Some records are also referred to by the following sources:
The following sources refer to this source:
Total: 197 records.
Family | Species | Date range | Number | Maturity | Sex | Location | Habitat type | Situation descr. | Collection method | Identification characteristic | leg. | det. | vid. | coll. | coll. 2 | Comments | Tags | ||
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spiders | Agelena labyrinthica accepted | 1938-08-05 | 1 | mature | Östlich Halbendorf/Spree (TK 25 no. 4653) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spiders | Coelotes atropos accepted | 1963-07-14 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Ibisch | ||||||||||
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spiders | Histopona torpida accepted | 1964-08-19 | 1 | mature | Georgenbad bei Neukirch/Lausitz (TK 25 no. 4951) | *: unknown | unter Stein | unknown | unknown | Jordan | |||||||||
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spiders | Inermocoelotes inermis accepted (as Coelotes inermis) | 1963-08-25 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Ibisch | ||||||||||
Agelenidae, Funnelweb spiders | Tegenaria campestris accepted | 1960-03-10 | 1 | mature | Hochkirch (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | Pitfall trap | unknown | Grelka | ||||||||||
Amaurobiidae, Laceweb spiders | Callobius claustrarius accepted (as Amaurobius claustrarius) | 1963-08-25 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Ibisch | ||||||||||
Anyphaenidae, Buzzing spiders | Anyphaena accentuata accepted | 1958-06-25 | 1 | mature | Lömischau (TK 25 no. 4753) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Aculepeira ceropegia accepted (as Araneus ceropegius) | 1957-09-09 | 1 | mature | Kubschütz (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Klausnitzer | ||||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Aculepeira ceropegia accepted (as Araneus ceropegius) | 1952-07-15 | 1 | mature | Niederkaina (TK 25 no. 4852) | *: unknown | Kartoffelfeld | unknown | unknown | ||||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Agalenatea redii accepted (as Araneus redii) | 1956-05-08 | 1 | mature | Lömischau (TK 25 no. 4753) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Höregott | ||||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Agalenatea redii accepted (as Araneus redii) | 1956-05-08 | 1 | mature | Lömischau (TK 25 no. 4753) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Höregott | ||||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Agalenatea redii accepted (as Araneus redii) | 1938-08-08 | 1 | mature | Östlich Halbendorf/Spree (TK 25 no. 4653) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Araneus alsine accepted | 1955-07-10 | 1 | mature | Guttau (TK 25 no. 4753) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Höregott | ||||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Araneus alsine accepted | 1927-09 | 1 | mature | Göda, Wiese (TK 25 no. 4851) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Starke | Wiehle | |||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Araneus diadematus accepted | 1962-06-17 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Araneus marmoreus accepted (as Araneus pyramidatus) | 1961-08-30 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | G: Woodland, forest and other wooded land | Beating tray | unknown | |||||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Araneus marmoreus accepted | 1957-07-28 | 1 | mature | Zescha (TK 25 no. 4751) | *: unknown | Eichen-Birken-Büsche | unknown | unknown | ||||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Araneus marmoreus accepted (as Araneus pyramidatus) | 1928-10-12 | 1 | mature | Neudorf/Spree (TK 25 no. 4653) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Wiehle | ||||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Araneus saevus accepted (as Aranea zimmermanni) | 1900–1949 | 1 | unknown | Mönau (TK 25 no. 4653) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Jordan | Graul | Hesse | Wiehle | |||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Araneus sturmi accepted | 1933-09-25 | 1 | mature | Czorneboh (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | am Fuß des Czorneboh, Radnetz auf Lärche | unknown | unknown | ||||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Araniella alpica accepted (as Araneus alpicus) | 1962-10-05 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Grelka, Sbieschne | ||||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Araniella cucurbitina accepted (as Araneus cucurbitinus) | 1961-08-30 