwiese westl. Neue Torfstiche (TK 25 no. 4447)E3: Seasonally wet and wet grasslandsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersAlopecosa cuneata accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersAlopecosa pulverulenta accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-308matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersAlopecosa pulverulenta accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-3013matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersAlopecosa pulverulenta accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 4, NSG „Der Loben“, Kiefernforst – Heuweg (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersAlopecosa pulverulenta accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-3013matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersAlopecosa pulverulenta accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-306matureunknownUP 6, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwiese westl. Neue Torfstiche (TK 25 no. 4447)E3: Seasonally wet and wet grasslandsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersAlopecosa pulverulenta accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-303matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersArctosa cinerea accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-3022matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersArctosa figurata accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersArctosa leopardus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-303matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersArctosa leopardus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersArctosa leopardus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-303matureunknownUP 6, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwiese westl. Neue Torfstiche (TK 25 no. 4447)E3: Seasonally wet and wet grasslandsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersArctosa leopardus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-3097matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersArctosa lutetiana accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-3013matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersArctosa lutetiana accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 3, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwald westl. Lobenmoor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.5: Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peatPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersArctosa perita accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-305matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersArctosa perita accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-304matureunknownUP 8, NSG „Der Loben“, Rekultivierungsfläche – Tontagebau (TK 25 no. 4547)E5.14: Weed communities of recently abandoned extractive industrial sitesPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersAulonia albimana accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersAulonia albimana accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-3013matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersAulonia albimana accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 6, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwiese westl. Neue Torfstiche (TK 25 no. 4447)E3: Seasonally wet and wet grasslandsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersHygrolycosa rubrofasciata accepted, Drumming Wolf Spider2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 3, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwald westl. Lobenmoor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.5: Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peatPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersHygrolycosa rubrofasciata accepted, Drumming Wolf Spider2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa agrestis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-303matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa agrestis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 8, NSG „Der Loben“, Rekultivierungsfläche – Tontagebau (TK 25 no. 4547)E5.14: Weed communities of recently abandoned extractive industrial sitesPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa alacris accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-3014matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa amentata accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa amentata accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa amentata accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-305matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa lugubris accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-3013matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa lugubris accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-304matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa lugubris accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 3, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwald westl. Lobenmoor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.5: Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peatPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa lugubris accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 4, NSG „Der Loben“, Kiefernforst – Heuweg (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa lugubris accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-303matureunknownUP 6, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwiese westl. Neue Torfstiche (TK 25 no. 4447)E3: Seasonally wet and wet grasslandsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa palustris accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa palustris accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa palustris accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 8, NSG „Der Loben“, Rekultivierungsfläche – Tontagebau (TK 25 no. 4547)E5.14: Weed communities of recently abandoned extractive industrial sitesPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa prativaga accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-3021matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa prativaga accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 6, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwiese westl. Neue Torfstiche (TK 25 no. 4447)E3: Seasonally wet and wet grasslandsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa prativaga accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-303matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa pullata accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa pullata accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-3015matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa pullata accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-305matureunknownUP 6, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwiese westl. Neue Torfstiche (TK 25 no. 4447)E3: Seasonally wet and wet grasslandsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa pullata accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-304matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPardosa saltans accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 4, NSG „Der Loben“, Kiefernforst – Heuweg (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPirata piraticus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 3, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwald westl. Lobenmoor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.5: Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peatPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPirata piraticus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPirata piscatorius accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-3016matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPirata piscatorius accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPirata tenuitarsis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPiratula hygrophila accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-306matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPiratula hygrophila accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-3047matureunknownUP 3, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwald westl. Lobenmoor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.5: Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peatPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPiratula hygrophila accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-303matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPiratula hygrophila accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-3013matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPiratula hygrophila accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 8, NSG „Der Loben“, Rekultivierungsfläche – Tontagebau (TK 25 no. 4547)E5.14: Weed communities of recently abandoned extractive industrial sitesPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPiratula latitans accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-304matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPiratula latitans accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-303matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPiratula latitans accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 6, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwiese westl. Neue Torfstiche (TK 25 no. 4447)E3: Seasonally wet and wet grasslandsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPiratula latitans accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-305matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPiratula latitans accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 8, NSG „Der Loben“, Rekultivierungsfläche – Tontagebau (TK 25 no. 4547)E5.14: Weed communities of recently abandoned extractive industrial sitesPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPiratula uliginosa accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersPiratula uliginosa accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-304matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersTrochosa ruricola accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-3010matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersTrochosa ruricola accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-305matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersTrochosa ruricola accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-3013matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersTrochosa ruricola accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 8, NSG „Der Loben“, Rekultivierungsfläche – Tontagebau (TK 25 no. 4547)E5.14: Weed communities of recently abandoned extractive industrial sitesPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersTrochosa spinipalpis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-305matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersTrochosa spinipalpis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 3, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwald westl. Lobenmoor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.5: Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peatPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersTrochosa spinipalpis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-3028matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersTrochosa spinipalpis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersTrochosa terricola accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-3043matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersTrochosa terricola accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-3021matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersTrochosa terricola accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-3052matureunknownUP 3, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwald westl. Lobenmoor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.5: Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peatPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersTrochosa terricola accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-3067matureunknownUP 4, NSG „Der Loben“, Kiefernforst – Heuweg (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersTrochosa terricola accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-3019matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersTrochosa terricola accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-3039matureunknownUP 6, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwiese westl. Neue Torfstiche (TK 25 no. 4447)E3: Seasonally wet and wet grasslandsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersTrochosa terricola accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-3022matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersTrochosa terricola accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-303matureunknownUP 8, NSG „Der Loben“, Rekultivierungsfläche – Tontagebau (TK 25 no. 4547)E5.14: Weed communities of recently abandoned extractive industrial sitesPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersXerolycosa miniata accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Lycosidae, Wolf spidersXerolycosa miniata accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-304matureunknownUP 8, NSG „Der Loben“, Rekultivierungsfläche – Tontagebau (TK 25 no. 4547)E5.14: Weed communities of recently abandoned extractive industrial sitesPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Mimetidae, Pirate spidersEro furcata accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 3, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwald westl. Lobenmoor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.5: Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peatPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Miturgidae, Prowling SpidersZora nemoralis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 8, NSG „Der Loben“, Rekultivierungsfläche – Tontagebau (TK 25 no. 4547)E5.14: Weed communities of recently abandoned extractive industrial sitesPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Miturgidae, Prowling SpidersZora silvestris accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 6, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwiese westl. Neue Torfstiche (TK 25 no. 4447)E3: Seasonally wet and wet grasslandsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Miturgidae, Prowling SpidersZora spinimana accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-303matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Miturgidae, Prowling SpidersZora spinimana accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Miturgidae, Prowling SpidersZora spinimana accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-308matureunknownUP 3, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwald westl. Lobenmoor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.5: Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peatPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Miturgidae, Prowling