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | Beating tray | unknown | |||||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Araniella displicata accepted (as Araneus displicatus) | 1959-10-04 | 1 | mature | Commerau (TK 25 no. 4753) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Araniella displicata accepted (as Araneus displicatus) | 1956-07-05 | 1 | mature | Drohmberg (TK 25 no. 4852) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Argiope bruennichi accepted (as Argyope bruennichii) | 1959-07-31 | 1 | mature | Lömischau (TK 25 no. 4753) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Argiope bruennichi accepted (as Argyope bruennichii) | 1950-09-13 | unknown | unknown | Milkeler Moor (TK 25 no. 4652) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Jordan | ||||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Argiope bruennichi accepted (as Argyope bruennichii) | 1950-08-07 | 1 | mature | Bautzen/Strehla (TK 25 no. 4852) | *: unknown | in Netz an Kartoffelkraut | unknown | unknown | Erstfund für die Oberlausitz | |||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Gibbaranea bituberculata accepted (as Araneus bituberculatus) | 1936-04 | 1 | mature | Mönau (TK 25 no. 4653) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Starke | ||||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Gibbaranea gibbosa accepted (as Araneus gibbosus) | 1960–1969 | 1 | mature | Neschwitz (TK 25 no. 4751) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Kabisch | ||||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Larinioides cornutus accepted (as Araneus cornutus) | 1957-05-25 | 1 | mature | Guttau (TK 25 no. 4753) | *: unknown | Beating tray | unknown | |||||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Larinioides cornutus accepted (as Araneus cornutus) | 1930-08-31 | 1 | mature | Wurschen (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | Teichrand | unknown | unknown | ||||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Larinioides patagiatus accepted (as Araneus ocellatus) | 1961-08-30 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | Beating tray | unknown | |||||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Larinioides patagiatus accepted (as Araneus ocellatus) | 1946-08-17 | 1 | mature | Schafberg/Niederkaina (TK 25 no. 4852) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Larinioides sclopetarius accepted (as Araneus sericatus) | 1958-06-03 | 1 | mature | Quoos (TK 25 no. 4752) | *: unknown | Teichrand | unknown | unknown | ||||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Neoscona adianta accepted (as Araneus adiantus) | 1943-07-10 | 1 | mature | Uhyst/Spree (TK 25 no. 4653) | *: unknown | Eiche | Beating tray | unknown | ||||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Nuctenea umbratica accepted (as Araneus umbraticus) | 1927-08 | 1 | mature | Göda, Wiese (TK 25 no. 4851) | *: unknown | Keller | unknown | unknown | Feurich | |||||||||
Araneidae, Orbweb spiders | Zilla diodia accepted (as Araneus diodius) | 1958-09-07 | 1 | mature | Czorneboh (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | Hochwald in Gipfelnähe | unknown | unknown | ||||||||||
Cheiracanthiidae | Cheiracanthium erraticum accepted (as Cheiracanthium dumetorum) | 1959-07-31 | 1 | mature | Lömischau (TK 25 no. 4753) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Cheiracanthiidae | Cheiracanthium erraticum accepted (as Cheiracanthium dumetorum) | 1956-06-30 | 1 | mature | Kleinsaubernitz (TK 25 no. 4753) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Höregott | ||||||||||
Cheiracanthiidae | Cheiracanthium erraticum accepted (as Cheiracanthium dumetorum) | 1956-06-30 | 1 | mature | Kleinsaubernitz (TK 25 no. 4753) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Höregott | ||||||||||
Cicurinidae | Cicurina cicur accepted | 1963-05-01 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Ibisch | ||||||||||
Clubionidae, Sac spiders | Clubiona brevipes accepted | 1967-03-03 | 1 | mature | Schafberg/Niederkaina (TK 25 no. 4852) | *: unknown | unter Rinde | unknown | unknown | Klausnitzer | |||||||||
Clubionidae, Sac spiders | Clubiona comta accepted | 1960–1969 | 12 | mature | Schafberg/Niederkaina (TK 25 no. 4852) | *: unknown | unter Rinde | unknown | unknown | Klausnitzer | |||||||||
Clubionidae, Sac spiders | Clubiona comta accepted | 1960–1969 | 5 | mature | Schafberg/Niederkaina (TK 25 no. 4852) | *: unknown | unter Rinde | unknown | unknown | Klausnitzer | |||||||||
Clubionidae, Sac spiders | Clubiona corticalis accepted | 1950-10-01 | 2 | mature | Mehltheuer/Bautzen (TK 25 no. 4852) | *: unknown | Beating tray | unknown | |||||||||||
Clubionidae, Sac spiders | Clubiona corticalis accepted | 1950-10-01 | 1 | mature | Mehltheuer/Bautzen (TK 25 no. 4852) | *: unknown | Beating tray | unknown | |||||||||||
Clubionidae, Sac spiders | Clubiona pallidula accepted | 1960–1969 | unknown | unknown | Neschwitz (TK 25 no. 4751) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Kabisch | ||||||||||
Clubionidae, Sac spiders | Clubiona phragmitis accepted | 1965-12-04 | 1 | mature | Milkeler Moor (TK 25 no. 4652) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Ibisch | ||||||||||
Clubionidae, Sac spiders | Clubiona reclusa accepted | 1963-08-25 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Ibisch | ||||||||||
Clubionidae, Sac spiders | Clubiona trivialis accepted | 1957-03-03 | 1 | mature | Schafberg/Niederkaina (TK 25 no. 4852) | *: unknown | unter Rinde | unknown | unknown | Klausnitzer | |||||||||
Cybaeidae, Soft spiders | Cryphoeca silvicola accepted | 1964-08-29 | unknown | unknown | Östlich Halbendorf/Spree (TK 25 no. 4653) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Jordan | ||||||||||
Cybaeidae, Soft spiders | Cybaeus angustiarum accepted | 1960–1969 | 1 | mature | Hochkirch (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | Pitfall trap | unknown | Grelka | sub Cybaeus tetricus | |||||||||
Dictynidae, Meshweb spiders | Argyroneta aquatica accepted | 1948-09 | 1 | mature | Lömischau (TK 25 no. 4753) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Jordan | ||||||||||
Dictynidae, Meshweb spiders | Argyroneta aquatica accepted | 1938-07-18 | 1 | mature | Milkeler Moor (TK 25 no. 4652) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Dolomedidae | Dolomedes fimbriatus accepted | 1938-09 | 1 | mature | Lömischau (TK 25 no. 4753) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Starke | ||||||||||
Dolomedidae | Dolomedes plantarius accepted | 1948-05 | 1 | mature | Lömischau (TK 25 no. 4753) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Karl Hermann Christian Jordan | Rudolf Graul | |||||||||
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spiders | Dysdera erythrina accepted | 1962-10-05 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Grelka, Sbieschne | ||||||||||
Dysderidae, Woodlouse spiders | Harpactea rubicunda accepted | 1954-03 | 1 | mature | Steinigtwolmsdorf (TK 25 no. 4952) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Ortrun G. | ||||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassodes lapidosus accepted | 1963-06-09 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | am Felsen | unknown | unknown | Ibisch | |||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassodes pubescens accepted | 1950-10-17 | 1 | mature | Drohmberg (TK 25 no. 4852) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassodes pubescens accepted | 1950-10-17 | 1 | mature | Drohmberg (TK 25 no. 4852) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Drassodes villosus accepted | 1950-10-17 | 1 | mature | Mehltheuer/Bautzen (TK 25 no. 4852) | *: unknown | Sieve | unknown | |||||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Haplodrassus signifer accepted | 1944-04-23 | 1 | mature | Rotstein (TK 25 no. 4854) | *: unknown | Waldweg, unter Birkenrinde | unknown | unknown | ||||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Micaria pulicaria s. l. species group | 1943-07-09 | 1 | mature | Lippitsch (TK 25 no. 4652) | *: unknown | unter Heidekraut | unknown | unknown | ||||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes latreillei accepted | 1966-10-16 | 1 | mature | Eisenberg/Guttau (TK 25 no. 4753) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Schiemenz | ||||||||||
Gnaphosidae, Ground spiders | Zelotes petrensis accepted | 1965-09-01 | 1 | mature | Niederspree (TK 25 no. 4655) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Bruchholz | ||||||||||
Hahniidae, Lesser cobweb spiders | Antistea elegans accepted | 1963-09-09 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | am Wasser | unknown | unknown | ||||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Abacoproeces saltuum accepted | 1965-09-01 | 1 | mature | Niederspree (TK 25 no. 4655) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Bruchholz | ||||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted (as Meioneta rurestris) | 1966-07-24 | 1 | mature | Eisenberg/Guttau (TK 25 no. 4753) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Schiemenz | ||||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Agyneta rurestris accepted (as Meioneta rurestris) | 1966-07-24 | 1 | mature | Eisenberg/Guttau (TK 25 no. 4753) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Schiemenz | ||||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Bathyphantes gracilis accepted | 1963-08-25 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Ibisch | ||||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Bathyphantes parvulus accepted | 1960–1969 | 3 | mature | Niederspree (TK 25 no. 4655) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Bruchholz | ||||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Centromerus arcanus accepted | 1963-08-25 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Ibisch | ||||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Centromerus incilium accepted (as Centromerus incilius) | 1966-07-24 | 1 | mature | Eisenberg/Guttau (TK 25 no. 4753) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Schiemenz | ||||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Drapetisca socialis accepted | 1962-10-05 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Grelka, Sbieschne | ||||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Helophora insignis accepted | 1950-10-17 | 1 | mature | Mehltheuer/Bautzen (TK 25 no. 4852) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Incestophantes crucifer accepted (as Bolyphantes crucifer) | 1957-07-28 | 1 | mature | Zescha (TK 25 no. 4751) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Linyphia hortensis accepted | 1963-05-01 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Maso sundevalli accepted | 1965-09-01 | 1 | mature | Niederspree (TK 25 no. 4655) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Bruchholz | ||||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Micrargus herbigradus accepted | 1965-07-01 | 1 | mature | Niederspree (TK 25 no. 4655) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Bruchholz | ||||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Neriene clathrata accepted (as Linyphia clathrata) | 1956-07-05 | 1 | mature | Drohmberg (TK 25 no. 4852) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Neriene emphana accepted (as Linyphia emphana) | 1958-08-07 | 1 | mature | Czorneboh (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Neriene emphana accepted (as Linyphia emphana) | 1958-08-07 | 1 | mature | Czorneboh (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Oedothorax apicatus accepted | 1965-09-01 | 1 | mature | Niederspree (TK 25 no. 4655) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Bruchholz | ||||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Pelecopsis parallela accepted | 1960–1969 | 3 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Schiemenz | ||||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Pocadicnemis pumila accepted | 1965-09-01 | 1 | mature | Niederspree (TK 25 no. 4655) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Bruchholz | ||||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Tapinocyba insecta accepted | 1965-09-01 | 2 | mature | Niederspree (TK 25 no. 4655) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Bruchholz | ||||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Tenuiphantes flavipes accepted (as Lepthyphantes flavipes) | 1965-02-20 | 1 | mature | Putzkau (TK 25 no. 4851) | J1: Buildings of cities, towns and villages | Keller | unknown | unknown | Pötsch | |||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Walckenaeria acuminata accepted | 1965-09-01 | 1 | mature | Niederspree (TK 25 no. 4655) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Bruchholz | ||||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Walckenaeria antica accepted (as Wideria antica) | 1965-09-01 | 1 | mature | Niederspree (TK 25 no. 4655) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Bruchholz | ||||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Walckenaeria atrotibialis accepted (as Walckenaeria melanocephala) | 1960–1969 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Schiemenz | ||||||||||
Linyphiidae, Money spiders | Walckenaeria furcillata accepted (as Tigellinus furcillatus) | 1966-07-24 | 1 | mature | Eisenberg/Guttau (TK 25 no. 4753) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Schiemenz | ||||||||||
Liocranidae, Running foliage spiders | Agroeca brunnea accepted | 1942-08-11 | 1 | mature | Bautzen (TK 25 no. 4852) | *: unknown | von Birnbaumrinde | unknown | unknown | Starke | |||||||||
Liocranidae, Running foliage spiders | Apostenus fuscus accepted | 1960–1969 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | feuchte Bodenschicht | unknown | unknown | Ibisch | |||||||||