SpidersZora spinimana accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-306matureunknownUP 4, NSG „Der Loben“, Kiefernforst – Heuweg (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Miturgidae, Prowling SpidersZora spinimana accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-309matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Miturgidae, Prowling SpidersZora spinimana accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-304matureunknownUP 6, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwiese westl. Neue Torfstiche (TK 25 no. 4447)E3: Seasonally wet and wet grasslandsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Miturgidae, Prowling SpidersZora spinimana accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 8, NSG „Der Loben“, Rekultivierungsfläche – Tontagebau (TK 25 no. 4547)E5.14: Weed communities of recently abandoned extractive industrial sitesPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Philodromidae, Running crab spidersThanatus sabulosus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 4, NSG „Der Loben“, Kiefernforst – Heuweg (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Phrurolithidae, Guardstone SpidersPhrurolithus festivus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Phrurolithidae, Guardstone SpidersPhrurolithus minimus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Pisauridae, Nurseryweb spidersDolomedes fimbriatus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Pisauridae, Nurseryweb spidersDolomedes fimbriatus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Salticidae, Jumping spidersAttulus floricola accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 6, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwiese westl. Neue Torfstiche (TK 25 no. 4447)E3: Seasonally wet and wet grasslandsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Salticidae, Jumping spidersAttulus floricola accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-303matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Salticidae, Jumping spidersEuophrys frontalis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Salticidae, Jumping spidersEuophrys frontalis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 3, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwald westl. Lobenmoor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.5: Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peatPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Salticidae, Jumping spidersEuophrys frontalis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-303matureunknownUP 4, NSG „Der Loben“, Kiefernforst – Heuweg (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Salticidae, Jumping spidersEvarcha falcata accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Salticidae, Jumping spidersEvarcha falcata accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 4, NSG „Der Loben“, Kiefernforst – Heuweg (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Salticidae, Jumping spidersMyrmarachne formicaria accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-303matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Salticidae, Jumping spidersMyrmarachne formicaria accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Salticidae, Jumping spidersNeon reticulatus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 3, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwald westl. Lobenmoor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.5: Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peatPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Salticidae, Jumping spidersPellenes tripunctatus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 8, NSG „Der Loben“, Rekultivierungsfläche – Tontagebau (TK 25 no. 4547)E5.14: Weed communities of recently abandoned extractive industrial sitesPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Salticidae, Jumping spidersSibianor aurocinctus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 6, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwiese westl. Neue Torfstiche (TK 25 no. 4447)E3: Seasonally wet and wet grasslandsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Salticidae, Jumping spidersTalavera petrensis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Salticidae, Jumping spidersTalavera petrensis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-303matureunknownUP 4, NSG „Der Loben“, Kiefernforst – Heuweg (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Salticidae, Jumping spidersTalavera petrensis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Salticidae, Jumping spidersTalavera petrensis accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-303matureunknownUP 8, NSG „Der Loben“, Rekultivierungsfläche – Tontagebau (TK 25 no. 4547)E5.14: Weed communities of recently abandoned extractive industrial sitesPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Segestriidae, Tubeweb spidersSegestria senoculata accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-303matureunknownUP 4, NSG „Der Loben“, Kiefernforst – Heuweg (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Sparassidae, Huntsman spidersMicrommata virescens accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spidersMetellina segmentata accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spidersPachygnatha clercki accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spidersPachygnatha clercki accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 8, NSG „Der Loben“, Rekultivierungsfläche – Tontagebau (TK 25 no. 4547)E5.14: Weed communities of recently abandoned extractive industrial sitesPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spidersPachygnatha degeeri accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-305matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spidersPachygnatha degeeri accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-306matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spidersPachygnatha listeri accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-308matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spidersPachygnatha listeri accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-308matureunknownUP 3, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwald westl. Lobenmoor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.5: Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peatPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spidersAnelosimus vittatus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 8, NSG „Der Loben“, Rekultivierungsfläche – Tontagebau (TK 25 no. 4547)E5.14: Weed communities of recently abandoned extractive industrial sitesPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spidersCrustulina guttata accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spidersDipoena melanogaster accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 3, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwald westl. Lobenmoor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.5: Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peatPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spidersEnoplognatha thoracica accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-3011matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spidersEnoplognatha thoracica accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spidersEpisinus angulatus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 3, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwald westl. Lobenmoor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.5: Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peatPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spidersEpisinus angulatus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spidersEuryopis flavomaculata accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spidersEuryopis flavomaculata accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 3, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwald westl. Lobenmoor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.5: Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peatPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spidersEuryopis flavomaculata accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-303matureunknownUP 4, NSG „Der Loben“, Kiefernforst – Heuweg (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spidersRobertus arundineti accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-303matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spidersRobertus lividus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 1, NSG „Der Loben“, Weißer Acker (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spidersRobertus lividus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spidersRobertus lividus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-303matureunknownUP 3, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwald westl. Lobenmoor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.5: Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peatPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spidersRobertus lividus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 6, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwiese westl. Neue Torfstiche (TK 25 no. 4447)E3: Seasonally wet and wet grasslandsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spidersRobertus lividus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 8, NSG „Der Loben“, Rekultivierungsfläche – Tontagebau (TK 25 no. 4547)E5.14: Weed communities of recently abandoned extractive industrial sitesPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Thomisidae, Crab spidersOzyptila trux accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-305matureunknownUP 3, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwald westl. Lobenmoor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.5: Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peatPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Thomisidae, Crab spidersOzyptila trux accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-306matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Thomisidae, Crab spidersXysticus audax accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Thomisidae, Crab spidersXysticus cristatus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Thomisidae, Crab spidersXysticus cristatus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 3, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwald westl. Lobenmoor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.5: Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peatPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Thomisidae, Crab spidersXysticus cristatus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-304matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Thomisidae, Crab spidersXysticus cristatus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 8, NSG „Der Loben“, Rekultivierungsfläche – Tontagebau (TK 25 no. 4547)E5.14: Weed communities of recently abandoned extractive industrial sitesPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Thomisidae, Crab spidersXysticus kochi accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 2, NSG „Der Loben“, Altes Moor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.512: Sedge sphagnum birch woodsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Thomisidae, Crab spidersXysticus kochi accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-307matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Thomisidae, Crab spidersXysticus kochi accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 6, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwiese westl. Neue Torfstiche (TK 25 no. 4447)E3: Seasonally wet and wet grasslandsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Thomisidae, Crab spidersXysticus kochi accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 7, NSG „Der Loben“, „Luise Anna“ – Bruchfeld (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Thomisidae, Crab spidersXysticus kochi accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-3011matureunknownUP 8, NSG „Der Loben“, Rekultivierungsfläche – Tontagebau (TK 25 no. 4547)E5.14: Weed communities of recently abandoned extractive industrial sitesPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Thomisidae, Crab spidersXysticus luctator accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-303matureunknownUP 3, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwald westl. Lobenmoor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.5: Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peatPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Thomisidae, Crab spidersXysticus luctator accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 4, NSG „Der Loben“, Kiefernforst – Heuweg (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Thomisidae, Crab spidersXysticus luctuosus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 3, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwald westl. Lobenmoor (TK 25 no. 4447)G1.5: Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peatPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Thomisidae, Crab spidersXysticus luctuosus accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-3015matureunknownUP 4, NSG „Der Loben“, Kiefernforst – Heuweg (TK 25 no. 4447)G3.42: Middle European Scots pine forestsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Thomisidae, Crab spidersXysticus ulmi accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-302matureunknownUP 5, NSG „Der Loben“, Abfindungswiese – Kurze Kabbeln (TK 25 no. 4447)D4.1: Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaksPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen
Thomisidae, Crab spidersXysticus ulmi accepted2001-04-01–2001-11-301matureunknownUP 6, NSG „Der Loben“, Moorwiese westl. Neue Torfstiche (TK 25 no. 4447)E3: Seasonally wet and wet grasslandsPitfall trapGenitalsR. BekkerR. Platen

339 records, 155 species, min. 1,689 recorded specimens

Opiliones, Harvestmen

Family Species Date rangeNumberMaturitySexLocationHabitat typeSituation descr.Collection methodIdentification characteristicleg. det. vid. coll. coll. 2 CommentsTags
PhalangiidaeLacinius horridus accepted20015matureunknownNSG Der Loben (EE) bei Hohenleipisch (LO) (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapunknownR. BekkerR. Platenwird neu erfasst
PhalangiidaePhalangium opilio accepted200150matureunknownNSG Der Loben (EE) bei Hohenleipisch (LO) (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapunknownR. BekkerR. Platenwird neu erfasst
PhalangiidaeRilaena triangularis accepted20015matureunknownNSG Der Loben (EE) bei Hohenleipisch (LO) (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapunknownR. BekkerR. Platenwird neu erfasst
TrogulidaeTrogulus tricarinatus accepted20015matureunknownNSG Der Loben (EE) bei Hohenleipisch (LO) (TK 25 no. 4447)*: unknownPitfall trapunknownR. BekkerR. Platenwird neu erfasst

4 records, 4 species, min. 65 recorded specimens