Lycosidae, Wolf spiders | Alopecosa aculeata accepted | 1955-05-19 | 2 | mature | Lömischau (TK 25 no. 4753) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Höregott | ||||||||||
Lycosidae, Wolf spiders | Alopecosa barbipes accepted | 1966-04-06 | unknown | unknown | Lömischau (TK 25 no. 4753) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Lycosidae, Wolf spiders | Alopecosa fabrilis accepted | 1935-09 | 1 | mature | Kreba (TK 25 no. 4654) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Jordan | ||||||||||
Lycosidae, Wolf spiders | Alopecosa trabalis accepted | 1963-08-25 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Ibisch | ||||||||||
Lycosidae, Wolf spiders | Arctosa cinerea accepted | 1926-09-14 | 1 | mature | Östlich Halbendorf/Spree (TK 25 no. 4653) | *: unknown | auf Sandbank | unknown | unknown | Grützner | |||||||||
Lycosidae, Wolf spiders | Arctosa lutetiana accepted (as Tricca lutetiana) | 1966-07-24 | 1 | mature | Eisenberg/Guttau (TK 25 no. 4753) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Schiemenz | ||||||||||
Lycosidae, Wolf spiders | Arctosa lutetiana accepted (as Tricca lutetiana) | 1966-07-24 | 3 | mature | Eisenberg/Guttau (TK 25 no. 4753) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Schiemenz | ||||||||||
Lycosidae, Wolf spiders | Arctosa perita accepted | 1963-06-09 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | Steinbruch | unknown | unknown | Ibisch | |||||||||
Lycosidae, Wolf spiders | Pardosa amentata accepted | 1962-06-17 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unter Stein | unknown | unknown | ||||||||||
Lycosidae, Wolf spiders | Pardosa amentata accepted | 1938-08-16 | 1 | mature | Göda, Wiese (TK 25 no. 4851) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Lycosidae, Wolf spiders | Pardosa lugubris s. l. species group | 1962-06-17 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unter Stein | unknown | unknown | ||||||||||
Lycosidae, Wolf spiders | Pardosa paludicola accepted | 1962-06-17 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unter Stein | unknown | unknown | ||||||||||
Lycosidae, Wolf spiders | Pardosa pullata accepted | 1944-04-12 | 1 | mature | Seifhennersdorf, Richters Höhe (TK 25 no. 5053) | *: unknown | Grasstreifen an Kiefernschonung | unknown | unknown | ||||||||||
Lycosidae, Wolf spiders | Pardosa pullata accepted | 1944-04-12 | 1 | mature | Seifhennersdorf, Richters Höhe (TK 25 no. 5053) | *: unknown | Grasstreifen an Kiefernschonung | unknown | unknown | ||||||||||
Lycosidae, Wolf spiders | Pardosa riparia accepted (as Pardosa cursoria) | 1962-06-17 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Lycosidae, Wolf spiders | Pardosa riparia accepted (as Pardosa cursoria) | 1962-06-17 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Lycosidae, Wolf spiders | Pirata piraticus accepted | 1965-12-04 | 1 | mature | Milkeler Moor (TK 25 no. 4652) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Ibisch | ||||||||||
Lycosidae, Wolf spiders | Pirata piraticus accepted | 1965-12-04 | 1 | mature | Milkeler Moor (TK 25 no. 4652) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Ibisch | ||||||||||
Lycosidae, Wolf spiders | Pirata piscatorius accepted | 1965-12-04 | 1 | mature | Milkeler Moor (TK 25 no. 4652) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Ibisch | ||||||||||
Lycosidae, Wolf spiders | Pirata piscatorius accepted | 1965-12-04 | 1 | mature | Milkeler Moor (TK 25 no. 4652) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Ibisch | ||||||||||
Lycosidae, Wolf spiders | Pirata piscatorius accepted | 1960–1969 | immature | unknown | Milkeler Moor (TK 25 no. 4652) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Lehmann | ||||||||||
Lycosidae, Wolf spiders | Piratula latitans accepted | 1960–1969 | 1 | mature | Hochkirch (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Grelka | ||||||||||
Lycosidae, Wolf spiders | Piratula uliginosa accepted (as Pirata uliginosus) | 1965-07-01 | 1 | mature | Niederspree (TK 25 no. 4655) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Schlegel | ||||||||||
Lycosidae, Wolf spiders | Piratula uliginosa accepted (as Pirata uliginosus) | 1965-07-01 | 1 | mature | Niederspree (TK 25 no. 4655) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Bruchholz | ||||||||||
Lycosidae, Wolf spiders | Trochosa terricola accepted (as Trochosina terricola) | 1965-07-01 | 1 | mature | Niederspree (TK 25 no. 4655) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Bruchholz | ||||||||||
Lycosidae, Wolf spiders | Trochosa terricola accepted (as Trochosina terricola) | 1963-03-09 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | am Felsen | unknown | unknown | Ibisch | |||||||||
Lycosidae, Wolf spiders | Xerolycosa nemoralis accepted | 1965-07-01 | 1 | mature | Niederspree (TK 25 no. 4655) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Bruchholz | ||||||||||
Miturgidae, Prowling Spiders | Zora nemoralis accepted | 1965-09-01 | 1 | mature | Niederspree (TK 25 no. 4655) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Bruchholz | ||||||||||
Miturgidae, Prowling Spiders | Zora nemoralis accepted | 1963-08-25 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Ibisch | ||||||||||
Oxyopidae, Lynx spiders | Oxyopes ramosus accepted | 1955-07-23 | 3 | mature | Dauban (TK 25 no. 4753) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Höregott | ||||||||||
Philodromidae, Running crab spiders | Philodromus aureolus accepted | 1962-06-17 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Philodromidae, Running crab spiders | Philodromus aureolus accepted | 1957-03-03 | 1 | mature | Schafberg/Niederkaina (TK 25 no. 4852) | *: unknown | unter Rinde | unknown | unknown | Klausnitzer | |||||||||
Philodromidae, Running crab spiders | Philodromus dispar accepted | 1962-06-17 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Philodromidae, Running crab spiders | Philodromus dispar accepted | 1962-06-17 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Philodromidae, Running crab spiders | Tibellus maritimus accepted | 1959-07-31 | 1 | mature | Lömischau (TK 25 no. 4753) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Philodromidae, Running crab spiders | Tibellus maritimus accepted | 1955-07-15 | 1 | mature | Östlich Halbendorf/Spree (TK 25 no. 4653) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Höregott | ||||||||||
Pholcidae, Cellar spiders | Pholcus opilionoides accepted | 1956-08-09 | 1 | mature | Zinzendorfstraße, Bautzen (TK 25 no. 4752) | *: unknown | Keller | unknown | unknown | ||||||||||
Pholcidae, Cellar spiders | Pholcus phalangioides accepted | 1965-08-02 | 1 | mature | Zinzendorfstraße, Bautzen (TK 25 no. 4752) | *: unknown | Keller | unknown | unknown | ||||||||||
Phrurolithidae, Guardstone Spiders | Phrurolithus festivus accepted | 1965-09-01 | 1 | mature | Niederspree (TK 25 no. 4655) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Bruchholz | ||||||||||
Pisauridae, Nurseryweb spiders | Pisaura mirabilis accepted | 1947-06-15 | 1 | mature | Neschwitz (TK 25 no. 4751) | *: unknown | feuchter Wald | unknown | unknown | Starke | |||||||||
Salticidae, Jumping spiders | Asianellus festivus accepted (as Aelurillus festivus) | 1964-07-11 | 1 | mature | Eisenberg/Guttau (TK 25 no. 4753) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Schiemenz | ||||||||||
Salticidae, Jumping spiders | Euophrys frontalis accepted (as Euophrys maculata) | 1962-08-30 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Salticidae, Jumping spiders | Evarcha falcata accepted | 1940-10-11 | 1 | mature | Niedergurig (TK 25 no. 4752) | *: unknown | Sweep net | unknown | |||||||||||
Salticidae, Jumping spiders | Evarcha falcata accepted | 1940-10-11 | 1 | mature | Niedergurig (TK 25 no. 4752) | *: unknown | Sweep net | unknown | |||||||||||
Salticidae, Jumping spiders | Leptorchestes berolinensis accepted | 1964-08-14 | 3 | mature | Guttau (TK 25 no. 4753) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Jordan | ||||||||||
Salticidae, Jumping spiders | Leptorchestes berolinensis accepted | 1964-08-14 | 2 | mature | Guttau (TK 25 no. 4753) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Jordan | ||||||||||
Salticidae, Jumping spiders | Marpissa muscosa accepted | 1938-06-06 | 1 | mature | Lippitsch (TK 25 no. 4652) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Jordan | ||||||||||
Salticidae, Jumping spiders | Philaeus chrysops accepted | 1962-06-17 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | nach Basaltwand | unknown | unknown | ||||||||||
Salticidae, Jumping spiders | Phlegra fasciata accepted | 1963-07-14 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Ibisch | ||||||||||
Salticidae, Jumping spiders | Salticus scenicus accepted | 1962-08-30 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | an Basaltwand | unknown | unknown | ||||||||||
Salticidae, Jumping spiders | Sibianor aurocinctus s. l. species group (as Bianor aurocinctus) | 1938-07-18 | 2 | mature | Milkeler Moor (TK 25 no. 4652) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Salticidae, Jumping spiders | Synageles venator accepted | 1941-10-03 | 1 | mature | Östlich Halbendorf/Spree (TK 25 no. 4653) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Jordan | ||||||||||
Segestriidae, Tubeweb spiders | Segestria senoculata accepted | 1965-07-02 | 1 | mature | Bautzen (TK 25 no. 4852) | J2.5: Constructed boundaries | Hand collection | unknown | |||||||||||
Sparassidae, Huntsman spiders | Micrommata virescens accepted (as Micrommata roseum) | 1963-08-25 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Sparassidae, Huntsman spiders | Micrommata virescens accepted (as Micrommata roseum) | 1963-08-25 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spiders | Meta menardi accepted | 1960-07-16 | mature | Putzkau (TK 25 no. 4851) | *: unknown | Keller | unknown | unknown | Schade | ||||||||||
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spiders | Meta menardi accepted | 1960-07-16 | 1 | mature | Putzkau (TK 25 no. 4851) | *: unknown | Keller | unknown | unknown | Schade | |||||||||
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spiders | Metellina mengei accepted (as Meta segmentata mengei) | 1938-06-26 | 1 | mature | Kamenz (TK 25 no. 4750) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Berger | ||||||||||
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spiders | Metellina merianae accepted (as Meta merianae) | 1963-08-25 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spiders | Pachygnatha clercki accepted | 1965-12-04 | 1 | mature | Milkeler Moor (TK 25 no. 4652) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Ibisch | ||||||||||
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spiders | Pachygnatha clercki accepted | 1938-08-16 | 1 | mature | Göda, Wiese (TK 25 no. 4851) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spiders | Pachygnatha degeeri accepted | 1962-10-05 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Grelka | ||||||||||
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spiders | Tetragnatha extensa accepted | 1961-08-30 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spiders | Tetragnatha extensa accepted | 1956-06-10 | 1 | mature | Guttau (TK 25 no. 4753) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Höregott | ||||||||||
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spiders | Tetragnatha montana accepted | 1962-06-17 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spiders | Tetragnatha nigrita accepted | 1966-06-06 | 3 | mature | Guttau (TK 25 no. 4753) | *: unknown | Auwald | unknown | unknown | Hiebsch | |||||||||
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spiders | Tetragnatha obtusa accepted | 1935-08-24 | 1 | mature | Czorneboh (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spiders | Tetragnatha obtusa accepted | 1935-08-24 | 1 | mature | Czorneboh (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spiders | Tetragnatha pinicola accepted | 1962-10-05 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Grelka, Sbieschne | ||||||||||
Tetragnathidae, Long-jawed orbweb spiders | Tetragnatha pinicola accepted | 1957-05-20 | 1 | mature | Eisenberg/Guttau (TK 25 no. 4753) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spiders | Anelosimus vittatus accepted (as Theridium vittatum) | 1965-06-17 | 1 | mature | Neschwitz (TK 25 no. 4751) | *: unknown | Uferdamm mit viel Gebüsch | unknown | unknown | Sacher | |||||||||
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spiders | Crustulina guttata accepted | 1964-08-15 | 1 | mature | Guttau (TK 25 no. 4753) | *: unknown | an alter Eiche an Teich | unknown | unknown | Jordan | |||||||||
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spiders | Cryptachaea riparia accepted (as Achaearanea saxatilis) | 1963-07-14 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Ibisch | ||||||||||
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spiders | Enoplognatha ovata accepted | 1962-06-17 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spiders | Enoplognatha ovata accepted | 1957-07-28 | 1 | mature | Zescha (TK 25 no. 4751) | *: unknown | Gebüsch | unknown | unknown | ||||||||||
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spiders | Euryopis flavomaculata accepted | 1965-07-01 | 2 | mature | Niederspree (TK 25 no. 4655) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Bruchholz | ||||||||||
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spiders | Euryopis flavomaculata accepted | 1964-08-17 | 1 | mature | Kleinsaubernitz (TK 25 no. 4753) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spiders | Phylloneta impressa accepted (as Theridium impressum) | 1955-07-12 | 2 | mature | Göda, Wiese (TK 25 no. 4851) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Höregott | ||||||||||
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spiders | Phylloneta impressa accepted (as Theridium impressum) | 1950-09 | 1 | mature | Schmoritz (TK 25 no. 4852) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spiders | Phylloneta sisyphia accepted (as Theridium sisyphum) | 1960–1969 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spiders | Robertus lividus accepted (as Ctenium lividum) | 1964-07-11 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | Pitfall trap | unknown | Schiemenz | ||||||||||
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spiders | Steatoda bipunctata accepted | 1957-03-03 | 1 | mature | Schafberg/Niederkaina (TK 25 no. 4852) | *: unknown | unter Rinde | unknown | unknown | ||||||||||
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spiders | Steatoda bipunctata accepted | 1957-03-03 | 1 | mature | Schafberg/Niederkaina (TK 25 no. 4852) | *: unknown | unter Rinde | unknown | unknown | ||||||||||
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spiders | Theridion pictum accepted (as Theridium pictum) | 1965-06-17 | 1 | mature | Neschwitz (TK 25 no. 4751) | *: unknown | Teichrand | unknown | unknown | Sacher | |||||||||
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spiders | Theridion varians accepted (as Theridium varians) | 1960–1969 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Theridiidae, Comb-footed spiders | Theridion varians accepted (as Theridium varians) | 1960–1969 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Thomisidae, Crab spiders | Cozyptila blackwalli accepted (as Ozyptila blackwalli) | 1962-10-05 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Grelka, Sbieschne | ||||||||||
Thomisidae, Crab spiders | Diaea dorsata accepted | 1957-05-25 | 1 | mature | Eisenberg/Guttau (TK 25 no. 4753) | *: unknown | Beating tray | unknown | |||||||||||
Thomisidae, Crab spiders | Ebrechtella tricuspidata accepted (as Misumenops tricuspidatus) | 1956-06-20 | 3 | mature | Guttau (TK 25 no. 4753) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Höregott | ||||||||||
Thomisidae, Crab spiders | Ebrechtella tricuspidata accepted (as Misumenops tricuspidatus) | 1935-08-24 | 1 | mature | Czorneboh (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | Sweep net | unknown | |||||||||||
Thomisidae, Crab spiders | Misumena vatia accepted | 1935-08-24 | 1 | mature | Czorneboh (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Thomisidae, Crab spiders | Ozyptila claveata accepted (as Ozyptila nigrita) | 1966-10-13 | 1 | mature | Eisenberg/Guttau (TK 25 no. 4753) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Schiemenz | ||||||||||
Thomisidae, Crab spiders | Pistius truncatus accepted | 1956-06-20 | 1 | mature | Lömischau (TK 25 no. 4753) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Höregott | ||||||||||
Thomisidae, Crab spiders | Synema globosum accepted | 1965-06-22 | 1 | mature | Lömischau (TK 25 no. 4753) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Höregott | ||||||||||
Thomisidae, Crab spiders | Thomisus onustus accepted | 1959-09-30 | 1 | mature | Kleinsaubernitz (TK 25 no. 4753) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Höregott | ||||||||||
Thomisidae, Crab spiders | Tmarus piger accepted | 1957-05-25 | 1 | mature | Eisenberg/Guttau (TK 25 no. 4753) | *: unknown | Laubbäume | Beating tray | unknown | ||||||||||
Thomisidae, Crab spiders | Xysticus audax accepted | 1962-06-17 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Thomisidae, Crab spiders | Xysticus cristatus accepted | 1926-06-17 | 1 | mature | Göda, Wiese (TK 25 no. 4851) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Feurich | ||||||||||
Thomisidae, Crab spiders | Xysticus erraticus accepted | 1958-07-28 | 1 | mature | Lömischau (TK 25 no. 4753) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | |||||||||||
Thomisidae, Crab spiders | Xysticus kochi accepted (as Xysticus kochii) | 1964-07-11 | 1 | mature | Strohmberg (TK 25 no. 4853) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Schiemenz | ||||||||||
Thomisidae, Crab spiders | Xysticus luctuosus accepted | 1965-07-01 | 1 | mature | Niederspree (TK 25 no. 4655) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Bruchholz | ||||||||||
Thomisidae, Crab spiders | Xysticus ulmi accepted | 1965-07-01 | 2 | mature | Niederspree (TK 25 no. 4655) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Bruchholz | ||||||||||
Uloboridae, Cribellate orbweb spiders | Hyptiotes paradoxus accepted (as Uptiotes paradoxus) | 1955-07-21 | 1 | mature | Lömischau (TK 25 no. 4753) | *: unknown | unknown | unknown | Höregott | ||||||||||
197 records, 151 species, min. 234 recorded specimens